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score: 1039


Right, who are these people? I assume they've been contracted by FEMA; FEMA doesn't have departments of specialized workers that they train and employ themselves. They simply direct resources into their own bank accounts and into illegals' hands.

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=67240430cdb11

Those bastards know how to fight without any help, I've seen it myself. Iraqi men are crying bitches, but Afghan men are desert warriors. Had a buddy tell me about an interrogation he was involved in, he had a knife up to an Afghan man's face and he threatened to kill him if he didn't talk. This guy told the interpreter to tell the guy with the knife "Fuck you, go ahead and kill me".

The interrogation ended there.

/v/Women viewpost?postid=6721ed13951a2

He looks like a gay Robin Williams in that photo, does anyone else see it?

/v/VotingIsForRetards viewpost?postid=672231a0f14e4

I burst into laughter a moment after I began reading and realized what it was about. That's pretty funny... but only people who watch gore will know what's up.

Btw, do we have stats on pajeet train deaths? Is it a higher rate than the rest of the world? It sure seems like it... that, and tires exploding seem to be major causes of death in the superpower of India.

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=6721612466daf

Nobody seems to care about espionage against our country. Who was that other faggot who recently got caught fucking a Chinese spy for like a decade? He still has his job as a politician, IIRC.

I think it's because espionage seems overtly harmless- why would your average American care about information which they wouldn't even understand being traded to a Chinese spy? That's stupid thinking, though, because information like that collected on a massive scale can be used for all kinds of nefarious aims which bring terrible harm to the country as a whole.

I'd wager around half of our congress work with Chinese spies. I'll bet a lot of the dual citizens are heavily involved in selling state secrets.

/v/news viewpost?postid=6720cbae93f72

Right, the enormous governmental push to crush smoking really makes me think. The government doesn't care about people dying from cancer in their 50s+. If they did, they'd be legislating against high fructose bullshit being used as a filler in so many things. Or, they would take physical education more seriously and run state-sponsored exercise programs. Obesity-related shit kills more people than cancer by a pretty good margin, so eliminating that would REALLY help the health of the country.

Instead, they threw billions of dollars into anti-smoking campaigns. I think about how smoking was almost, if not, a majority activity like 70 years ago... Is it just the tobacco that's killing people? Or is it all of the junk used to treat it, and the filters?

I'm not convinced that smoking is the killer that we were told it is. After covid bullshit, I'll never trust any medical institution again.

/v/Health viewpost?postid=672073d7440b6

In the bathrooms of the company I used to work for, there were signs posted in four languages explaining how not to use a bathroom like a savage. They posted one in English, just so they could say they weren't discriminating against the orange-haired Bangladeshi weirdos that shit all over everything and wash their feet in the sink.

I caught one washing his feet in the sink once, and I confronted him and pointed him to the sign. He didn't speak English, of course- there's an entire department that's made up of these old Indians, a little enclave set up where they don't need to learn English to work there.

As I was walking away, a thought occurred to me: what is the literacy rate where these freakish losers come from? I then realized that most of these shit-covered bastards probably can't even read their own language. So, they grow up in India for 40-55 years, "migrate" here somehow, and then they're all confused by all of the rules that civilized people have for restrooms.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=6720f16cc4834

Wasn't Napoleon of average height? Not tall, but certainly not short the way we are led to believe.

This sort of slander is very British. It calls to mind the Danes, and how they were portrayed by the British: wearing horned helms that called to mind the devil and shit like that. The Brits were really good at making this stuff stick. In reality, there were a lot of British nobles who became envious of Danes who traveled to Britain; these "savages" were able to seduce British women rather easily, and this is largely attributed to the Danes' hygiene. They bathed regularly and combed their hair, so they didn't smell like dead shit, as many nobles may have.

/v/France viewpost?postid=672086092a438

Maybe she sounds like that because the nigger socked her in the mouth a few times? Or she's drunk? It doesn't matter, those screams give me this weird anxiety, a powerful motivation to "do something". I guess this Irishman felt something similar when he heard that poor woman screaming.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6720def97b68c

Nigga dead? I saw this yesterday, I don't remember reading in the article that the nigger died. A "permanent KO" sort of implies death, to me.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=6720def97b68c

I remember being so frustrated with you faggots on old Voat when this creep was relevant. A lot of you threw money at him. I made the case that he was a sort of agent provocateur, obvious controlled opposition who has a past of being a fucking con artist.

