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Sufficient Vaxxes Will Make You A Trans-Faggot...

submitted by BulletStopper to Vaxtards 1 monthMay 3, 2024 16:22:31 ago (+1/-1)     (kirschsubstack.com)


...AND give you AIDS.

"...in general, the greater the number of vaccines someone has, the more likely they are to have a trait that differs from traditional norms. So the vaccines themselves are the elephant in the room here and the driver of the response, not environment, upbringing, social pressure, etc."


"A curious embargo exists on testing vaccines for safety. As a result, the basic trials we would expect to have been done to assess whether the CDC’s vaccine schedule is safe have never been publicly conducted. Moreover, no independent researcher has ever been given access to the large databases that could easily demonstrate if vaccines were indeed “safe” or “effective.”

1 comments block

[ - ] observation1 0 points 4 weeksMay 4, 2024 06:27:06 ago (+0/-0)

Low T or absent parents forfeit kids to the medical cartel easier. Also, the survey was written in a way so flaming fags would jump at opportunity to encourage a heavier response based on how boosted they are. question asks about all vaccines, but most people would infer its asking about the covid shot. I like Kirsch but this gives me pause to his past claims.