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I got a really nicely marbled costco prime brisket

submitted by HeyJames to NutziHiveKickers 4 weeksMay 5, 2024 14:31:49 ago (+7/-3)     (NutziHiveKickers)

Only thing I didn't like was it had a ton of seam fat. Usually I leave that in but this was enough to kinda carve out

I have it dry brining in lawrys and will put it on tonight!!!

9 comments block

[ - ] KosherHiveKicker 5 points 4 weeksMay 5, 2024 14:36:28 ago (+5/-0)

If you have a multi-level smoker, then leave the fat on it.

Smoke the brisket above an open pan of beans and whatever trimmings you have. Allow that smoked to fat render down into them... you will love it. Add some of the rubbing mixture into the beans as well.

Pork-Beef and Beans smoked over 7 hours are fucking amazing, imho.

[ - ] HeyJames [op] 1 point 4 weeksMay 5, 2024 15:02:13 ago (+1/-0)

Oh I leave as much fat as possible. Usually about a 1/3 inch. It's just that the seam fat generally never renders because it's right in the middle. Definitely going to try that one day, I usually put a water pan on the lower level to keep the crust from drying and to catch drippings but maybe beans were the answer all along!!!

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 0 points 3 weeksMay 5, 2024 22:35:06 ago (+0/-0)

It's just that the seam fat generally never renders

I don't smoke meat but the big bones I get for the marrow(for stews) take 11 hours in the slow cooker to render out the marrow. It doesn't work on high, and it doesn't work at anything less than 11 hours. So maybe that might be part of it.

[ - ] observation1 2 points 4 weeksMay 5, 2024 15:09:17 ago (+2/-0)*

There's a texas roadhouse where I live that must be a flagship restaurant or some shit. It's so good.

Last 2 times, however, brought family there and the steak and prime rib has been fatty, grimey, shit.

Moral of story: lately, meat supply is suspicious.

That's the quality on top of other major questions.

I've already sworn off bacon and ham because the metal/plastic shitty slop they feed but lately wondering what meat can even be trusted not to have mrna animal shots, if any. Chickens apparently are being mass culled, like never before, to beat the farmers into submission. I love wings.

Conspirologist, the street-shitting news aggregation bot, posted some propaganda about bird flu the other day that made me think they were testing the waters to ramp up another round of hysteria.

I just want to smoke some brisket you fed fucks. Don't you realize covid is your parent organization's doing? Imagine working for Pfizer and the shot killed your nephew and you still work there. This is what feds need to be thinking about when they continue to clock in at work to hurt their unborn grandchildren. Maybe they don't even have families is the real problem. They hurt so need to make their neighbors hurt. Do sick fucks only work for the feds because the feds only recruit sick fucks?

Why aren't you investigating the indiscriminate nano razor blades being injected into the food supply, that you are now consuming?

[ - ] PrincessRobotBubblegum 0 points 4 weeksMay 5, 2024 16:10:35 ago (+0/-0)

Nietzsche called them the Slave-Minded (((not that particular ilk who have no conception of the irony intrinsic to believing themselves to be a Master Race owing to their capacity to backstab & betray; nor either that other sort who have the adult intellect of small children, though mostly via the machinations of the first ilk, are cared for by civilized people, despite their intrinsic predatory & parasitic cohabitation with the first ilk; who may be known inversely by the names "nyiggyahs" & "jewwewwes," or some such banal Assyrian Sodomite Solomonic Babel babble))).

The Slave-Minded are the inevitable side-effect of humans dwelling in civilization that has become infested & infected with the other sorts, who were kept out of the walls of human civilization until the three bastard sons Amber-Eyed Iapetus via Mnemosyne, Prometheus, Epimetheus, & Menoetius, who met their several rightful fates. Do not get me started on their brother Atlas; nor any of the repercussions of the Lemurian destruction of humanity's rightful capital, Atlantis; not any of the recent shenanigans involving Thule, nor whether Catamite Pentecost Pentagon screaming benders have sold their souls again, to the wrong extraterrestrial biological entities (which souls were not theirs to sell in the first place to the Slave-Minded Master Race; nor which could legally be resold short of a complete destruction & overhaul of the corporate contractual hierarchy (which, in short, is the only reason anyone is pretending to end slavery & sedition).

& Oy, Gevalt! Do not get me started on the Third Reich!

Bored now.

[ - ] observation1 0 points 3 weeksMay 5, 2024 21:42:37 ago (+0/-0)

can I read what your reading? Sounds suspiciously like an attempt to dehumanize man. To make man more chance happenstance and less exceptional. Ive seen too much literature that aims to convince us that we are not God's children.

[ - ] PotatoWhisperer2 1 point 3 weeksMay 5, 2024 22:37:02 ago (+1/-0)

Seems like a psychotic's mix of Niche, Evola, and mushrooms.

[ - ] TheOriginal1Icemonkey 0 points 4 weeksMay 5, 2024 17:56:14 ago (+0/-0)

Have you ever tried Pappy's on a brisket? It’s good on tri-tip. Celery seed is the secret.

[ - ] DeusExMachina 0 points 3 weeksMay 5, 2024 21:45:28 ago (+0/-0)

How much are you paying for brisket down there? I saw a couple nice ones today at the local market for right around $70.