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A well known agent account on here said that Minds.com censors. Here are the search results from Minds if you search the term "jews"

submitted by we_kill_creativity to SocialMedia 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 11:19:13 ago (+9/-3)     (www.minds.com)


I was helping them alpha and beta test back in the day when they launched a grassroots investment campaign on a platform called WeFunder. The idea of WeFunder is that it lets little guys like me get in on the initial round of investing for amounts as small as $100, which is what I did. So, full disclosure...I'm literally invested in Minds, basically as a way to literally put my money where my mouth was at that time.

I don't just say that to disclose it to you, but also because, as an investor, if they do in fact lie about being free speech and, unduly, censor, I have every right to, and would take it up with them officially.

Considering that I was watching a podcast interview on Minds, with either their CEO Bill Ottman, or his dad, their CTO (It was years ago and I've watched several interviews of both), and they described their intent being that Minds would become the 4chan of social media platforms, and then the host said something along the lines of "Yeah, it would be great to have a social media platform that let people talk about controversial things like jewish conspiracy theories...etc." and whoever they were interviewing didn't oppose it...I don't think censorship should be too much of a problem.

But anyways, when Minds was first starting to "get known", I didn't say much here because I wan't to see how it grew, sans me...but I did see a lot of posts/comments here almost robotically saying they got kicked off Minds...but NEVER showing any proof...so...here's your chance boys. Post the fucking proof.

8 comments block

[ - ] insanitea 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 17:48:41 ago (+0/-0)

This was back in 2021. https://files.catbox.moe/wygh4f.png

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 17:55:16 ago (+0/-0)

So the censorship is that it got marked NSFW? I'm confused.

[ - ] insanitea 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 17:56:43 ago (+0/-0)

It got marked for "profanity" and thus wasn't visible to anyone, not even myself.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 18:30:46 ago (+0/-0)

Hmm...I definitely see NSFW content on my normal feed. It looks like there's a simple setting to let NSFW content appear like normal content. Were you aware of that setting?

[ - ] insanitea 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 18:33:51 ago (+0/-0)*

Yes I was, and it made no difference. The post was completely hidden. If it was simply marked NSFW why would I be given an option to "appeal" in the first place?

[ - ] we_kill_creativity [op] 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 18:56:27 ago (+0/-0)


Based on what I read there^ they have defined "sensitive commentary on race, religion, or gender. " as NSFW. I remember this now and I remember it being not very popular with a lot of people, but...the phrase is literally Not Safe For Work and you can see how that kind of conversation would not be safe for people to view at work. According to their policy they aren't deleting NSFW content, just marking it as such so people have the ability to filter it out of their feeds.

That shouldn't mean that your post isn't visible to people though. I can't explain that. Did you ask them about it?

The original link I posted is the search results for "jews", and it's clearly visible.

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 14:12:51 ago (+0/-0)

I forget why I stopped using minds. I think I just had too many other social medias. Maybe I should go back if they let you talk shit about jews.

[ - ] Monica 0 points 4 monthsFeb 3, 2024 15:15:13 ago (+0/-0)

Same here. I used to have an account there. I forget what the username was.
