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27 comments block

[ - ] KosherHiveKicker 8 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 13:55:43 ago (+8/-0)

"It's NOT the Jews!" @Joe_McCarthy

[ - ] Sunman_Omega 4 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 16:40:09 ago (+4/-0)

I bet that @Joe_McCarthy has some missing children in his basement.

[ - ] osomperne 2 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 21:28:14 ago (+2/-0)

is that one of the pedos on this site?

[ - ] shitface9000 0 points 2 monthsApr 3, 2024 16:47:13 ago (+0/-0)

you're the head pedo so you should konw already

[ - ] NuckFiggers 5 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 18:24:13 ago (+5/-0)*

When I was in boarding school I got paired up with a kid who had very, very different music tastes than I. At the time we got along and I played music a lot. He didn't like my stuff but eventually he started requesting different songs when I started playing. Then he would ask me to start playing music, then he ended up buying the music on his own. That's when I realized how easy it is to convert someone to different styles of music. This is constantly seen with nigger music. At its bare, nigger music is nothing more than grunting over beats of something resembling a tune. If you listen to daytime tv commercials (you shouldn't ever watch commercials otherwise) the background music is the simplest, most childish tune that easily soaks into your brain. Make a beat of it and put some nigger mawping over it and that's nigger music.

In the past couple decades jews have played it everywhere and as idiots soak it up they soak up the messages they puts through it. It's impossible not to see that nigger music is just programming the masses. jews use it because a) its simplicity makes it easy to manipulate and easy to hide; most people don't even realize it's there and b) niggers have no problem doing evil shit for money. They will gladly sell out.

There have been a number of artists that have been asked to use their music for this purpose (Iggy Pop comes to mind and maybe Neil Young but he's a faggot pedo) and they've not only refused but changed their music so it could never be used for this purpose. Niggers do the opposite; they will have kikes in the studio to make it easier to use to brainwash people. Amazingly, there is the rare nigger that opposes this and will make raps that do the opposite. When that happens they are immediately cast out. We all saw how desperate they were to silence Kanye. Ice Cube is another and I know he lost a lot of money for it. Imagine what they would do to lesser known and poorer niggers.

This isn't anything new. They have been doing this since the diseased boomer hippies were raping kids at the original Woodstock. I love music but it's unfortunate it's so often used to manipulate and brainwash people.

I should mention something about the band Kiss who are a good example of much of what I've said here. No one in the band has ever been especially good with instruments and they don't write great songs. Their tunes are like nigger music- at their core they are basically commercial jingles hidden behind retarded jewy scary imagery and fucking children. They've never been good but they are all flash and fakeness, which most people love. No surprise that they are the most jewish band out there. It's no wonder there are several Kiss songs about fucking underage children.

[ - ] shitface9000 4 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 21:22:39 ago (+4/-0)

Knights in Satans Service

[ - ] NaturalSelectionistWorker 3 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 18:34:20 ago (+3/-0)

I knew Kiss was a kike band but didn't know they'd done kid fucking songs. But yeah, there was a plan by kikes in the 80s to use gangsta rap to make niggers even more niggery. It worked and bled over into everyone else's culture too.

[ - ] we_kill_creativity 1 point 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 18:53:19 ago (+1/-0)

But yeah, there was a plan by kikes in the 80s to use gangsta rap to make niggers even more niggery. It worked and bled over into everyone else's culture too.

I like to watch old sportball TV broadcast. It's neat to compare and contrast past and present cultures that way. It's genuinely striking to listen to them interview the black players back then, who honestly sounded more intelligent than the a lot of white people today.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 0 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 19:51:23 ago (+0/-0)

Gene Simmons is the biggest kike there is. He's said he feels like an alien in the US and his home will always be pissrael. He pushes US soldiers fighting kike wars. He has also stolen songs and has changed them a little as possible that he can take credit for them. He sings about rapid kids, he has had plastic surgery to look less jewy, he's pretty much every jew stereotype.

[ - ] dingbat 5 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 15:53:07 ago (+5/-0)

I like this guy’s work. He does good deep dives and is spreading awareness without fear. Good that he’s on TikTok too.

[ - ] NoRefunds 3 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 16:50:43 ago (+3/-0)

I'm so surprised he's not banned/arrested yet, he's more effective than gypsy crusader or even HT as he can get a wider normie audience

[ - ] dingbat 2 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 19:55:54 ago (+2/-0)

I agree, way more effective. He’s very straightforward and to the point without acting like an edgelord/retard.