His real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. As a general rule, any person who changes their name is not to be trusted. He chose the name "Tommy Robinson" because it sounds very stereotypically British, and then he made a ton of money REEEing about immigration... and then he made a movie about antisemitism in the UK.

So many goats were shitting all over me, calling me a kike for bringing all of this up. It was a hard lesson- even "my people" can be easily conned using emotional manipulation. That includes myself, of course- I just happened to see through Lennon's scheme. I'm sure I've been fooled elsewhere.

/v/news viewpost?postid=671fbba373398

That's so cool. I always thought it was incredible how these dogs seem to be sending commands to the herd animals, and silently communicating with the other dogs working with them.

/v/dogs viewpost?postid=671fb7ef4900c

Doesn't work. If it did, rapists would be walking around missing eyeballs. It is very hard to gouge someone's eye while they're attacking you, and even if you did... if they're in a dominant position, they're not going to suddenly fold up and jump off of you just because you poked their eye. They'll probably *haul back and blast you in the face until you're senseless.* This is simply bad advice.

If it were as simple as "just poke them in the eye", then women would never be raped or strangled to death. Sorry, ladies, you need to put time into training in order to be able to handle a situation like this yourself.

/v/Eurovasion viewpost?postid=671fa3b4b5067

Why the fuck didn't they shoot him? He could've sliced up that cop that fell over and killed him. When you're this close to someone with a blade, you need to create distance and shoot them, not close the gap.

Although, this does change a little when a sword is involved... if you crowd a sword-wielding person, they will have trouble pulling back and delivering a strike. Same concept with a baseball bat, you are in the most danger when you are at the end of where the weapon would connect when being swung. If you step way inside of that arc, you'll be hit with their arms, harmlessly.

Still, you should shoot them, because all it takes is one swing and you're dead or maimed.

/v/NiggerCulture viewpost?postid=671d26df671de

Heh, I blew a guy's mind with nigger inbreeding talk the other day. Here's how it goes:

Most black people never leave the city/town they were born in. ~85% of black households are single parent, usually the mother. Many of those niglets don't TRULY know who their father is- they just have a revolving door of their momma's boyfriends coming in and out.

So, this niglet grows up and starts going to local clubs. He meets a sheboon, and they hit it off.. they have a LOT in common. She doesn't know her father, either! They were meant for each other. She does the nigger mating ritual and shakes her flabby ass at our young nigger male, and soon, the female is pregnant.

That's all great, right? Well, there's a HUGE chance that those two niggers are BLOOD RELATIVES. They could be half-siblings or cousins and never know it, because they don't know the truth of who their father is. This leads to inbreeding on a massive scale, as this goes on in highly populated US cities. The chances of NOT inbreeding are probably lower than the chance of inbreeding.

And to top it all off, that nigger doesn't stay with the bitch he impregnanted... so she goes on to have like 9 niglets by 7 niggers. One of those niggers was her cousin, and you can't convince me otherwise. There are a lot of reasons why knowing paternity is crucial to a healthy population.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=671d22cd89df9

This is correct. It's not limited to young niggers (like Paris Harvey, the one that shot her cousin and then herself using that pistol with the big drum magazine)- niggers of all ages will load a pistol, put one in the pipe, and then dance around like a clown while streaming with their favorite gay rap song playing. They'll be swinging the pistol around, holding it by the trigger, and BANG, shot himself in the leg or something.

Niggers think firearms are fashion accessories. The male nigger is driven by really gay shit, like fashion.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=671d22cd89df9

Looking around that (probably pretty expensive apartment/house... how the fuck do all these poor niggers end up in places like this?!), I noticed some things. Is that just typical nigger squalor, or was there a ferocious physical struggle? Everything is knocked over, broken shit laying all over the place...

It could be that the hysterical woman screaming about her brother shooting himself in the bathroom started flipping tables and such.

