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Infowars to be desecrated by The Onion

submitted by Sheitstrom to news 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 09:41:47 ago (+18/-0)     (www.zerohedge.com)


Can someone please explain to me what Infowars did wrong as to be sued into oblivion? Aren't people allowed to express their opinions, crazy or not? How did he lose everything just because he said some mean words?

23 comments block

[ - ] SilentByAssociation 12 points 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 10:52:06 ago (+12/-0)

Sandy Hook was a hoax, just like the Las Vegas shooting. That was government orchestrated through and through.

[ - ] puremadness 0 points 3 weeksNov 15, 2024 02:22:40 ago (+0/-0)


game, point, match

[ - ] bobdole9 6 points 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 10:42:09 ago (+6/-0)

Sandy Hook "parents" want their $1.4 billion dollars.

They don't care how.

[ - ] puremadness 0 points 3 weeksNov 15, 2024 02:25:31 ago (+0/-0)

raising imaginary children is very expensive.

[ - ] 9000timesempty 4 points 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 11:17:12 ago (+4/-0)

God damned jews, man...

[ - ] uvulectomy 3 points 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 13:26:37 ago (+3/-0)

An unpayable fine and stripped of everything you've built over the last two decades..... because some (((people))) decided that your constitutionally protected opinion is "problematic."

How is this supposed to prove him wrong, exactly?

Or to pass it through a pop-culture reference, because that's the only way they might get a clue:

"When you tear out a man's tongue, you're not proving him a liar. You're only telling the world that you fear what he might say."

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 15:55:59 ago (+1/-0)

Civilization is only a veneer. He also didn't help his credibility much with his histrionic antics.

[ - ] uvulectomy 2 points 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 18:44:40 ago (+2/-0)

"He also didn't help his credibility much with his histrionic antics."

Which invites further scrutiny into just why they had to use such extreme and unconstitutional tactics to silence him, if his credibility was so low.

And even the least credible man on Earth doesn't deserve to be ruined over an opinion.

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 19:06:10 ago (+0/-0)

One motive for the libs/lefts was taking all the stuff belonging to a guy they hate.

[ - ] puremadness 0 points 3 weeksNov 15, 2024 02:26:47 ago (+0/-0)

or its just a show, and everything he told us was meant to be told when he told it to further a deeper agenda.

Trust no one.

What can be gained by "using" Alex Jones in this way?
- elevate 9/11 awareness, when the truth is most non-involved, non-military people, didnt really care
- highlight anything you want, when you want it discussed
- finally, sacrificial warning to anyone who questions you

[ - ] Sector2 0 points 3 weeksNov 15, 2024 12:39:24 ago (+0/-0)

Agreed, AJ could just be a goofball attention whore who discovered a way to make money at it, or could be part of the show at some level. They did turn the frogs gay, but he's too wacko to take seriously.

[ - ] Sector2 3 points 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 10:12:48 ago (+3/-0)

Perfect example of why you don't own valuable assets in your personal name.

[ - ] the_old_ones 1 point 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 11:06:14 ago (+1/-0)

1. form company

2. appoint yourself CEO

3. pay yourself salary as needed

4. aint mine, it's the companies

this is a fantastic way to legally win at doing taxes, too

[ - ] Sector2 1 point 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 13:38:12 ago (+1/-0)

2. Pay attorney to act as CEO/Officers

"asset protection" is a good search term to start with. Perhaps your vetted attorney sets up the corporation in Nevis or Panama, and you remain at arms length? It's an interesting field full of all kinds of possibilities.

Other attorneys specialize in asset searches to see if you're worth shaking down in court. AJ was such an obvious target but he still carried his assets in his open hand.

[ - ] Dingo 1 point 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 18:26:28 ago (+1/-0)

1. Create TRUST
2. Set yourself as the benificiary.

[ - ] Oz5711 2 points 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 09:58:15 ago (+2/-0)

damn this is going to cut my readership of both from zero all the way down to zero

[ - ] Scyber 1 point 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 16:09:42 ago (+1/-0)

Why didn't infowars call itself a satirical news company like the Onion? Could've avoided the lawsuit altogether.

[ - ] Sal_180 1 point 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 15:58:23 ago (+1/-0)

As for the vitamins and supplements, we are halting their sale immediately. Utilitarian logic dictates that if we can extend even one CEO’s life by 10 minutes, diluting these miracle elixirs for public consumption is an unethical waste. Instead, we plan to collect the entire stock of the InfoWars warehouses into a large vat and boil the contents down into a single candy bar–sized omnivitamin that one executive (I will not name names) may eat in order to increase his power and perhaps become immortal.


[ - ] Sal_180 1 point 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 15:49:19 ago (+2/-1)

Because the mean words? Sandy Hook Elementary School victims were between 6 and 7 years old. He claimed that the school shooting was staged by the left wing. He claimed that the 20 affected families were hired actors. Even after the event left the news cycles he continued to bring it up and continued his crazy claims. He was under the impression that if he continued to talk about it some of the families would eventually fold and tell him what he wanted to her. When none of them did he told his listeners to call the families and ask them about how their kid died. He posted phone numbers and addresses of these families. People started calling the families bringing up the death of their kids and telling them they were lying. They started showing up to the houses of the families shouting at them. Some even had guns. Some of these families had to move and all suffered horrible trauma from being harassed by Alex Jones' followers. He wouldn't stop even when asked multiple times. During the trial they managed to uncover evidence showing that Alex Jones knew that the Sandy Hook shooting was real and that he only made the claims to make himself more popular and to help out the republican election campaign.

[ - ] o0shad0o 0 points 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 20:17:01 ago (+0/-0)

I had heard he had only given out one name, of a parent who went on a public interview and expressed suspicious behavior. If he was giving out addresses and phone numbers that's a bit beyond the pale.

[ - ] bohmoonx 0 points 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 21:34:11 ago (+0/-0)

He gets a lot right and pisses off the wrong people, Sandy Hook was a trap they set up for him. The FBI was feeding him wrong info and fucked him. No one wants the money, they just want to shut him up! He offered 50 million and they seize a bunch of shit and the Onion buys InfoWars name? Who follows the Onion anymore, Fuck them!

[ - ] Dingo 0 points 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 18:25:56 ago (+0/-0)

Did they really get sued into oblivian? Seems like wolf tickets to me.

[ - ] Krier55 0 points 3 weeksNov 14, 2024 18:02:38 ago (+0/-0)

Can’t he just start up a website call it infowars 2 and carry on?