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Member for: 2.5 years

scp: 25 (+29/-4)
ccp: 98 (+115/-17)
votes given: 13 (+13/-0)
score: 123

Compost contamination and disease management      (Gardening)

submitted by SUV_dindu_nuffin to Gardening 9 months ago


So I’m having a little trouble wrapping my head around what I should be doing with blighted plant material, rotting/ infected fruits and veggies.

Part of me really wants to cut it all out and like burn it, so that the fungus and disease is destroyed and then really only compost stuff that’s “healthy”.

One farmer I worked for never put vegetable compost back into his fields. It was used to fertilize another field where commercial corn was grown. The vegetable fields only had synthetic or manure on them. But doing some gardening now… it’s not like I have another field. I’ve gotten in the habit of throwing stuff on the lawn, where the grass doesn’t care or the mower just chips it up. Kinda gross but at least it’s not going into my compost. I plow the normal compost back into the garden in the spring.

Should I be worrying about this so much? What other solutions am I not thinking of?

Do you guys keep compost separated by plant type, kind of like compost crop rotation?
You literally can’t even lurk anymore     (whatever)

submitted by SUV_dindu_nuffin to whatever 9 months ago


Seriously, lurking is not possible without an account, which you can’t get without making a post, which you can’t get without getting banned.

Oh well, guess I’ll have to get my memes non-regurgitated

Edit: should have mentioned I was talking about poal
Land or Family?     (AskGoats)

submitted by SUV_dindu_nuffin to AskGoats 2.3 years ago


My hope is getting out of the city in a few months, hopefully by the end of the year. The area I live in is so fucking expensive that you CANNOT buy any rural land for 2 to 3 hours drive, fortunately the sale of my house with jumpstart getting about 100 acres and building something nice in the rural area. So my options are:

1. Land and rural living
2. Being close to family

Personally I would value family but my side of the family is in different countries and basically nomadic. So it’s my wife’s family and they are 50%+ useless trash. So I’m sort of valuing land more.

What’s more important? Fucking off and leaving the city, or staying with family?