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4 comments block

[ - ] yesiknow 4 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 19:33:44 ago (+4/-0)

Yes and people have been saying this for years, Actual Africans have been trying to get them out for decades.

Those 42 square blocks of homeless in Los Angeles were created a long time ago by social science reform programs and non profit charities who only want to help doncha know. They destroy the independent businesses and wipe out the value of real estate. THey started driving shoppers to malls because indy business is competition for the globalists. Then they pushed the slogan brick and mortar is dead to get everyone out of the malls and into online shopping with the so much higher profits. Google directs shoppers to only google's friends and says it's an algorythm.

Eventually the lost business districts get a sea of condos so the international bankers get massive amounts of never ending interest payments, but to pay for it you're going to need a degree and either a government or global corporation job, both run by the same crew. You are a slave. Those fuckers have been fighting us since year one of our lord.

There's enough non Christians to end them all permanently

[ - ] GlowNiggerDick 2 points 1 weekFeb 4, 2025 20:10:03 ago (+2/-0)

It's a hub that coordinates how the state department, intelligence agencies and the Pentagon hand out money.

I saw an article that says at least 1000 kids are going to die if we cut aid. 70 billion bucks cut off to the org that's supposed to feed the world or whatever a only 1000 kids are gonna die. Should be way more.

[ - ] BlueEyedAngloMasterRaceGod 0 points 1 weekFeb 5, 2025 01:03:44 ago (+0/-0)*

It's used to fund colour revolutions. Russia is currently celebrating Trump ending it. It's hard to support globohomo, but the tactic was very effective in ending the Soviet Union. So why would you stop that? Unless you're just restarting the same thing from scratch to get rid of the homos. Or you're a subversive trying to destroy America's dominance. Russia certainly isn't ending its foreign interference programs.

edit: apparently Trump said this, which is a fair enough assessment: President Donald Trump on USAID: “I love the concept, but they turned out to be radical left lunatics. The concept of it is good but it's all about the people.”

[ - ] lolxd -2 points 1 weekFeb 6, 2025 00:47:47 ago (+0/-2)

It's literally in the name you retard, United States Agency for International Development.