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score: 46


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Sociology, Anthropology, Philosophy, Psychology, Criminology,
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It's fascinating how the language employed sounds as though they are still in opposition to Apartheid rather than to the 'Rainbow Nation' government. It's like it's still pre-1989, trying to build a multiracial coalition to defeat the System of the time.

'Indian brothers...', 'We aren't fighting against Indians, we're fighting against the System...'

It's almost for certain that the Indians are in the right whenever they cross with blax, probably just shooting looters, so what this guy seems to be doing is playing the victim card while threatening repercussions.

Yeah, we can attack you, but we are the victims if you fight back, and we'll attack you more if you do. So just let us attack you. Then there will be no repercussions further on.

I'm getting the impression this is a tribal conflict between Zulu and the (ostensibly) pan-racial ANC and the tribes more dominant within it. But this sounds like it's becoming exceedingly about race, with ethnic minorities being pulled into the conflict? Could this escalate into the racial war/minority genocide people here have seen as a looming probability for decades?

/v/FeralBantuInvaders viewpost?postid=60ef193fe7c09

Mershekel 0 points 3.0 years ago*

This video just begs to be parodied. Someone needs to dub over these lyrics, replacing "vaccinate" with "masturbate" and/or "ejaculate". Can't think of any appropriate rhymes for Covid, appointment and the other key words used within though.

/v/ClownWorld viewpost?postid=60d02adbbeae6

Mershekel 0 points 3.0 years ago*

Seemed drug-related from the point that he barely flinched upon being shot. No ordinary person would behave like that. He's like a zombie out of a horror film, even down to the facial expressions. A few years ago they had a 'zombie' drug in Brazil and similar videos emerged at that time, including one of a person chained up and making facial expressions like this.

You see plenty of videos where people scream in pain upon being shot just once. This guy has most of a clip in him and still makes no noise whatsoever.

Luckily for the cop this guy looks White. The mob won't burn half a city in his name.

/v/Crime viewpost?postid=60cfadf14ef57

Mershekel 1 point 3.0 years ago*

C is simply socialism, the standard 'normie' or 'leftist' answer, i.e. 'from each according to his ability to each according to his needs' (Communist Manifesto), which as someone on old Voat keenly observed was a quasi-moral justification of a parasitic relationship.

In the contemporary West it plays out like this:

Whites/B are superior to nonwhites/C;
It is bad that Whites/B are superior to nonwhites/C;
Strength must be transferred from Whites/B to nonwhites/C;
In order to attempt equalizing nonwhites/C to Whites/B;
If they become equal than the 'badness' of inequality has been solved and that is 'good'.

Obviously I find this reasoning wrong.

A (redistribution to the best) or B (no redistribution) are obviously vastly superior to C (redistribution to the worst), though it's not so easy to dismiss A. A isn't groid reasoning because C is groid reasoning. When are they ever the best at anything outside of sheer fantasy? That being said, only B (capitalism/private property) and C (socialism/welfarism/redistributionism) are serious options in the West (there is no society that has a sort of 'reverse' socialism in which we make/give things to those best qualified to use them, only standard socialism in which we give things to those we consider 'most needy' and generally worst qualified, i.e. the perpetual nonwhite underclasses). It also goes without saying that the West is moving further from B and towards C (anyone who seriously entertains A would probably be considered a far-right extremist these days).

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60cf55248f10a

Mershekel 3 points 3.0 years ago*

Is captainmeta4 also Adam LaDine?

That site is just so laughable. There's that 'carpathianflorist' character who spammed gay porn for hours on end and who is bizarrely still a moderator. Since then, he literally renamed his account to 'God', as if someone couldn't be more of a pretentious douche. God of what? A website that nobody even knows outside of some people fed up with Reddit (e.g. those frequenting r/saiditnet and r/RedditAlternatives, who probably number less than a thousand) and those far-left extremists who 'watch' and attempt to ridicule the 'far-right' from their perspective as dimwits, e.g. r/forwardsfromhitler, frequented by those who always seem to be open degenerates if not outright queers every single time you randomly click on one of their profiles and read their bio or most recent comments? That's practically 100% of the Left now, and this latter group absolutely hate Ruqqus because of its existing userbase, which leaves the former as their only userbase minus 'Nazis'. Most of these people from banned Reddit communities are already moving on (e.g. RadFem femcels to a Ruqqus clone called 'ThePinkPill'). To become 'pinkpilled' is simply an unimaginative feminist co-optation of becoming 'redpilled', referring to the point at which someone becomes a feminist. They literally have to co-opt the terminology of the same 'Far-Right' people whose mere existence gives them panic attacks.

Others here have been saying that carpathianflorist is actually a long time troll, having been a Reddit mod for 'milliondollarextreme' and 'ConsumeProduct'. I have no idea about 'carp' other than what others are saying about him. I barely used Reddit and only saw the last of 'ConsumeProduct'—Reddit is one massive echo chamber created by the dominant 'normie' Left who are exceedingly banning everything (TERFs, tankies, Trump supporters, and that list is ever-growing) that even mildly conflicts with their worldview. They won't stop until every last member is 100% woke, pozzed and Antifa.

