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FBI File On Jeff Bezos' Grandfather, A DARPA Co-Founder, Has Been Destroyed

submitted by dosvydanya_freedomz to conspiracy 3 weeksMay 7, 2024 20:27:42 ago (+19/-0)     (www.reddit.com)


story can be found on zerohedge but since i'm banned from there i will not post a link from there.ergo, the reddit link sorry guys

3 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 3 points 3 weeksMay 7, 2024 20:51:55 ago (+3/-0)

Darpa exists so the tribe and it's goyem lapdogs can own all inventions.

When the US threw the international bankers out behind the British uniforms, they made patents $3.00 each with free postage. Britain had let them run the cost of a patent up to $600.00 each. Nobody in Britain patented anything without going to a shylocks who would "divert" the invention.

[ - ] dosvydanya_freedomz [op] 3 points 3 weeksMay 7, 2024 21:00:05 ago (+3/-0)

from what i'm gathering in the comments at zerohedge,bezos and billy gates are just frontmen for these people. they are just the face of the projects and for that they receive their hefty compensation.

i think none of these ppl actually created anything by themselves. they are just like actors, the real programmers and investors are actually working in the background.

i read that bezos had unlimited funding for his supposedly pet project amazon. and its true amazon was doing bad for quite awhile but money and investment was pouring in out of nowhere. i think the story maybe quite similar to other tech companies.

these ppl didnt work hard for anything. they were already in thanks to family connections in high places

like a commenter said: its really all fake and gay lol