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Member for: 7 months
45 (+54/-9)
43 (+46/-3)
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33 (+33/-0)
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Voting habits
This user has upvoted 13 and downvoted 0 submissions
This user has upvoted 20 and downvoted 0 comments
Submission ratings
5 highest rated submissions
Holy shit ive found my home
23 points
Just a reminder that diddy received his money to create bad boy records from clive davis, a gay jewi
8 points
How come i can’t see anything from catbox but you guys seem to access it with no issues,
7 points
When I’m told trans people are committing suicide
4 points
I got dragged on a date to see the new ghost busters.
2 points
5 lowest rated submissions
I know it’s early but this Halloween i plan on dressing up as a bisexual Lex Luther
1 points
I got dragged on a date to see the new ghost busters.
2 points
When I’m told trans people are committing suicide
4 points
How come i can’t see anything from catbox but you guys seem to access it with no issues,
7 points
Just a reminder that diddy received his money to create bad boy records from clive davis, a gay jewi
8 points
Comment ratings
5 highest rated comments
Don’t question my presence here, reeeeeee DEI directives demand that i be here because i am black,
6 points
Glad to be home
4 points
Nah, its just like i remember it :)
4 points
This place is better than i i thought
3 points
Off reddit since 2019, I’m just a lonely prussian nomad now, and I’m done hosting chat forums wi
3 points
5 lowest rated comments
She served her purpose, ugly black women that once at least tried to watch their weight are now happ
0 points
I have no other alts unless you mean rdrama, that’s just to fuck with trans ppl cz i was bored and
0 points
You combine the powers of gay diddy with gay meek mills and you end up with this https://youtube.co
0 points
Barley use it tbh, but on the comments it’s lots of discussion about it yes
0 points
It’s the buzz on X lately
0 points