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Sunday Matinee [14:00 EST]

submitted by Grospoliner to MoviesWithGoats 4 weeksMay 5, 2024 12:56:13 ago (+1/-1)     (MoviesWithGoats)

Today's Shows:

A female Martian commander heads to London to hunt for men, only to crash in Scotland in "Devil Girl from Mars"; then a crew of astronauts discover an inhabitable moon around Jupiter, only to fall prey to "Fire Maidens from Outer Space".

Coming Soon:

A drifter hitches a ride with a local man, who quickly becomes embroiled in an affair with the man's wife in "The Postman Always Rings Twice"; then the nephew of a wealth industralist takes up a job in his uncles factory, only to become entangled with a pair of women out for their own interests in "A Place in the Sun".

Channel Link For The Lazy: https://cytu.be/r/MovieGoats

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