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20 comments block

[ - ] PearofAnguishJuniorManager 10 points 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 17:11:45 ago (+11/-1)*

Not a lot of people know this. But James Woods once told a story on TV. He was flying first class and there were some Muslim fellows acting very oddly in first class. They were praying loudly and would not acknowledge any female flight stewardess. He complained to FBI about these guys, he said it felt like they were acting. He’s an actor, he would know.

A few weeks after 9-11, the FBI showed up at his house unannounced and wanted to talk about those same guys. Turns out, they were the fellows that supposedly crashed the planes on 9-11.

So here’s what I think happened. The guys that were blamed for 9-11, were patsies. Hired by CIA types to ‘test security’ on planes. They flew all over the US acting this way, thinking they were part of some security test. On 9-11, these fucks had no idea they were going to die.

The plane carried it’s own oxygen, they switched it with a knock out gas and put everyone to sleep and some intelligence folks flew the planes remotely into the targets.

Mohammad Atta had requested 100k from the Saudis to be put into their operations account the day before 9-11. An odd request if he knew he was going to die the next morning.

After 9-11, Germany refused at accept any American made airliner that included software that allowed the plane to be taken over remotely. All the planes had this function.

All the hijackers were brought to the US by the the CIA’s , uh..I think they called it the foreign ‘something’ exchange program. Yet after 9-11 a reporter found out that the identities they borrowed to get into the US, the real people were still alive and had no idea these people were using their identities. You would think the CIA would have caught that, unless it was the CIA that set up those identities and assigned them to their patsies.

James Woods, was onto these guys before 9-11. I’m surprised the CIA didn’t kill him for noticing. It was this event that made him into a right winger. He’s a ‘truther’, because of this experience.

[ - ] Love240 2 points 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 17:47:53 ago (+2/-0)

Thank you for that. I had heard this before, but had just forgotten about it.

[ - ] boomerkiller 1 point 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 17:47:27 ago (+1/-0)

Damn, never thought that deep on that subject of 9/11. Can the official narrative cucks argue against this?

[ - ] PearofAnguishJuniorManager 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 18:15:36 ago (+0/-0)

None or this is mentioned in the 9-11 official report. They don’t even mention building 7.

[ - ] boomerkiller 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 7, 2022 05:41:02 ago (+0/-0)

And the retarded masses just go along with it...

[ - ] Irelandlost 1 point 1.7 yearsOct 6, 2022 07:34:40 ago (+1/-0)

Mohammad Atta had requested 100k from the Saudis to be put into their operations account the day before 9-11. An odd request if he knew he was going to die the next morning.

The lads who did the 7 July bombings on the tubes in London all bought return train tickets down from Bradford. It’s those little details that are usually most illuminating I find.

[ - ] TheSimulacra 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 21:01:19 ago (+0/-0)*

Israel did not blow up their own agents. Those planes were landed safely, mossad was allowed to get off while all the regular people were gassed to death. They were going to die anyways, what difference does it make how they are sacrificed. Might as well keep these shiny new planes don't you think?

I repeat, Israel did not fly their own agents into the towers. Or shanksville or anywhere else.

Edit : I would also say its pretty much guaranteed the only sand niggers on those planes were Mossad/(((CIA))) agents. They are not going to rely on some goat fuckers to fuck up the plan.

[ - ] HeyJames 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 22:32:14 ago (+0/-0)

He’s a ‘truther’, because of this experience.

As was Rabbai Trump but he became a jewish turncoat very quickly

[ - ] Clubberlang 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 22:36:58 ago (+0/-0)

Oyyyyyy Veyyyy goy think of the 6 gorillion!! And stop noticing!!

[ - ] dassar 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 23:46:54 ago (+0/-0)

Yep, BUAP (Boeing uninterruptable auto pilot) or something, fly by wire remote operation of any large Boeing passenger airliner - they started fitting them to all the models starting 1996/97 iirc - even the pilots didin't (still don't) widely know of this feature, also all communication out of the aircraft (cockpit to atc communications) can be over ridden and switched off , as well as the transponder. Control pressurization of cabin and basically an airliner full of unconscious helpless useful idiots ...911/ MH270/ the one 'shot down' over ukraine that flew 'off course' and several others i can't remember off the top of my head.

[ - ] NedsHead 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 6, 2022 09:10:51 ago (+0/-0)

I wondered why he is mocked by kike platforms like (((family guy))) I think I recall them or one of the other kike cartoons making fun of him

[ - ] Portmanure -1 points 1.7 yearsOct 6, 2022 02:12:51 ago (+0/-1)*

Nah, the airplanes at that time were not that sophisticated. Sure, some of them could land themselves hands free. But this required highly sophisticated equipment at the airport that was calibrated to the highest standards.

[ - ] PearofAnguishJuniorManager 2 points 1.7 yearsOct 6, 2022 08:13:40 ago (+2/-0)

The remote landing system has been available since 1962. Drones are fully remote, and were used everyday in the war caused by 9-11.

[ - ] Zyklonbeekeeper 6 points 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 16:22:24 ago (+6/-0)

And that's the way to do it...same format applies to the kikes and their stories.

[ - ] v0atmage 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 7, 2022 00:21:44 ago (+0/-0)

Original tweet: https://twitter.com/chrislhayes/status/1577054373607510017

I didn't see James Wood's response though, it's either buried or censored.

[ - ] Gigglestick 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 23:06:35 ago (+0/-0)

Big misshapen nose, must be Jew.


My nose has been broken from wrestling, football, tearing my face off on a tow rope, etc. my bridge is broken and now my nose is fucked. I bet a lot of white dudes aren’t “pretty”

[ - ] NedsHead 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 6, 2022 09:18:25 ago (+0/-0)

I usually put a snatch block between the tow and recovery vehicle, not my face LOL

[ - ] HowDoYouDoFellowNiggers 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 20:21:56 ago (+1/-1)

Stop talking about MSNPC, you stupid boomer.

We know you're a boomer. You're the only people who post this kind of shit and nowhere in the twat you posted does it even mention MSNPC. But you freely advertised for them.

You're either on their marketing team or an ultra retarded boomer. Either way, no one should listen to you

[ - ] Kung_Flu 0 points 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 17:09:59 ago (+0/-0)

Bad look. The media most certainly could cherry pick crimes perpetrated by white people. It does this already with mass shooters, ignoring the couple dozen blacks for every white one.

[ - ] PostWallHelena 1 point 1.7 yearsOct 5, 2022 19:16:00 ago (+1/-0)

ignoring the couple dozen blacks for every white one.
Literally thousands.