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Member for: 3.3 years

scp: 1470 (+1543/-73)
ccp: 7532 (+8038/-506)
votes given: 328 (+219/-109)
score: 9002


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how do you hold three shells in one hand dumbass.

/v/Askconspirologist viewpost?postid=665c2b263d5e2

so in us military terms they will have a replacement for it that is nothing like the current abrams, wont be a tank, will be designed for 5 different tasks and subsequently fail at all of them, be rolled out in 35 years, only to be replaced by an updated abrams, because someone finally asked the question (after 5 billion dollars spent) "Why dont we just update what weve got?"

Sorry... watched some semi comedy docudrama about the bradley a few weeks back. Kelsey Grammar made a great angry bumblefuck dc military pencil pusher.

/v/Military viewpost?postid=665bb508ee15d

doesnt say anything about him marrying the sister. just having a kid with her. 8 years after he divorced number 1.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665c0ceb362ef

I actually think they can be entertaining.

Like giving them to white people who swear they're black and not related to slave owners only to find out the only black in the family married the plantation owner and the family went full kkk ever since

(S3riouly, look up Puerto Ricans doing a DNA test, and then the black British actor whose world visibly ends when he finds out his black great granddaddy owned most of the carribean slaves. Including great grandmammy.) That's when suddenly racial make-up is unimportant and they literally have *nothing* of any value to say.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b56f5bee84

Look he might have brought it home from adult SPED art class but his tard wrangler *did* say we still have to show some pride in him...

I guess we could put it on the fridge under the stick figure naruto porn?

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b181dccb32

Lots of words.

Avoided answering the question tho.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=665af7e21ac77

They've just elected him for a third time.


A third.

He won the last one as well.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=665af7e21ac77

OP is actually implying Trump is accusing himself of the shit he didn't do that a dozen others testified he didn't do and was prosecuted anyway.

Between that and Derek Chauvin being jailed for murder despite Floyd being alive in an ambulance 20 minutes later and the coroner stating he died of drug overdose not asphyxiation I don't know how Americans on both sides aren't catching on something is completely fucked in the courts.

We have a similar issue, a thug ass cop who SHOULD be in jail who was let off by magistrate implying approaching an unarmed skinny teen talking to another cop from behind, spear tackling him head first into a tiled floor at a train station on camera TO DEMONSTRATE FORCE is some how NOT use of excessive force. (Absolutely was. Cop didn't even have a reason to engage let alone arrest, no finds committing)

TLDR is courts *all over the western world* are now literally bending the law over magistrate/judges desks whipping out their cocks, and dry pegging the fuck out of the law, all concepts of law, all precedents set if law, all basic legal freedoms, choking those laws out and yelling "you my bitch now... trumped raped a bitch in a department store? Yeah play that episode of law and order again that gets me going, wait what... you decided to get a loan to pay off a lawyer who's now in jail for extorting coca cola because story of old porn slut, and not tell anyone... including your wife... because something something embarrassing melania? Yeah he guilty bitch aaaaand boom goes the dynamite" slaps the law on the ass and pulls up his pants.

/v/USPolitics viewpost?postid=665af7e21ac77

McDonough does get around d BUT... he doesn't get big jobs *because he refuses to do any scene that involves romancing anyone other than his real wife* refused to do shagging/woman beating scenes and dropped off the radar. He's a legit good guy and great actor.

There's a bunch of them in the show.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b0bb9db16c

It's pretty fucking kick ass and aged well.

I still haven't seen the Pacific War which is meant to be good.

The war room in it is actually in Melbourne, used to have to do regular walks through it at work.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b0bb9db16c

To be fair this probably is the highest effort post of the year.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b181dccb32

Let's say I shove the test up the ass of the person who handed it to me.

I know who I am.

No cunts farming my DNA.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b56f5bee84

I can see it having one of those retarded skills and abilities trees and hotkeys that are more complicated than the excuses the fat nerd playing the game gives for being a fatty.

"This rune of ultimate fitness here, parkourmaxxed, high stealth and acrobatic armour with Transgender Camouflage buff and BLM flag... OMG BAKA NANI FINALLY A GAME THAT REPRESENTS ME ACCURATELY"

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=665acc393e532

Sadly, yes. Tho I do try and avoid it where I can.

But that's why you always pirate first then pay for a license when it's on discount at $5 on steam. In that case you've already found the goyslop and purged it without paying or pay what it's actually worth later on if it's slop free (which does happen)

/v/gaming viewpost?postid=665acc393e532

I think he was a musician in the 70s. Now some rando news reader who threw his kid into the cabal for more tv time. Failed. Son is literally Australia's version of Dylan Mulvayney but without the brand deals and his dad still has the same shitty breakfast gig he had 5 years ago.

/v/Faggots viewpost?postid=665af169adffe



You don't have to put on your red light....

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=665b15070dc6a

Ginger bashing is a thing?

I'm post 40 and I'm still waiting for what's been promised for decades.

/v/Newsofthestupid viewpost?postid=65f64dca7ee9a

The robot is real. From Boston Dynamics.

The gun was added by Bosstown Dynamics CGI in one of their fuckin funny parodies (beating the shit out of a droid with a hockey goalies stick until it goes native)

The Chinese crap in the background looks like higher quality than the shit china makes... so probably also bosstown. (Seriously, go look at some of the hilariously bad photoshopping they do when they advertise their trains...)

/v/Newsofthestupid viewpost?postid=665b5335b8701

"So whats wrong with my work ChatGPT?"

"Youre a retard, kill yourself."

/v/askanon viewpost?postid=664b8438de3f1


but arent gonna.

great game that, say publically you wont do the illegal thing youre being paid to do, so the person paying you to do the illegal thing, decides they need to pay you more.

/v/Memes viewpost?postid=664c1b2f58142

they did listen to the doctors. the doctors told them to do it or get fired. the nurses job is to say 'fuck you, thats malpractice, im reporting you, im not having an intentional death to a medical experiment on my conscience.

they didnt. all medical staff are equally as criminal as each other. there are checks and balances that were overridden at every level for this shit to happen, and it required co-operation. the vast majority did whatever the fuck they could to make it easier for themselves and kept extra money in their pocket. those that said no were fired.

shit no one even offered to try and pay me to make people wear masks or get jabs, i might have taken the money, but i sure as fuck wouldnt have made anyone wear shit, and they can suck my dick to get the hush money back.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664badca20678

they werent scared of a fucking thing. they had dollar signs in their eyes.

they absolutely *did not* know any contraindications and yet they gave the jabs anyway. At BEST that is called Medical Malpractice. If they dont know what the effect of a treatment is going to be 'herp derp we didnt know about any side effects' then they are *FORBIDDEN* from prescribing that treatment.

if they *did* know the contraindications because 'im a professional and its my job to know these things and im forbidden from prescribing something i dont know the effects of' and prescribed something despite knowing its inappropriate and that person dies its called *MANSLAUGHTER*

if they *did* and *knew* it was going to kill people, then it goes up to *MURDER*

there is absolutely no spin on any of the fucking bullshit that went on where anyone in the medical profession is legally in the clear. they absolutely broke the law, regardless of if there were any deaths as a result. they claim they didnt know the side effects and they couldnt explain what was in it or the contraindications then every jab they gave is a charge of Malpractice. Thats not even grey. Thats about as black and fucking white as it gets in medical terms.

What *is* a grey area, is whether theyre guilty of Malpractice alone, or with added Manslaughter and Murder charges. Their job was to fucking say no. They didnt.

/v/whatever viewpost?postid=664badca20678