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Disingenuous statistics - Perpetuation of misinformation by the woke-tards in government

submitted by UncleDoug to FeminismIsCancer 1 monthApr 29, 2024 09:07:36 ago (+32/-1)     (files.catbox.moe)


The goons Cherry picking marketing, which is still fake news.
Your gaping gender pay gap in media and advertising

In the advertising service sector, men are paid on average 14.6% more than women. One commentator described the continuing dominance of men in senior executive positions as startling. The Australian arm of WPP, the world's largest advertising group, reportedly has a median base pay gender pay gap of 19.2%.

“The reality is there is still a significant disparity. It has improved in recent decades but without a strong focus from the senior ranks the gap won’t close any further."

With no consideration for role, tenure, hours worked, responsibilities, or any other facet.

One commentator described the continuing dominance of men in senior executive positions as startling.

So senior directors and corporate body executives are getting paid more than entry level female interns? Imagine my surprise."

Comparative assessment reveals:
Women are paid "less" because they
- choose to work less hours
- choose to take maternity time off
- choose industries like early childhood or admin and avoid labour intensive or dangerous industries
- choose to work part-time
- choose not to aggressively pursue promotions as those positions also entail higher stress and work longer hours

This pernicious d&c myth about the wage gap just won't go away.

Gender wage gap statistics: a quick guide

Gender wage ratio
The gender wage ratio is the ratio of female to male wages, or the earnings of women expressed as a proportion of the earnings of men.

So not based on an hourly rate at all, because that would be sexual discrimination by the employer, illegal and doesnt ever happen.

5 comments block

[ - ] VitaminSieg 2 points 1 monthApr 29, 2024 11:20:17 ago (+2/-0)

Best theatre but nothing ever comes of this.

[ - ] Dingo 1 point 1 monthApr 29, 2024 13:04:35 ago (+1/-0)*

The fake blonde hair is a social shield for her to hide behind pretending to be "dumb" about what is being asked.

[ - ] Not_C 1 point 1 monthApr 29, 2024 17:59:17 ago (+1/-0)

A person's wage is not determined by how much their employer pays them.
A person's wage is determined by how much money they themselves choose to work for.

Let me explain -

If an employer offers you a job paying minimum wage, and you accept the job, then you yourself chose to get paid minimum wage.

If an employer pays you less than the person next to you, and you choose to continue to work for them, then you chose to get paid less than the person next to you.

[ - ] Peleg 1 point 1 monthApr 29, 2024 19:19:18 ago (+1/-0)

I had a job that didn't pay what I thought it should pay. I went to the hnic to give them the opportunity to make it right and keep a good, trained worker. The dude told me that there were 100 people standing in line for my job. So, I quit and got a job making more money. After a year and a half they called me up and offered me a better job than the one I left And, of course, more money. It really was a better fit for me so I went back to work for them. In 8 to 10 years I will be able to retire.

[ - ] NuckFiggers 1 point 1 monthApr 29, 2024 19:42:23 ago (+1/-0)

and women fuck around an unbelievable amount at work. While clocked in and getting paid they will linger in the kitchen, stroll around and chat and then panic because it's time to go and they haven't done shit. There aren't enough hours in the day!