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'The Three Reasons People Hate Trump...' - Guess which (((main reason))) isn't mentioned. Comments are full retardation.

submitted by Sector2 to USPolitics 3 weeksMay 8, 2024 20:35:49 ago (+3/-1)     (www.zerohedge.com)


Anyway, read the comments to see why farming humans is so profitable for the 'elites'.

3 comments block

[ - ] drstrangergov 1 point 3 weeksMay 8, 2024 20:48:48 ago (+1/-0)

the sinisters far outnumber all the others. but that's not the same person writing under that pen name. the writing style is radically different. in fact this new one doesnt even seem human.

[ - ] FreeinTX 1 point 3 weeksMay 8, 2024 22:21:02 ago (+1/-0)

If I am wrong and Biden is on the ballot in November, then Trump supporters have much less to fear from the Trump haters. If, however, my prediction that he is replaced at the convention (my long-held fear is that Michelle Obama steps in; I see her as unbeatable) after stepping aside for “personal reasons” comes true, then reaching out to the first two categories of Trump haters becomes far more important.

I hate these fuckers so much. They will suggest that someone other than Biden will be on the ballot, but don't give a shit enough about their own beliefs to bother to examine them within the backdrop of reality.

Every state in the country has deadlines to be on the ballot four public office. And every state has the exact same reasoning for this deadline. It would be abjectly unfair to allow someone to show up the day before a race and use their popularity, positive press, and unique happening to thrust themselves into office. We have deadlines for very good reason and they are the law in every state in the nation. AND, most importantly, they are all passed. Michelle Obama did not file to run before the deadline. She cannot be on the ballot in any state in the nation. You might get some severely left state to create an avenue for her to bypass standing state laws to let her on the ballot, but you won't get that catering in any red state in the nation, or any purple state in the nation. Hell, you probably wouldn't stand a chance in a light blue state. And, not being in the ballot in any red or purple state, and only on a few light blue states, gives the candidate running for president, with an electoral college, ZERO FUCKING CHANCE of winning.

Now, specifically about Michelle Obama. This fucking "writer" claims she's unbeatable. And, to be fair, the one guy that I work with, who suffers from TDS, as suggested by this writer, did say that he could support Michelle Obama. However, that dumb tranny bish has never, not one fucking time, held a public office, been recognized for public service (outside of being first "lady", or faced a media that is, in any way, critical of what she thinks says or does. There is no fucking way "she" could deal with tryna fetch the most powerful position in the "free world". Only an utter fucking dumbass could think that, and this fuck suggests she's "unbeatable".

[ - ] Sector2 [op] 0 points 3 weeksMay 8, 2024 23:48:33 ago (+0/-0)

The author is intentionally ignoring the jew problem in the first place, so don't take his claims and predictions too seriously. He's propagandizing. It's just ZH, but there are too many in the comments just slurping it down. Still not that different from the general voting public.