These are the exact same people telling you that their site is going to be 'professionalized' or 'mainstreamed' or whatever. They have to get rid of the 'Nazis' so that it can become a Reddit alternative. What a joke!

Now, wasn't +HitlerWasRight JosephGoebbels' guild? Did someone 'siege' it after his ban? And now the 'spaghetti' coder admins are outright trolling what's left of their likely diminishing userbase?

/v/MeanwhileOnRuqqus viewpost?postid=60cd6ed6cc932

This problem has been in the public eye for at least a few years. There's obviously something 'off' about these claims that Chinese men are desirable when one considers the fact that Asian men consistently rank at the bottom of empirical studies of average male attractiveness across racial lines (groid women consistently rank at the bottom on the female side).

Obviously such things would have massive appeal to Chinese male ego—being part of the least attractive race of men and yet feeling as though you still have a shot with the most attractive race of women. It is thus no surprise why they find this nonsense appealing.

What is puzzling, however, is what women see in this. They're statistically likely to prefer all races of men over Asians, which means that there's something else at play. When there is mention of 'outstanding' and 'businessmen' I think we arrive at the most likely answer. Money. Ukraine remains dysfunctional after decades of Communism, whereas China is the only country that could be to some extent said to have actually 'made Marxism work', albeit without compromising heavily to capitalism. That's something of a feat given how Communist regimes controlled around 50% of the world's population at their peak and yet all excepting the Cuban and a few Asian Marxist regimes ended up being overthrown in popular uprisings by people fed up with levels of dysfunctionality that had become so extreme that they seriously impeded day-to-day life.

We're also seeing a particular intrusion by Chinese in the Russian Far East. I believe it was actually Putin himself who said that that region will be 'majority Chinese' in a few decades. Given that Moscow will also be minority White in a few decades (to Central Asians) it looks like there is little hope for Russia in the long term.

It is, however, pleasing that China's birth rates are going the way of South Korea and Singapore. We know that they are seeing this as a crisis because they now have a three-child policy. The closer they get to 0.00 the better it will be for everyone.

/v/PureFuckingKikery viewpost?postid=60cd486d11444

That website looks like a Ruqqus clone set up by trans-exclusionary feminists whose communities were banned from Reddit.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60c7bd98924db

Mershekel 1 point 3.0 years ago

'try' is going to be displeased, since he used asterisks and some other characters in the hope that a future update would automatically add all of this stuff in.

/v/TalkLolDev viewpost?postid=60c4388a5cd8f

Mershekel 1 point 3.0 years ago*

I noticed this months ago with 'globohomo'.

The only way around this is to co-opt existing words, e.g. 'Niger', 'vinegar' (both of which have been suggested here recently). They can't censor these terms with a blanket ban simply because they have little way of differentiating between the genuine and euphemistic uses of the term. The other option is simply to spell the word in a ridiculous way (I think I was able to use g_l_0_b_0_h_0_m_0 just fine). A blanket ban on 'vinegar' would hurt food channels way more than us, for example.

On the other hand, with made-up terms that only the people that they are targeting will use (who uses 'globohomo' or 'Clown World' except the very same 'Far-Right' people they want to rid YouTube of?), blanket bans are very effective.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60c0e1458cf54

Mershekel 1 point 3.0 years ago

The sheer state of academia in 2021.

This is what they teach at universities.
This is how academics get promoted.
This is passed by peer review.

And all it is, is genocidal propaganda in the form of a pseudo-intellectual word salad.

/v/news viewpost?postid=60c12a92126bb

I think this was already a /pol/ thing that didn't take off. Recently we had some people trying to add 'Judeo-' as a prefix to everything. And some wanted to try to use Niger (the country) in a similar fashion.

The real howler is that they can't even really ban or censor accounts for using the word 'vinegar' because they have no real way of knowing who is using it as a euphemism for groids—except perhaps by discriminating over where they use it.

I can imagine a whole subreddit 'larping' as chefs talking about how some vinegar got 'cooked' or 'wasted', etc. It might even last longer than the subreddits in which people larped as Minecraft fans, e.g. r/CraftingLore.

Redefining words that already have current meanings is the way to go. It is easy to censor a new term, such as 'globohomo', simply because it is only the people who they want to censor who actually use it in the first place. It is easy to have a blanket ban on all uses of such terms, but plenty of 'normies' would fall afoul of a blanket ban on 'vinegar'.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=60b6ab3d36f7f

That 'blacks built America' narrative is hilarious. Do these cretins seriously believe that Whites just sat back and did nothing other than cracking whips and forcing groids to work?

And, if so, how come the Left and their pets can't tell us exactly when in history did Whites start working like they do today?

They can't simply because Whites always worked in America. Afrocentrics also believe that:

- Ancient Rome, Greece, Israel and the Americas were negrified, the current inhabitants are all invaders and imposters taking credit for 'black excellence';
- Jesus, Julius Caesar, Plato, Muhammad, and to a lesser extent even Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler were groids (they have these hilarious, doctored images that depict these men with more negroid appearances);
- Groids had a futuristic civilization with flying pyramids, etc. until Whitey came along and destroyed it all.
- Nation Of Islam believes that the other races were 'created' by a traitor to their own race.

