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Think about how it has shaped our nations that for the past 60 years no one has been allowed on tv or in mainstream media who opposed the Great Replacement, or who was a race realist, or who was an open White Identitarian at all. That's not just something, in a democracy it's everything.

submitted by oppressed to BannedFromSocialMedia 1 monthApr 18, 2024 04:03:18 ago (+5/-1)     (BannedFromSocialMedia)

Think about how it has shaped our nations that for the past 60 years no one has been allowed on tv or in mainstream media who opposed the Great Replacement, or who was a race realist, or who was an open White Identitarian at all.

That's not just something in a democracy, it's everything.

1 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 0 points 1 monthApr 18, 2024 04:56:33 ago (+0/-0)

It's a tyranny held in place by people who grew up simply copying what they saw on the TV, and raised their kids the same. Newspapers and radio echoed it. They kept raising their kids the same. A moment of freedom on the internet let the truth in and they'ye going nuts trying to slam the lid down again.

When you see rare film of North Koreans talking they have the same smug superiority about their superior education and superior morals.

Western nations are heading into the starvation phase of depopulation, and like the oxycontin mass murder, they'll just accept it as fate or whatever. Some are a little less certain about their vaccine narcissism today, but can't form a cohesive thought about it because they haven't thought since the 1960's.

The liberalism aspect of it all hinged on women's response to "where would you lie to go to dinner?" It's always going to be "I dunno, where do you want to go?"

The jewmedia decisively drove them where the jew media wanted to take them. THe morons are going off a cliff but the media admires them for fixing all the social problems so well after 1963.