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Member for: 10 months

scp: 243 (+248/-5)
ccp: 1407 (+1477/-70)
votes given: 2046 (+1464/-582)
score: 1650


No mention of Irans recent nuclear test

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=6704f8777dd7e

Neri’s farts have more chance of affecting them!

/v/EarthquakesAndVolcanoes viewpost?postid=67050457ab92a

Only thing is streetshitters dont dig holes!

/v/StreetShitters viewpost?postid=6703011f1b4d6

No issue, if you look up the iq of indigenous tribes in different countries the Australian aborigines have the lowest score.

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=66ff42bea91f7

Dont forget there is other big nose tribe which also likes to torture its animals during slaughter.

/v/EasyLikeSundayMorning viewpost?postid=6702b70db8f11

Only electrically stunned so they cant trash around, still conscious.

/v/EasyLikeSundayMorning viewpost?postid=6702b70db8f11

Don't ask it the IQ of an indigenous Australian aborigine (about 65).

/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=66ff42bea91f7

Shouldnt you be bitching about the bitch who’s in charge of Twatter censorship! Dont hear you blaming the MSM owners for all the BS their employees write.

/v/newz viewpost?postid=66fb35f52c03d

The messages is clear - Neri’s brain has been rotted by incurable syphilis.

/v/WorldWar3 viewpost?postid=66f9f34607228

No wonder Hooters is going broke, they ate all the profits 🤣

/v/sheboons viewpost?postid=66f82d0562e99

Bacon fat is Lard and great for cooking biscuits/cakes et. Tallow is beef fat and has higher smoke point.

/v/random viewpost?postid=66f846194f890

Sure that doggo was going to be shot

/v/news viewpost?postid=66f31d7fc1c89

The one sensible person in this whole thread

/v/Covid1984 viewpost?postid=66ecdf64986c3

Most likely your battery powered butt plug

/v/Israel viewpost?postid=66ebd29884af0

Good for the Russians bad for the Ukrainies

/v/news viewpost?postid=66e9eb0e4c45e

Jisrael salted all the pagers. Which would you like video of - the children being blown up or maimed doctors and nurses? All can be found online.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66ea28e9e80f7

Online video shows them definitely exploding, battleries dont go bang like that.

/v/4Chan viewpost?postid=66e9c6ad4eb54

From viewed footage they were actual explosions not overheating batteries

/v/shitisraeldoes viewpost?postid=66e99963a160f

Well you are using the Kamala Harris dilator aren't you!

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66e3bd3771203

And your anus is big enough to swallow Neri whole

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66e3bd3771203

You have been expanding that anus once too often, you could see how the other colors in view were altered too.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66e3bd3771203

Notice it calls him Richard Lynn not Professor Emeritus Richard Lynn. There is a good interview with him on YT from about a year back not long before he died.

The article is shite, anyone who believes a word from Bing or its ‘AI’ needs their heads read.

/v/RaceRealism viewpost?postid=66e80470aab8a