He needs to be compelled by extreme means, chemical and violence, to confess to anything and everything and then hang on a lamppost in the streets of DC.
This will probably get me a knock at my door...
Edit, Feds... I said needs to be. Not that I'd do it. Just clarify...
It'd still be appropriate to implement those extreme means of which you speak to prolong suffering for as long as possible. Just don't expect a confession out of it, only punishment and maybe a bit of justice.
“Our norms are a promise that we will not allow this Department to be used as a political weapon. And our norms are a promise that we will not allow this nation to become a country where law enforcement is treated as an apparatus of politics,”
One week later
That nigger publicly criticized the Biden admin's forced invasion of third world savages - GET HIM!
I hate this fucking kike so much. All politics is jew theater but it's especially appalling when this hook nosed piece of shit talks about not using the DoJ as a political weapon then does exactly that.
Had this nigger Adams never mentioned a "migrant crisis" he wouldn't have been charged with anything.
Kikes, as always, are guilty of that which they accuse others of doing. Howling in pain as they strike. Then they abuse their power because they know the goyim will never stand up to them for fear of being called antisemitic.
And it's not like every big city mayor, state governor, and other prominent politician out there isn't a corrupt piece of shit. That's all fine and good so long as they don't go against the narrative. If they do, they'll get shitcanned and replaced with another zog puppet.
Wake up from your fantasy, you brainwashed retard. Trump isn't going to save you. He married his kids to jews. He is fully committed to Pissrael. He'll start a war to protect the kikes. He's just another ZOG puppet like the rest.
The point here seems to be that they decided to purge the rolls too late, and that there is a risk of eligible people being stripped of their voting rights with insufficient time to fix the issue. I can't imagine why Alabama didn't do this earlier, but it needs to be done either way. We _know_ progressives will gladly bus the same people around to two or three different red states to vote and cheat.
[ + ] 9000timesempty
[ - ] 9000timesempty 9 points 1 weekSep 28, 2024 17:52:12 ago (+9/-0)*
This will probably get me a knock at my door...
Edit, Feds... I said needs to be. Not that I'd do it. Just clarify...
[ + ] PoundOfFlesh
[ - ] PoundOfFlesh 5 points 1 weekSep 28, 2024 19:53:15 ago (+5/-0)
It'd still be appropriate to implement those extreme means of which you speak to prolong suffering for as long as possible. Just don't expect a confession out of it, only punishment and maybe a bit of justice.
[ + ] PoundOfFlesh
[ - ] PoundOfFlesh 6 points 1 weekSep 28, 2024 17:34:14 ago (+6/-0)*
Two weeks ago:
One week later
I hate this fucking kike so much. All politics is jew theater but it's especially appalling when this hook nosed piece of shit talks about not using the DoJ as a political weapon then does exactly that.
Had this nigger Adams never mentioned a "migrant crisis" he wouldn't have been charged with anything.
Kikes, as always, are guilty of that which they accuse others of doing. Howling in pain as they strike. Then they abuse their power because they know the goyim will never stand up to them for fear of being called antisemitic.
And it's not like every big city mayor, state governor, and other prominent politician out there isn't a corrupt piece of shit. That's all fine and good so long as they don't go against the narrative. If they do, they'll get shitcanned and replaced with another zog puppet.
[ + ] yesiknow
[ - ] yesiknow 3 points 1 weekSep 29, 2024 07:48:42 ago (+3/-0)
They absolutely have to go
[ + ] Leveraction
[ - ] Leveraction 4 points 1 weekSep 28, 2024 19:53:58 ago (+4/-0)
Right after they inform moron merrick he does not have the power to commit treason, he NEEDS TO BE HUNG IMMEDIATELY!
[ + ] KosherHiveKicker
[ - ] KosherHiveKicker [op] 4 points 1 weekSep 28, 2024 17:03:12 ago (+4/-0)
[ + ] HeyJames
[ - ] HeyJames 2 points 1 weekSep 28, 2024 19:39:05 ago (+2/-0)
[ + ] PoundOfFlesh
[ - ] PoundOfFlesh 1 point 1 weekSep 28, 2024 19:47:43 ago (+3/-2)
We just have to vote really, really hard. Harder than last time. Harder than ever before.
[ + ] Leveraction
[ - ] Leveraction -1 points 1 weekSep 28, 2024 19:55:57 ago (+2/-3)
[ + ] PoundOfFlesh
[ - ] PoundOfFlesh 1 point 1 weekSep 28, 2024 20:06:04 ago (+1/-0)
That term does not mean what you think it means.
Or what, faggot? You'll - gasp - downvote me? Oh noes!
Wake up from your fantasy, you brainwashed retard. Trump isn't going to save you. He married his kids to jews. He is fully committed to Pissrael. He'll start a war to protect the kikes. He's just another ZOG puppet like the rest.
[ + ] rabidR04CH
[ - ] rabidR04CH 1 point 1 weekSep 29, 2024 08:15:40 ago (+2/-1)