Also, I agree with OP, that nigger got shot in the head while he was in the bathroom. There was clearly some kind of niggercation that escalated to a shooting.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=671d22cd89df9

I wonder why this retard kept looking behind him? As if something was coming from behind to murder him.

Also, this is like... Indian tradition. Jeets can't help but fuck around with trains because of their autism, and then they die.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=671d00b3eeae2

Music soothes the savage beast.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=671cb51c90af9

I do like this manner of thought for the most part... and you are correct that this boy will never goosestep. But the hatred that is smoldering within him towards his mother and the entire, massive apparatus that props up tranny insanity could be valuable to us, couldn't it? Essentially, I am saying that this boy is a defector. He will hold no loyalty to the people who cut his dick off and forced him to take hormones, and then sexualized him as a 9-year-old for the entire world to see.

This boy is a walking weapon, perfectly forged for fighting against "gender ideology". There have been many times in past wars where defectors like this become a very valuable asset for their former enemies. This doesn't mean you feel pity for him... it's just practical use of an asset. Telling his story could open the eyes of many young Americans; for every ten freaks out there singing the praises of trannyism, there's only maybe one victim of the tranny system that is speaking out against what was done to them.

/v/TransgenderAgenda viewpost?postid=671b2b2a740db

Everyone's talking about the mother, who is absolutely guilty, but there's an enormous system of people who made this all happen: "doctors", teachers, media, even the fucking POTUS. It never ceases to amaze me just how many people have to play along with this crap to make it happen. Now, a boy is castrated and will never be able to live normally. He's a suicide waiting to happen... I feel terrible for him.

/v/TransgenderAgenda viewpost?postid=671b2b2a740db

I got choked up listening to the boy talking about all the things he liked to do... basically "I like doing boy stuff! I want to be a ninja!" I imagine his mother, off-camera, gesturing like "scissors to the groin" to remind the boy to add "Oh, and I'm transgender!" It speaks to how important transgenderism is to him: he forgets about it until mommy reminds him. Absolutely vile.

/v/TransgenderAgenda viewpost?postid=671b2b2a740db

Christ Almighty... This is so disturbing. It's infuriating, watch the clip from when the boy was 7 years old, talking about the things he likes: "Climbing trees, pretending to be animals, pretending to be characters from games/movies, playing with his big brother... Oh, and I'm transgender."

This was a totally normal, healthy boy. His mother ruined his life. There's a clip in the article where the mother, father, and boy are sitting at a table and the boy expresses not wanting to continue this trans madness. His mother was like "Yeah but two years ago you said you wanted this." BITCH, TWO YEARS AGO, HE WAS SEVEN, HE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT A VAGINA LOOKED LIKE OR HOW BABIES WERE MADE.

I have always believed that a major function of this trans fad, which is propagated by the media and corporations, is to sexualize children. Before all this bullshit, we had sex education around 5th-6th grade, and all they taught was the reality: men and women. No talk of "gender".

But now, teachers are telling 2nd graders about trannies. They're making them think about cocks, vaginas, buttholes, and front-holes. THIS MUST HAVE AN EFFECT ON THE YOUNG MIND.

The worst part of this story is that the boy was already castrated before he even hit puberty. His mother is truly a fucking demon, and the father is a fucking pussy for tolerating her madness. All of the doctors, teachers, and politicians who threw their support behind mutilating this boy are also guilty. National Geographic has the blood of this boy on their hands, too.

He can't be fixed. The damage is done. He will never be able to live a normal life as a man. His body is ruined, and I imagine he's not doing too well mentally, either. I foresee a suicide, and I'm not happy about it. If it comes to that, I hope the guy takes his mother out with him, along with all of the adults who participated in this FUCKING CLOWN SHOW act.

/v/TransgenderAgenda viewpost?postid=671b2b2a740db

I saw that fight. The cripple beat the shit out of the other nigger, he was underestimated and the nigger paid for it. You have to think that someone who has to live like that is VERY strong in the upper body, so if you engage them in a fight like that, they will probably win. You need to use your mobility and reach, and be careful not to get taken down- their center of gravity is basically at the ground, meaning it'd be really easy for them to tip a person over if they went for their ankles.

/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=671a593a64413