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The jewish messianic prophecy is to destroy the European peoples

submitted by NationalSocialism to WakeUpWhitePeople 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 05:22:14 ago (+30/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


What is the belief in Moshiach?

One of the principles of Jewish faith enumerated by Maimonides is that one day there will arise a dynamic Jewish leader, a direct descendant of the Davidic dynasty, who will rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem, and gather Jews from all over the world and bring them back to the Land of Israel.

All the nations of the world will recognize Moshiach to be a world leader, and will accept his dominion. In the messianic era there will be world peace, no more wars nor famine, and, in general, a high standard of living.

All mankind will worship one G‑d, and live a more spiritual and moral way of life. The Jewish nation will be preoccupied with learning Torah and fathoming its secrets.

The coming of Moshiach will complete G‑d’s purpose in creation: for man to make an abode for G‑d in the lower worlds—that is, to reveal the inherent spirituality in the material world.

I wonder which group is helping the jewish cause…

10 comments block

[ - ] drhitler 5 points 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 09:22:01 ago (+5/-0)

Whats their problem with Japan then, they are trying to do the same thing there and why?
because they didn't let jews in to cause trouble so they have to go in and cause trouble

fuck i hate jews so much.

[ - ] didyouknow 4 points 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 07:53:21 ago (+4/-0)*

And they are using their international jewish network whose agents have infiltrated every government out there to force world events to fulfill this 'prophecy' of destroying the Europeans in order to set the stage for the arrival of their Moshiach.

This pretty much shows that the top leaders of world jewry are Rabbis, Chabad Rabbis. That's why every country has their own Chief Rabbi. Even Iran, who is supposedly against 'ZOG', have their own Chief Rabbi that has ties to Chabad. Look up Yehuda Gerami.

The Rabbis are the script writers and they give out the orders to the jews under them on what actions to take, which is all centered around bringing forth the fulfillment of the 'prophecy' of Isaiah. And it does not matter if these jews who work under these Rabbis are religious or not, it's in their interest too because this 'prophecy' is all about giving the jews the wealth of all nations and to became the ultimate ruler of the world, which feeds into their supremacists views that they already hold.
You will always find a so-called secular jew, even a jew that's an athiest, still cling to the concept of jews being the 'chosen ones' which comes straight from Judaism.

[ - ] Smedleys_Butler 4 points 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 10:39:35 ago (+4/-0)

You can't force God's hand with self fulfilling prophecy. Most Christians know this, but the ones still blue pilled will not object cause they see things lining up with their own end times beliefs, etc

[ - ] drhitler 2 points 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 09:28:42 ago (+2/-0)

its all bullshit they want to do the same thing to Japan because they resisted letting them in to cause trouble for so long they are the enemy and they need to get revenge by going to Japan and causing trouble.

Basically if you don't let jews fuck you over you are their enemy and they need to get revenge, pathologically psychotic people they will come up with any reason to destroy you if you don't let them destroy your country.

In Palestine they present peace treaties and you either sign them and let them take the land or they take it anyway and if you fight back they call you a terrorist for rejecting peace deals.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 3 monthsFeb 29, 2024 12:09:31 ago (+0/-0)

Yassir Arafat rejected a peace deal which would have given them 99% of what they asked for

[ - ] doginventer 1 point 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 11:43:53 ago (+1/-0)

And in those times there shall many stand up against the king of the south: also the robbers of thy people shall exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall.

Daniel 11:14

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 3 points 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 09:10:43 ago (+3/-0)

The coming of Moshiach will complete G‑d’s purpose in creation: for man to make an abode for G‑d in the lower worlds

this is pure kabbalah esoteric teaching or thought. they cant even name God, like the true luciferians that they are

[ - ] ProudRebel 2 points 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 07:47:49 ago (+2/-0)

Yep, the niggers are coming for us.

[ - ] dass 1 point 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 13:51:13 ago (+1/-0)

Nah, they forget to mention the part during that where the entire world will hate and revile them (bc they are the chosen ones) culminating in Armageddon - thye already have the unblemished red heifers , they already have 500 'pure' rabbis (levites from birth grown up in a completely enclosed compound dug into bedrock) to do the rituals of the third temple - and thye have just completed the water libartion ritual for the breaking of the temple ground - plusd its also why jews pray at the western wall by their own religious rules they arte not even allowed on the top of the mount yet (until the third temple).

[ - ] boekanier 1 point 3 monthsFeb 28, 2024 06:31:04 ago (+1/-0)

yes, we are so baaaad, please destroy us