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A Close Look Into The Rubbish City that negroes survive on by scavenging through trash. Thank God we live around White people.. | Welcome To Lagos | Part 1 | Documentary Central

submitted by oppressed to RaceRealism 3 monthsFeb 21, 2024 22:03:37 ago (+0/-0)     (www.youtube.com)


Incredible documentary produced by White English people, about a Black city that lives off scavenging through their giant trash dump heap.

The doc has a sympathetic and compassionate English man narrating, with peaceful and happy music, which is quite contrary to the Lagos society he is showing. He is looking at a horrifying society through a brainwashed libtarded White perspective. The doc should have scary music and race realistic narration. But it doesn't at all question whether the Black race is even equal when considering the societies it builds. Racial reality is the elephant in the room the English narrator won't say.

Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKdxCY152Eo

The bottom line is negroes need White people and White welfare checks to have wellbeing, otherwise they should do work at the wise direction of the White man.

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