If you look at history you'll see they endured hundreds of years in tyranny. Don't hold your breath. The brits are meant to pay taxes and be fucked with like the cattle they are.
Calm down and realize you're in this for the long haul. If you're gonna win you're going to have to be patient, methodical and persistent. Also calm the fuck down, you wrote a lot but it was confusing to read.
More retarded shit from the school failed, good desert goy that did 4 tours filling Hesco blocks and burning shit barrels for masturbation in the desert. Too dumb to realize he worked for the jew the entire time. Actually proud of it, like mentioning his reloads in case anyone is impressed.
I was gonna say Pearl Harbor, what a dumb bitch. She didn't go to the border and she didn't go to Europe either because it's full of the whites she hates. This bitch is going to be the worst president ever.
I agree. I don't think he did that great either. They saw that, pushed him out and replaced him with this fresh lying whore. There was no way Biden was gonna win, they knew. But Trump is sounding more and more like a broken record and people that hated him in the past still hate him just as much. They just needed someone to vote for so they won't sit it out.
I hope but don't think he will win. Voting may not matter, but you might as well vote in case it does. It doesn't cost you anything, it's a form of resistance.
I had to stop watching. First off I can't stand hearing that bitch talk. I'd rather listen to fat fucks fart for two hours straight.
Trump had so many opportunities to dismantle this pacheat. Her comments on the border, the names of the murder and rape victims of migrants (he could easily occupy the entire minute and make her look idiotic and callous). Her price fixing idea was straight up communist.
All he had to do was just repeat what some of the media personalities like Mark Dice and others have been saying for months. The research was already done, the dummy just had to remember it and counter her lies.
Trump is too old, too slow and ultimately too stupid. He kept going on and on about topics that were not related like a broken record. Hello? This isn't one of your rallies, dummy. You have an opportunity here to grab some votes from the other side.
Didn't Tulsi Gabbard teach him anything? I bet he wasn't paying attention and/or forgot.
If Willie wetter Kamala Whorris wins, it's because he fucked up the debate. I'm still voting for him, because they're both Zionist controlled, so that is the same, but one is anti LGBT fag shit and the other is going to normalize pedophilia, gut what is left of the middle class, give gibsmedat to the lowest rung of the population that couldn't make ends meet no matter how good the economy was and disarm us and leave us defenseless when the economy tanks and the looting starts.
We're going to go through what South Africa went through. It's still not good there, so I'm not feeling hopeful.
Only a faggot would make up vivid gay shit like that. Also, why would you insert yourself into that situation? Some of these comebacks are really fuckin retarded.
Ah yes, coming from another country and learning how to spell and speak your stupid language better than you who were born here makes me a faggot. Meanwhile you country sister fuckers can't get a job worth a damn and you're being replaced by immigrants. I am watching your country go to shit and in reality there is no one to blame but the native white population that got dumbed down like sheep that had it too good for too long.
I hope you're paying more attention when you reload. Shame if you double charged and blew your meatbeater off.
Who are these boomers you're talking about? Also, what are YOU doing to stop the wrongs of this world? Bitching on some obscure internet forum? When the world is fucked 30 years from now, you will be the "boomer" the new gen of retards will blame for the state of things.
hylo 0 points 29 minutes ago
This reminds me of seeing a video of a chink killing/cooking a puppy with a blowtorch to eat.
/v/NiggerCulture viewpost?postid=66e5e3e51e1c0
hylo 1 point 9 hours ago
If you look at history you'll see they endured hundreds of years in tyranny. Don't hold your breath. The brits are meant to pay taxes and be fucked with like the cattle they are.
/v/Screenshot viewpost?postid=66e537c1ac129
hylo 0 points 9 hours ago
Hoping for a mass shooting at the reddit HQ.
/v/videos viewpost?postid=66e566d03300b
hylo 1 point 1 day ago
They should call it "coonshot"
/v/Niggers viewpost?postid=66e366839bfb8
hylo 0 points 1 day ago
Calm down and realize you're in this for the long haul. If you're gonna win you're going to have to be patient, methodical and persistent. Also calm the fuck down, you wrote a lot but it was confusing to read.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66e3b50104bc3
hylo 1 point 2 days ago
America is def the whore of the jews.They just pass it around.
/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=66e2d5a682ff6
hylo 1 point 2 days ago
Fleeing Ohio.
/v/Cats viewpost?postid=66e2c4070d3c6
hylo 4 points 3 days ago
We're not people to them. We're cattle that are to be exploited for their benefit.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66e1833f736d4
hylo 0 points 3 days ago
More retarded shit from the school failed, good desert goy that did 4 tours filling Hesco blocks and burning shit barrels for masturbation in the desert. Too dumb to realize he worked for the jew the entire time. Actually proud of it, like mentioning his reloads in case anyone is impressed.
