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More symptoms from my friend, hard to tell what he has

submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to Rants 8 monthsJul 5, 2024 14:30:01 ago (+5/-0)     (Rants)

So my friend had a bunch of issues and decided to stop taking his meds. He had also taken the vaccine but no boosters. Now though, he's starting to develop new symptoms. He started developing central sleep apnea, his body just stops breathing randomly throughout the night. It's hard to explain it but he apparently wakes up and his heart rate increases very rapidly, and he has to gasp for breath in the middle of the night. He also has mild disorientation when driving, where he forgets where he is and becomes confused. The nigga was like a quarter block from my house, and had to whip out the GPS because he couldn't remember where he was. He knew he was close, but couldn't remember the terrain of the local area. There's some visible issues where he forgets words, confuses different apps, and multiple times it almost seems like he's forgetting how to speak properly? Not sure if this is common with vaccinated indidividuals?

6 comments block

Get to a Dr, they have a number of treatments.

donepezil, memmantine

Cognitive rehabilitation therapy

MRI or CT scan, fMRI

Blood tests for clotting

Continuous airway pressure

Just find one that isn't stupid