A documentary about the canuckistani immigration polocy. I'm not sure who made this but it just came across my other feeds. I figured some of you goats here might find this of value.
Pokemon Go using your phone camera to build a CIA-backed 3D Map AI system.
It sounds like an insane movie plot. But it's real.
In 2016, this was "Lunduke's crazy conspiracy theory about Pokemon Go being used to spy on everyone, backed by the CIA". Now, in 2024, Niantic Labs (the makers of Pokemon Go), proudly brags about using Pokemon Go to spy on you... and using that covertly obtained information to build a massive, 3D artificial intelligence mapping system of private spaces.
"We receive about 1 million fresh scans each week, each containing hundreds of discrete images."
In other words: Lunduke was right.
The CIA, NSA, and Pokémon Go:
Building a Large Geospatial Model to Achieve Spatial Intelligence:
...employed among non-jews, with its characteristic "Hebrew" inscription.
This is from the middle ages from somewhere in the Rhineland. Isn't it interesting there is no "star of david"?! Notice the symbol to identify "sorcery" was the "magic circle" ... it seems not only are the name changers changing names, but various other things.
This is one of the first "antisemetic" depictions of jews. Do you goats notice anything strange? Discuss ...
This is from the following book: https://archive.org/details/the-devil-and-the-jews-the-medieval-conception-of-the-jew-and-its-relation-to-modern-anti-semitism/mode/2up
If you want to read a lot, quickly, with good recall then you will find this book useful.
The big reveal is that your eyes and vision are transducers to ideas. Once you block all the extra cognitive quirks we have that are not necessary during reading, you can literally just shoot the information right to your brain.
EDIT: For some reason the link got frazzled. Here is another: https://pomf2.lain.la/f/ekye4c2m.pdf