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What Henry Ford wrote about the jewish control of the liquor industry. (audio, 1hr31min)

submitted by Dingo to Booze 1 monthApr 13, 2024 17:26:36 ago (+28/-0)     (www.vanguardnewsnetwork.com)


Three chapters from Henry Fords "The International Jew" regarding thier involvement in the liquor trade. It's a fascinating bit of history and politics. Clearly, the food industry is under the same bullshit fuckery and this reading has permanently changed the way I read labels.

10 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 5 points 1 monthApr 13, 2024 17:53:08 ago (+5/-0)

THe Bronfmans were the liquor company in Canada responsible for shipping booze to Chicago and their Murder incorporated jewish mafia friends. The liberal federal government helped them.

In the 1920's a Conservative politician got up in Parliament and wouldn't yield the floor while he called them out on it to force the media to cover it.

The liberals were forced to stop the illegal exportation of liquor to the US.

The Bromfmans rerouted their booze to Cuba and brought their human trafficking animal prostitutes, amd gambling and drugs and gay rights slowly took over. They destroyed the morals of enough Cubans to make a mess of the country. The Rockefeller/Bronfman hag jew Fidel Castro was eventually produced as their saviour.

A few years ago the 1920s Conservative politician/s name Henry Moore was being passed around on the internet, so psychopathic academics sent their slave students out to knock down his statue and call him racist so google results would turn only that up.

Steven Bronfman has ben justin trudeau's handler his entire life. THe kid was provided as a playmate to pour luciferian theosphy or kabballa (same thing) into the word processing section of his brain, and make him believe the entire universe had selected him and only him as a saviour and the people are just a collective and inferior to his specialness. The exact same method was used in the Bronfan's NXIUM cult, the Jim Jons cult, Charley Manon and the Heaven's gate cult and Scientology. They use smarmy Dale Carnegy word manipulation as well, and so does the Social Science faculty of very college and University.

THe socialists in Cuba, like the socialists of the USSR put the gays in Umapp work camps (gulags) and worked them to death because that's what liberalism is.

THe name Bromfman means liquor man in yiddish. So like all jews they're the real mindless automotans and collective with no individualism that's totally controlled by words.

[ - ] Dingo [op] 3 points 1 monthApr 13, 2024 18:13:16 ago (+3/-0)

Yes. I know. :)

Good info though, everything you've written does check out. If I recall, the bronfmans were working with myer lanski and his minions to import it across the great lakes. The drive between Chicago and St. Louis was the route many of these gangsters would take and there are hotels all along that strip that have "hideaway" places in the rooms so you can hide your bootleg during your stay. Clearly, getting it banned in various places was part of how they created a monopoly internationally

[ - ] Deplorablepoetry 3 points 1 monthApr 13, 2024 20:43:30 ago (+3/-0)

Fucking awesome post goat!

I appreciate everything you said except your definition of liberalism . Liberal party of canada is not liberal by any measure, it’s a blatant dictatorship.

Liberal was once not a curse word……., also FUCK TRUDEAU

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 1 point 1 monthApr 13, 2024 23:42:15 ago (+1/-0)

According to the census of Jews in 1764–1765, about 80 percent of the Jews living in villages and about 14 percent of those living in towns and cities were involved in these activities. In Podlasie, Podolia, and Mazovia, innkeepers made up some 55 percent of the total Jewish population.

Jews’ profits were based on their increasing turnover in the taverns, enabling them to earn not only the necessary funds to pay the rent but also additional income. In order to do this, they often had to give peasants beer and vodka on credit. If the latter defaulted, the estate’s administration would not hesitate to collect these debts for the Jewish tavernkeeper. This method of debt collection sometimes brought peasant farms to ruin, a source of conflict between peasants and Jews. Conflicts were also prompted by the fact that tavernkeepers were often provided with agricultural allotments and a certain amount of the corvée labor owed by peasants to their lord (pańszczyzna). Peasants often complained that Jewish tavernkeepers forced them to work on Sundays and Christian holidays. On the other hand, many taverns employed non-Jewish servants, with good relations often the rule. Cases of female Christian servants being made pregnant by their Jewish employers also occurred.

In the eighteenth century, the nobility began to oppose the leasing of taverns to Jews, arguing that Jews were bringing the peasant farms to ruin. At that time, however, there were only a few isolated cases of Jewish tavernkeepers being driven out. This was because no one else was willing to assume the leases, and the landowners had no intention of giving up income from these sources. In the second half of the century, participants in debates over the future of the Polish state often argued that Jews’ rights to lease taverns and breweries should be rescinded since Jewish tavernkeepers were responsible for peasants’ excessive drinking. At the Four-Year Sejm (1788–1792), this idea was even incorporated into draft legislation for social and cultural reform of the Jews.


[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 1 monthApr 13, 2024 23:46:20 ago (+1/-0)

I've been listening to The International jew while walking my dog. It's certainly interesting hearing him talk about the same exact shit we are currently dealing with, though to a lesser extent.

[ - ] Dingo [op] 1 point 1 monthApr 14, 2024 00:07:53 ago (+1/-0)

I too have been listening on long walks. I also thought the same thing, in that it's crazy how we are dealing with the exact same shit and how long and deep these scams go. If they were going through this shit then, and it was 100 years ago, then how the fuck is it going to change any time soon. It seems blackpilling, but once you strip the need to tell everyone about it away then you start working out and trying other options to just strip away what you can from their system.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 1 monthApr 14, 2024 00:16:28 ago (+1/-0)

It seems blackpilling

We must understand the situation we are in. That's just facing reality.

[ - ] TheBigGuyFromQueens 0 points 1 monthApr 14, 2024 02:00:55 ago (+0/-0)

I have read parts of it. If I had child, it would be required reading in my homeschooling curriculum by 7th or 8th grade.

[ - ] TomMacdonald 1 point 1 monthApr 14, 2024 01:07:44 ago (+1/-0)

Vnn used to be really good. I haven't really visited in years

[ - ] Dingo [op] 0 points 1 monthApr 14, 2024 10:05:15 ago (+0/-0)

I only ever lurk, but there's some decent historical stuff. I'm sad about the CODOH forum going down though, that was a trove of great information.