The jew thanks you for your service.
/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66dff9fad4b70
hylo 0 points 3 days ago
Just because I don't agree with you, that doesn't make me 20 years older. This is the flawed logic that you base all your thoughts on.
/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66e0c60eb795f
hylo 2 points 3 days ago
I was gonna say Pearl Harbor, what a dumb bitch. She didn't go to the border and she didn't go to Europe either because it's full of the whites she hates. This bitch is going to be the worst president ever.
/v/conspiracy viewpost?postid=66e15d8df0f1e
hylo 1 point 3 days ago
What we have here is a closeted abomination of nature. Natural selection intervened and ensured this faggot doesn't pass on his genes.
/v/videos viewpost?postid=66e16c432c9a1
hylo 0 points 3 days ago
Both of them have potential in that regard.
/v/AskUpgoat viewpost?postid=66e0c3a2cca53
hylo 3 points 3 days ago
Last week I called you a retard and a faggot. Today I am upvoting you. Such is Upgoat.
/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66e0cfc5d8c43
hylo 0 points 3 days ago
I agree. I don't think he did that great either. They saw that, pushed him out and replaced him with this fresh lying whore. There was no way Biden was gonna win, they knew. But Trump is sounding more and more like a broken record and people that hated him in the past still hate him just as much. They just needed someone to vote for so they won't sit it out.
I hope but don't think he will win. Voting may not matter, but you might as well vote in case it does. It doesn't cost you anything, it's a form of resistance.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66e0dae7b5b53
hylo 2 points 3 days ago
True, I almost died from cringing.
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66e0dae7b5b53
hylo 3 points 3 days ago
Blocked him a loooong time ago.
/v/Voat_Community_Block_List viewpost?postid=66e0e9305d47e
hylo 0 points 3 days ago
*chef's kiss*
/v/whatever viewpost?postid=66e059776fc45
hylo 3 points 3 days ago
I had to stop watching. First off I can't stand hearing that bitch talk. I'd rather listen to fat fucks fart for two hours straight.
Trump had so many opportunities to dismantle this pacheat. Her comments on the border, the names of the murder and rape victims of migrants (he could easily occupy the entire minute and make her look idiotic and callous). Her price fixing idea was straight up communist.
All he had to do was just repeat what some of the media personalities like Mark Dice and others have been saying for months. The research was already done, the dummy just had to remember it and counter her lies.
Trump is too old, too slow and ultimately too stupid. He kept going on and on about topics that were not related like a broken record. Hello? This isn't one of your rallies, dummy. You have an opportunity here to grab some votes from the other side.
Didn't Tulsi Gabbard teach him anything? I bet he wasn't paying attention and/or forgot.
If Willie wetter Kamala Whorris wins, it's because he fucked up the debate. I'm still voting for him, because they're both Zionist controlled, so that is the same, but one is anti LGBT fag shit and the other is going to normalize pedophilia, gut what is left of the middle class, give gibsmedat to the lowest rung of the population that couldn't make ends meet no matter how good the economy was and disarm us and leave us defenseless when the economy tanks and the looting starts.
We're going to go through what South Africa went through. It's still not good there, so I'm not feeling hopeful.
/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=66e0dc0e8c62d
hylo 0 points 3 days ago
You got that all wrong. One side is subverting your government. The other wants to be left the fuck alone.
/v/Jews viewpost?postid=66ccc8cb08a15
hylo 0 points 3 days ago
Russians have guns
/v/Ukraine viewpost?postid=66dbd3dac8f29
hylo 0 points 3 days ago
Only a faggot would make up vivid gay shit like that. Also, why would you insert yourself into that situation? Some of these comebacks are really fuckin retarded.
/v/Jews viewpost?postid=66de41781b5d1
hylo 1 point 3 days ago
Ah yes, coming from another country and learning how to spell and speak your stupid language better than you who were born here makes me a faggot. Meanwhile you country sister fuckers can't get a job worth a damn and you're being replaced by immigrants. I am watching your country go to shit and in reality there is no one to blame but the native white population that got dumbed down like sheep that had it too good for too long.
I hope you're paying more attention when you reload. Shame if you double charged and blew your meatbeater off.
/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66dff9fad4b70
hylo 0 points 3 days ago
Who are these boomers you're talking about? Also, what are YOU doing to stop the wrongs of this world? Bitching on some obscure internet forum? When the world is fucked 30 years from now, you will be the "boomer" the new gen of retards will blame for the state of things.
/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66e0c60eb795f
hylo 1 point 3 days ago
when you're 13 and everyone older than you is a boomer.
/v/TellUpgoat viewpost?postid=66e0c60eb795f