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It's official, the next pandemic is being rolled out: Sick employee in Toronto CA just got told by doctors that he has 'the Bird Flu'

submitted by Glowbright to tellupgoat_based_edition 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 16:50:15 ago (+19/-0)     (tellupgoat_based_edition)

I have an employee on my Canada team that has been out sick for the past few days. Today he reported that he went to the doctor and they told him that he is officially diagnosed with 'the Bird Flu'. Recently I have seen news reports from the US about a avian flu out break in a poultry farm but I had not seen anything like this from Canada. I expect that the hype around this is about to be ramped up to 100, just in time for the election season

30 comments block

[ - ] Version6 7 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 18:27:56 ago (+7/-0)

Oooo the bird flu. Watch out kids the real flu will magically disappear again..

[ - ] Glowbright [op] 2 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 19:01:36 ago (+2/-0)

lol. yep.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 21:59:57 ago (+0/-0)

4000 cases of heart disease 1000 cases of bird flu which one is more profitable for jew controlled countries to practice more tyranny for compliance?

[ - ] Sector2 2 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 17:21:10 ago (+2/-0)

He should look for a real doctor.

[ - ] Glowbright [op] 2 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 17:33:42 ago (+2/-0)

For the record, this is someone I personally know that has worked for me for several years. He reports being very sick and he went to the hospital because of specific and concerning symptoms. He reported that it is fucking with his vision, can't see properly, can't drive.

It may not be the bird flu and it may not be deadly or even serious, but he definitely is sick with something

[ - ] Sector2 2 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 18:01:11 ago (+2/-0)

I was being slightly facetious, as almost all 'official doctors' are trained in medical schools. He's clearly not a bird though. The normal flu can put you down for days, and even result in death if you have poor health. Give him a week or two off to recover if it's the flu.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 22:03:18 ago (+0/-0)

He reported that it is fucking with his vision, can't see properly, can't drive.

Did the doc as if it started looking like the video to "We all live in a yellow submarine"?

Then it definitely isn't bird flu.

He may be suffering from lysergic acid diethylamide.

[ - ] Ragnar 1 point 5 monthsApr 10, 2024 00:13:58 ago (+1/-0)

Underrated comment

[ - ] PeckerwoodPerry 1 point 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 17:08:46 ago (+1/-0)

It's not going to work again. If it's not actually deadly, it'll never work. I need to see stacks of bodies, in person not on the Internet, before I even consider another pandemic. I need to see people dropping dead in the street before that fear tactic can have any effect on me. Maybe that's the plan, maybe they saved the deadly shit for this year, but if I don't see that shit happening in real life they can suck both of my nuts and kiss my ass.

[ - ] Glowbright [op] 1 point 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 17:25:21 ago (+1/-0)

I think you underestimate the stupidity of sheep. It will totally work again. Even if the sheep all wake up, the fact that we let the tyrants be tyrants with out hanging them means they will be tyrants again. This will continue until we start putting them on trial and hanging them.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 22:05:32 ago (+0/-0)

OMG! Homophobe! This mxn still has his nuts!!

[ - ] SilentByAssociation 1 point 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 17:51:34 ago (+1/-0)

You'll also find me not participating this time, either. I only hope enough people were sufficiently fed up last time for it to be a big deal.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 22:01:21 ago (+0/-0)

What happened last time other than the pandemic of the unvaccinated and the vaccinated dying of selfish non vaccinated climate change?

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 17:34:08 ago (+0/-0)

Texas had a bird flu case, last week.

But the next pandemic won't have the same roll out without massive confirmed deaths, and even then not likely.

People have won tons of cash and set precedent refusing the lockdowns.

[ - ] Glowbright [op] 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 17:42:13 ago (+0/-0)

You could be right... but I fully expect the tyrants that seized upon the covid pandemic to gather power and suppress individual freedoms will attempt a repeat. I also expect that this will be heartily supported by many businesses. The US government handed out over a trillion dollars in the form of 'PPP loans' that did not need to be paid back and most of that went to big business. That amount of hand-outs buys you a lot of goodwill. Big business made billions and small businesses went out of business. This was to plan and they want to do it again. The point was too destabilize the world order and they are not done

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 22:11:40 ago (+0/-0)

The point was too destabilize the world order and they are not done

But as usual the yid got too greedy overplayed its hand and lost the narrtive.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 5 monthsApr 10, 2024 06:49:34 ago (+0/-0)

But that's the point. Yes. Some companies got PPP money, and Congress was grilled for it. Other business refused to shutdown and when forced, sued. Those people made hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions in some cases. This set precedent in their respective states. The awarded damages, this time, will be exponentially higher, because the states knew better. Fewer people will self lockdown and more people will resist harder. The covid lockdowns backfired. The government got less actual direct control of the people, even though the did pass legislation that makes it easier to surveil and monitor people.

[ - ] Anus_Expander 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 17:46:01 ago (+0/-0)

fire that faggot

[ - ] Glowbright [op] 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 17:50:44 ago (+0/-0)

I'm fine with him as long as he comes back in before he runs out of sick time. I don't think he is lying about not feeling well

[ - ] Looneyskiproony 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 17:50:04 ago (+0/-0)

Not playing this time either. We did nothing the last time and caught nothing. So tiresome.

[ - ] Glowbright [op] 1 point 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 17:53:25 ago (+1/-0)

You may be forced to play. The tyrants from the last time are still power. The fact that we did not have massive tribunals and executions means that they will go even harder this time

[ - ] Clubberlang 1 point 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 22:08:48 ago (+1/-0)

The fact that we did not have massive tribunals and executions means that they will go even harder this time.

You can fucking count on it.

This time they are armed with data collected in real time by experimenting on the world and they know how far they can push until you push back.

The psyop will play into these weaknesses.

[ - ] Portmanure 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 17:59:28 ago (+0/-0)

They’re going to need bodies in the streets to sell the next pandemic show.

[ - ] Glowbright [op] 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 19:03:24 ago (+0/-0)

I don't think that they feel like they have to sell it this time. They know that most people will just roll over and take it up the ass because that is what most people did last time. This time they will not even bother with lube

[ - ] Portmanure 1 point 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 19:39:01 ago (+1/-0)

You’re right, I guess to sell it to me is what I really meant. And I don’t mean the theatrics the Chinese put on in the beginning with people dropping in the streets on camera, they stopped doing that after they got buy in by the mass media. I’m talking Stephen King “The Stand” bodies dropping, then I might believe it.

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 22:06:05 ago (+0/-0)

Cue the late night soros vans!

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 21:58:12 ago (+0/-0)

What happened to everyone catching Mpox?

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 22:45:04 ago (+0/-0)

They are already culling millions of chickens. You know, just in case. Totally not to starve the populace.

On unrelated news, you're going to have to register each of your chickens at home.

[ - ] Not_C 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 23:05:26 ago (+0/-0)

Government's July 2023 Avian Flu report - Cases of HPAI have been reported by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) in both commercial poultry and backyard flocks in most provinces since 2021. Over seven and a half million commercial poultry and egg-producing birds have been culled across Canada as of July 2023.

So yeah, in the first 2.5 years since they started testing for "bird flu", they forced producers to cull over 7.5 million birds in Canada.

They started with birds, because it's relatively cheap and quick to repopulate a poultry farm. And stock growers were less likely to fight back.
This gave them the ability to write the laws and close all of the loopholes before moving on to pork and beef.

But now they have all of the laws in place to destroy any and all pig farms and cattle ranches at will. Because "Avian Flu" has mutated.

[ - ] Nosferatjew 0 points 5 monthsApr 9, 2024 23:43:39 ago (+0/-0)

lol w/e