[ - ] osomperne 3 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 21:29:00 ago (+3/-0)

something about the way he talks.

[ - ] KosherHiveKicker 5 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 13:55:12 ago (+5/-0)


If only I could upvote this more than once.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz 3 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 17:52:00 ago (+3/-0)

i believe that sports athletes are involved too. the penn state nambla scandal with paterno and sandusky were just the tip of the proverbial iceberg

in other words, our culture is a joke and its putrid too full of criminals, bad actors etc etc etc

here i thought that the soviets were the only ones that engaged in "kompromat" boy i was very very wrong

[ - ] Warden 2 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 17:42:47 ago (+2/-0)*

Rest assured, Diddy won’t be spending life in prison, I doubt they’ll bother even arresting him. Jew mafia will kill him, if they haven’t already killed him, and it’ll be this big mystery: “WHERE did Diddy go?”. Diddy knows too much about Jewish mafia blackmail operations, he knows who’s involved in them, who the main targets are, and probably knows about several of these ops outside of the one he was tapped to run. He won’t get the fake suicide jailbreak, or the plastic surgery and new identity that Epstein got.
Diddy’s fucked, he knows too much and he isn’t a jew, they can’t/won’t risk having him end up in prison where he is still able to talk.

[ - ] oyy_veyy_goyy 2 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 14:57:42 ago (+2/-0)

Blackpilled was one of the first guys to cover this a month ago, which you can check out here: https://odysee.com/@Blackpilled:b/poofdaddy:2

[ - ] Warden 0 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 17:11:43 ago (+0/-0)

I think JFG covered it before Devon did, and with a lot more depth. But Devon always does good breakdowns so this isn’t a bad vid to watch anyway.

[ - ] osomperne 0 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 21:30:36 ago (+0/-0)

one of the first guys to cover this a month ago

what was the purpose in saying that?

[ - ] oyy_veyy_goyy 0 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 21:37:15 ago (+0/-0)

I dunno, that was just something he said in his last livestream.

[ - ] osomperne 0 points 2 monthsApr 2, 2024 12:16:41 ago (+0/-0)

why did you specify he did it first?

[ - ] oyy_veyy_goyy 0 points 2 monthsApr 2, 2024 13:29:54 ago (+0/-0)

I said he was ONE of the first, not THE first. And as I already said, Blackpilled mentioned it in his last livestream that he was one of the first ring-wing guys to cover this shit. The dude in the videos OP posted was also one of the first it seems, it's just that it's been picking up more steam now since diddy apparently fled the country a few days ago.

[ - ] osomperne 0 points 1 monthApr 4, 2024 23:59:22 ago (+0/-0)

i feel like you still didn't answer my question but ok

[ - ] Warden 1 point 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 17:02:00 ago (+2/-1)*

I didn’t watch this whole thing, but I know Diddy had a jewish boyfriend in the music industry when he first started his career, so what you’re seeing here is more than likely a part of a jewish blackmail op that Diddy was tapped to be the public face of, an op the producers could use to rape rappers profits without pushback, and to force them to promote whatever agendas they wanted, very much like the Epstein deal at first….but the op eventually evolved into something Diddy was personally using on other rappers and various other powerful people to extort cash/sex from them, and when he finally tried to use this tactic on one of the wealthy jews out there who is also connected to jewish mafia and the ZOG, that jew unleashed the power of the DOJ on Diddy’s ass.
Game over…

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 2 monthsApr 1, 2024 20:17:27 ago (+0/-0)

Pdiddy saw his managers ass and went in it quick

Givin' up the dollar bills

Now they got the Villain with a purse and high-heels

Cause you let a Jew break up my crew

Half-pint bitch, fuckin' your homeboys
You little maggot, Pdiddy turned faggot
With your manager, homey

But if they were smart as me
Pdiddy would be hangin' from a tree

Oh yea the villian does get fucked wit no vaseline.

[ - ] DoYouEvenShit [op] 0 points 1 monthApr 12, 2024 10:47:34 ago (+0/-0)

is that supposed to rhyme?

go be an n word talking about n words somewhere else

[ - ] DoYouEvenShit [op] 0 points 1 monthApr 12, 2024 10:47:57 ago (+0/-0)

is that supposed to rhyme?

go be an n word somewhere else