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I lost everything in the 2008 crash...

submitted by anon to AnonWhatever 2 weeksMay 19, 2024 08:32:29 ago (+2/-1)     (AnonWhatever)

All my money just disappeared in the mortgage backed securities scandal. The company I worked for had a very nice pension plan but Goldman wined and dined our fund manager and he put everything in there. I lost it all 4 years away from retirement and had to start over.

This time I put all my money into growth stocks. Figured tech company stocks can't lose right. Did really well on them but I panicked hard in March of 2020. It was an emotional time and it seemed so sure that the act was going to be repeated.

Got really pissed at all of this happening again and decided if I was going to lose it all then I would truly lose it all. Sold all my gold, sold bonds, sold everything and put it all into tech stocks, specifically Google apple and tesla. The plan was to watch it crash and then blow my brains out in front of the TV while I watch jim Cramer yelling. Even got a bunch of call options...

Think you know what happened next. Couldn't fucking believe it. Everything went sky high to the damn moon! I hit every call option and my trading account rapidly expanded.

There must be a higher calling for me or something. I was determined to lose and then lose myself but somehow I became very very wealthy. Turned $550K into a number I just can't believe is mine to be honest. Not wanting to tempt fate, I cashed all this shit out in 2022.

The disbelief is real. I'm still employed by my same company WFH and it's a pretty chill job but there really is no reason to work. My counselor says that I log on because of impostor syndrome or something.

Think I'll probably take this cash and leave the ZOG-nited states for good.

4 comments block

[ - ] anon 3716271 3 points 2 weeksMay 19, 2024 09:30:01 ago (+3/-0)

I'll never understand people who off themselves and don't take the opportunity to make the world a better place.

[ - ] anon 1119572 0 points 2 weeksMay 19, 2024 18:28:51 ago (+0/-0)

Dont fucking kill yourself over a bunch of stocks, if you dont have the temperament for trading, put your shit into indecies.

[ - ] anon 1882356 [op] 0 points 2 weeksMay 19, 2024 18:37:28 ago (+0/-0)

Did you not see where I tried the safe route and still lost my whole pension? Doesn't matter anyways. I ended up with a net worth of 20 million dollars. Unbelievable yes

[ - ] anon 2087679 0 points 2 weeksMay 19, 2024 15:42:24 ago (+0/-0)

Ba-bye joo beast,don't let anything stop you from Getting the fuk outta' here!!