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Member for: 3.2 years

scp: 55 (+66/-11)
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score: 3062

Twitter/X is a bamboozle. Don't fedpost on it. Can't even tell a politician that he will hang eventually.     (twitter)

submitted by 9000timesempty to twitter 1 month ago


I want the government to hurt so much it is not recognized anymore.
Rip their buttholes apart.
No mercy to those that caused this.
"Synagogue of Satan" causes X posts to be limited. LOL     (twitter)

submitted by 9000timesempty to twitter 8 months ago


Fuckin jew scum.
This whole "AI" craze will grow but indeed bust...     (whatever)

submitted by 9000timesempty to whatever 1.2 years ago


People will start to think "the AI knows best."

5 years from now. Seriously only 5 years from now. We will have people that will only follow what their "(not)AI personal assistant" tells them.

They will fold to their ineptitude and at the same time making the future landscape worse.

Follow the 'AI' goy.

We know artificial intelligence is far from reality at the moment. But we are now dealing with a tool that can scour vast amounts of data and give a very accurate answer. It's beautiful really.

Humanity though, has an imagination far surpassing any ancient text.
They will fuck it up spectacularly! Sure we don't want to mess it all up. An AI is a tool. And humanity needs to understand that now.

Let the war of intellect show humanity that they are fools.
Who wants to share some music that makes them feel? Music is a key to the soul to me      (open.spotify.com)

submitted by 9000timesempty to music 2 years ago


Bring it. Show me your most moving song. I love music. It can move you while you're all alone. Show me what moves you when you are by yourself.
If you have any questions of The Word of God, go here. You can even ask me.     (www.gotquestions.org)

submitted by 9000timesempty to whatever 2.2 years ago


I don't really know why I'm motivated to post this helpful site but it needs to be shared anyway. Some of us have been through a lot in life to know better that we are NOT in control. Rather, we are mostly enmity with God. Not wanting to be is the very very first step of understanding, and that understaning is so hardcore that most will not understand and instead attack. This creation is awesome but our existence is on the edge of folly. (How else will we know righteousness without witnessing the complete opposite?)
I want swords to make a comeback. Bring back swords.     (whatever)

submitted by 9000timesempty to whatever 2.6 years ago


Killin with swords is cooler than killin with guns.

I want know.     (whatever)

submitted by 9000timesempty to whatever 2.8 years ago


I want know. Please show me.

I want know, are there strangers like me?

I feel like a nuke without any power...     (TellUpgoat)

submitted by 9000timesempty to TellUpgoat 3.2 years ago


Anyone else feel like this world needs to burn soon?

Anyone else feeling like they can't even have a conversation with family because they just don't listen?

Anyone else feeling like they believed in Christ but the world is so tainted that worse is the only outcome left for the future?

Do you feel kept in check but want to burst all the same?

I refuse to believe life is meaningless and I believe Christ walked on Earth but... It is getting harder and harder (as expected, as The Word stated) to accept it.

Something is missing. Something is not known that can be known that can be a source of hope with it.
What is it?

Prayer. Faith.

But Hope is a whore. Quickly fades away from you. So how can you hope? Why hope when you can know? Truth can only be hidden. You can love a lie but how can you love a hope without knowing?

So much to do...
People are... Messed up.     (whatever)

submitted by 9000timesempty to whatever 3.2 years ago


We, at this site, know what's happening.
Can we be sure?
The truth is not something easily ignored.
"They love a lie"
When they do. They no longer accept reality. Attempting to reshape it. Into their own perversions. For good or bad but people are.... Messed up. They want what's best for themselves. Even if that is for their family or country. But is it enough? To want? Want all you want. Doesn't make it happen.
We are at a point in human civilization that all we seem to hold in high regard may be challenged by the opposite... Thing. It is now at this time the point in history that the end starts.
There is no turning back. At this point we know what is to come of this world. Which is emnity with God. Full on. Enmity with God. I am double-minded yet knowing. The worst one can be in the eyes of Christ. So why? Why do I have these thoughts and why am I so angry. How do I shed all of this?

The only answer. Sackcloth and ashes.
This world is on the way out. Our generation will witness it. I asked God for wisdom when I became born again and God isn't going to waste his time. At some point I will reach that wisdom I asked for.

The double mind pipes up.
And again.
"Why am I here?".

God and Christ are keys to understanding existence. He promised that his word will be preserved. Faith in that promise will lead to truth which leads to understanding. The world becomes small after that. Knowing what is to be done soon.