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9 comments block

[ - ] Crackinjokes 3 points 1 monthMay 1, 2024 06:34:24 ago (+3/-0)

This might be true but doesn't change the fact that it unified a relatively congruent population of people with special characteristics and intelligence exceeding that of most of the world with meaningful contributions to civilizing the world.

[ - ] didyouknow [op] 6 points 1 monthMay 1, 2024 06:49:47 ago (+6/-0)

The German people historically did not want to emancipate the jew. Napoleon when he conquered German land, introduced French laws which included jewish emancipation.. but as soon as the French lost control of that land, jewish emancipation was quickly overturned as that was the desire of the German people as they were astute when it came to the jewish problem.

It was easier for the jew to get themselves emancipated by offering the Germans something that would be beneficial to them as well.. But this benefit wouldn't last as with jews being emancipated, they could quickly use the ill-gotten wealth that they've collected over the centuries to buy off the press, flock the political, financial, and education system, and take Germany over from within without any legislation hindering them from doing so. That's what happened, and the devastation that caused Germany due to jewish emancipation was not worth whatever benefit that was received from the unification.

The problem wasn't the unification itself but what CAME WITH the unification.

[ - ] JosephGoebbels 2 points 1 monthMay 1, 2024 07:09:04 ago (+2/-0)

I enjoy your work. Very insightful.

[ - ] didyouknow [op] 0 points 1 monthMay 1, 2024 09:29:35 ago (+0/-0)

Thank you

[ - ] jerkofalltrades 1 point 1 monthMay 1, 2024 06:44:32 ago (+1/-0)*

Absolutely. There was a lot of public support for unification. In fact it was seen as more or less inevitbale. Thats why they had the war with Austria to decide if Prussia or Austria would get to dominate the smaller states.

Bismarck was probably manipulated rather than manipulative. Much like a certain other figure in german history.

[ - ] ImplicationOverReason 1 point 1 monthMay 1, 2024 08:24:32 ago (+2/-1)

OTTO (odo; udo; aud; ead) - "prosperity; wealth" + VON - "of; from" + BISMARK aka MARK (of the) BIS...

[ - ] OftenWrong 0 points 1 monthMay 1, 2024 10:44:14 ago (+0/-0)

This does Bismark very dirty. Read his letters. he resisted them from the start and only praticipated when it became evident he couldn't stop them to try and mitigate teh damage. He helped construct the constitution because he was affraid the benefits of monarchy would be trampled by democracy and the people would be the ones who were hurt. when it became clear he couldn't stop a constitution he tried to put in measures and resist everything. He was unsuccessful early on and never gave up trying to counter and reverse it all while still serving Germany. He was teh one saying "um guys the people don't even want this and this isnt good for them". his letters tell this very story this meme tells and his resistance of it all

[ - ] jerkofalltrades 0 points 1 monthMay 1, 2024 13:25:15 ago (+0/-0)

Yeah. Bismarck really wasn't the one to blame here. As both domestic Zeitgeist (see 1848) and international competition dictated unification.

He was however instrumental in making it happen being the first to overcome the numerous roadblocks. He hilariously even had to convince the prussian king to ascend the german throne.

[ - ] OftenWrong 0 points 3 weeksMay 12, 2024 10:04:58 ago (+0/-0)

He made himself instrumental to prevent it beign worse. it was happening and he tried to mitigate the damage. You think the Nazis were stupid and just didn't know better about Bismark? No they knew perfectly well he was one of them who tried to stop it, then when that failed he tried to do what he could to mitigate it. Without him they were doing it so he made himself instrumental so he could mitigate thier damage. To ignore all the work Bismark did is just pure ignorant and blaming a good German hero for trying to save Germany. The Nazis were not stupid and knew perfectly well all about Bismark and that is why they loved him. They knew he tried wayyy back then against all odds and when he couldn't stop it he still tried to serve the people and add measures that would mitigate damage. It is insane anyone who actually reads his letters would think that he was a cog in the machine and not a bug trying to slow it down after trying to stop it