Obviously this raises some questions: how could the Whites possibly defeat such an advanced civilization, and why is it that nobody knows the 'truth' except the Afrocentrics, who seem to have some privileged access to reality that others lack?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60b72f9a38bb1

The way that the camera suddenly flicks to that face is hilarious.

The guy just has an irrational fear of transracialism. I mean, she's just a White woman in a black body. Right?

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60b584e82f7e0

I remember that time 'back in December'. His account was banned for perhaps a day afterwards.

I doubt it was 'only' 15 gay porn .gifs. Maybe 15 different ones, but spammed many times over on different guilds.

I haven't logged in since that time, except when Saidit was down. There I noticed that he had renamed his account to 'God'.

Who knows what this moron believes? One moment he'll say something 'based' or 'racist' but generally seems like a leftist shitting up his own site. This becomes apparent looking at the leaked screenshots that come out every so often from the Discord where the admins hang around. I don't even recognize most of the names, like 'NovaLegion' and 'vue'. There's obviously a divide between the userbase, i.e. 'Nazis', and those who are running it.

At least on the bright side most of the worst people like 'WillieOffThePickleboat' and 'Disp77' seem to have disappeared.

Also, isn't one of admins actually Jewish?

/v/MeanwhileOnRuqqus viewpost?postid=60b3f3b831914

Even in academia some still compare Islamism/Jihadism (not Islam as a religion) to Fascism.

Certainly 'Islamofascism' is usually just a term used by the ignorant (Islam is bad + Fascism is bad = Islam is Fascism). You see the same retarded reasoning with Leftists (Fascism is bad + Capitalism is bad = Fascism is Capitalism). People like to conflate things that they dislike.

Certainly Islam and Fascism have vastly different histories, and probably share little in common other than in-group preference and a few other things that every creed that isn't completely imbecilic like communism and liberalism all share in common.

/v/HDLunited viewpost?postid=60b0f6aaabe44

The comment section is hilarious.

"Expelled from 110 countries 1031 times...for no reason at all"

"People are waking up to you devils!"

"Let's be real no one wants the money lenders. That's why they've been kicked out of every country they've ever scurried their way into."

"Grass the bikes!
Race car now!"

If I had to take a guess, the comments are being brigaded by goyim.tv (several commenters like 'Nasty Ned GTV', 'GoyimTV. tv' and 'Handsome Truth on Goyim TV' are very clearly from there). The latter is the guy speaking in this video: https://files.catbox.moe/apnwf4.mp4

/v/Jews viewpost?postid=60af6d9722e3a

Wasn't your Ruqqus account banned?

You can still log in and view threads with a banned account?

/v/MeanwhileOnRuqqus viewpost?postid=60aec187e5997

That poster is hilarious.

This video can be summed up as: An Indian-looking invader complaining about people who want invaders gone...

/v/Australia viewpost?postid=60acb09057233

It's Nietzsche, but the gun and arm were edited onto this image. The original photo contains everything to the right of the gun and arm (for original image, see: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/27/ed/0e/27ed0eb0968fea8769653ead4f452096.jpg)

/v/Memeries viewpost?postid=60ac6442e2ff4

"his rotten and corrupted seed"

That's the funniest thing I've read in a while. Even the most cursory look at this strange specimen's face reveals the sheer rottenness and corruption of his genes. This is a walking argument for eugenics. So too are the hundreds most unfortunately born from his seed.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60a7f4ab561cf

Interestingly 'Jan Karbaat' from the second link you posted is also mentioned at the bottom of the OP's screenshot. At least we know how the owner of this 'clinic' ended up.

So we have a case of a Dutch man who used at the very least both his own sperm as well as that of an 'autistic Surinamese man' to father hundreds of children.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60a7f4ab561cf

That video was supposedly taken in the late 1990s. One wonders how much worse things have became since that time, especially when the state institutions are increasingly distrusted and the private sector has filled the vacuum.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=60a3c64aed207

Regardless of whether this particular screenshot actually comes from his Twitter, it's easily one of the most deranged social media profiles I've ever read. Literally all of his tweets are simply crude, unprofessional insults directed at Trump, Limbaugh, Giuliani, Republicans in general, 'racists' in general, and even Whites in general. If he was a Republican saying this about Democrats, he'd have long been banned, probably have been in trouble with the law, and have no job prospects whatsoever.

Covid, you're missing one!

/v/Memeries viewpost?postid=60a440a83233d

Also about Sudan (which literally stems from the Arabic term for 'black'). Not to be confused with 'abeed', which is what Arabs often call groids, which hilariously means 'slave'. Groids and slaves literally have the same name in Arabic.

/v/Hiddenlol viewpost?postid=6093e16172eb2

Mershekel 1 point 3.1 years ago*

Imagine being this person. Thinking that 'White colonizers' putting an end to cannibalism is somehow a bad thing.

One has to wonder just what kind of other nonsense resides in this idiot's mind. As well as inside the minds of the quackademics without whom this fool would never have been a graduate in anything whatsoever.

/v/Memeries viewpost?postid=6083ddab41046