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Sleep is racist     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by v0atmage to ClownWorld 1 day ago


Cold brew faster than it takes to suffocate a nigger!      (newatlas.com)

submitted by v0atmage to coffee 2 weeks ago


Candace Ovens approves this message      (jewishleadershipproject.org)

submitted by v0atmage to Memes 1 month ago


9 reasons why (the right amount of) coffee is good for you     (archive.is)

submitted by v0atmage to coffee 2 months ago


The End is Nigh!     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by v0atmage to whatever 2 months ago


What a coincidence that the crossing of the X sits right over the Texas border...

Turns out @facelessone was right...apparently he's like the Alex Jones of upgoat.

*Britain's negro worshipping intensifies*     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by v0atmage to ClownWorld 2 months ago


The Waves of Coffee     (coffeebros.com)

submitted by v0atmage to coffee 2 months ago


Want to sound cool while getting your morning coffee from that sexy barista with the large honkers on your way to work? Well then, tell her you're a 3rd or 4th waver. Panties... will... drop!

### First Wave

The first wave of coffee refers to the period when coffee was treated as a simple beverage to drink with meals, without much focus or care. It was considered a traditional drink with regional styles, but did not receive the same level of attention as it does today. This era of coffee started in the late 1800s to 1920s and was characterized by the rise of mass-produced coffee goods during the industrial revolution. During this time, coffee shifted from a luxury item for the elite to a commodity for the general public. Brands like Folgers and Maxwell House made coffee affordable and accessible to consumers by the mid-1950s, but without any emphasis on tasting notes, country of origin, or the influence of the supply chain on flavor.

### Second Wave

The second wave of coffee marked the rise of modern coffee shops, like Starbucks and Peet's. These shops offered a wide range of coffee and tea beverages, including lattes, cappuccinos, and others, and provided a space for lingering, socializing, and escape from the office and home environment. This wave was a response to consumers' demand for higher quality coffee and a shift in expectations. The popularity of these coffee shops coincided with the concept of the "third place" where people could engage in casual socialization. The second wave of coffee also expanded the palate and expectations of consumers by introducing new drinks like cappuccinos, lattes, and café au laits, and making them more widely available. This wave also helped to perfect and refine these drinks by local cafés and baristas.

### Third Wave

Third wave coffee is a new way of appreciating coffee as a complex beverage, similar to wine or beer. It focuses on the entire process from farm to cup and highlights the role of the farmers and the importance of proper growing and processing methods. Third wave coffee is concerned with specialty coffee only, and roasters often roast their coffee lightly to bring out the natural flavors and complexity of the coffee. The third wave of coffee started in the early-to-late 2000s and is marked by consumers switching to specialty coffee, as well as the increasing availability of at-home brewing instruments. Consumers also became more concerned with the actual sourcing of green coffee beans and the supply chain, leading to a demand for higher quality, sustainably sourced coffee. Organizations like the Specialty Coffee Association have played a significant role in increasing awareness and demand for specialty coffee, while local coffee shops, baristas, and roasters have been instrumental in bringing direct-trade, sustainably sourced coffee to the forefront of the industry.

### Fourth Wave

The US coffee market is moving into its fourth wave, marked by Gen Z's coffee preferences and growth in at-home specialty coffee drinks. This wave will be defined by creative drinks, bottom-up innovation, and a fresh approach to coffee marketing. Home-made premium coffee drinks will be the focus of innovation, as many consumers upgraded their home coffee bars during the pandemic. With the decline in commutes and increase in remote work, there is a rise in ownership of specialty brewing equipment, presenting opportunities for retail coffee brands, coffee additives, and coffee appliances. Home baristas are becoming more skilled and sophisticated with a focus on better grinding, espresso preparation, and high-quality water. The fourth wave is geared towards high-end machinery for home baristas and there is an increased interest in coffee education. While this does not mean the end of the café experience, home consumers are advancing their coffee brewing knowledge and can match their favorite coffee shops.
A Honey Processing TLDR     (www.canterburycoffee.com)

submitted by v0atmage to coffee 2 months ago


It's called *honey* processing to loosely describe the pulpy mucilage they (yes, usually african niggers) leave on the bean when drying it. The different types of processing differ the time drying, how much mucilage remains on the bean, and other random shit.


Yellow Honey has the fastest drying, where the coffee receives full-sunlight giving the coffee a light-yellow colour by the time it has reached its proper finished moisture level.
Dry time: 8 days
Technique: exposed to full-sunlight while drying.
Flavour profile: apricot-like, light and floral.
Mucilage: 50%


Red Honey takes longer to dry, usually developed during cloud cover, often taking about 12 days to finish drying.
Dry time: 12 days
Technique: typically processes during cloud cover.
Flavour profile: sweet and syrupy.
Mucilage: 75%


Black honey is the most complex, laborious, and expensive. This is because it takes the longest time to ferment and takes up space on the drying beds for up to twice as long compared to yellow & red honey processing.
Dry time: 15 days
Technique: covered by a black plastic tarp while turned on raised African-style beds.
Flavour profile: full-bodied, sweet with fruity/pulp depth.
Mucilage: 100%

**PS**: Welcome to /v/coffee! I know this isn't about niggers or jews but it helps to discuss positive topics for a change, right?
$3000 for this piece of garbage makes the apple vision pro seem like a deal!     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by v0atmage to cars 2 months ago


VICE is officially shoahed. Hooray!     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by v0atmage to JewMedia 3 months ago


- https://twitter.com/janusrose/status/1760793400310198595 (https://archive.is/y95y2)
- https://reddit.com/r/giantbomb/comments/1axbqxq/sounds_like_vice_may_be_shutting_down/
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39476074

Jewgle's Gemini AI is fake and gay     (notthebee.com)

submitted by v0atmage to AI 3 months ago



NY Post: https://nypost.com/2024/02/21/business/googles-ai-chatbot-gemini-makes-diverse-images-of-founding-fathers-popes-and-vikings-so-woke-its-unusable/

Daily Mail (check out those knights, lolz): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-13108515/Google-Gemini-racist-white-people.html
"Plastic bans work. Billions of plastic bags were avoided in the US alone" - but wait, there's more!     (archive.is)

submitted by v0atmage to ClimateChangeSkeptic 3 months ago


It turns out banning plastic bags at the grocery story *doesn't* reduce the amount of plastic consumed at all because people just find other sources for plastic:


Not to mention that paper bags contain toxic "forever chemicals":


An AI based logo maker     (www.sketchlogo.ai)

submitted by v0atmage to AI 3 months ago


New York City Hall Replaces Thomas Jefferson Statue With Golden Statue Of Lizzo     (babylonbee.com)

submitted by v0atmage to FatPeopleHate 4 months ago


SEC finally updates their twatter password     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by v0atmage to Crypto 4 months ago


Looking forward to the CTRL-F jew sequel.     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by v0atmage to Memes 5 months ago


A PDF deep dive on EV vs. ICE total cost of ownership.      (www.texaspolicy.com)

submitted by v0atmage to cars 5 months ago



EVs are over 17 dollars a gallon when factoring in externalities.

Ford, despite absurd government subsidies, still loses on average 70k per car.

You can make several hybrids from the materials of just one EV car, making them way more economically viable and sustainable than producing pure EVs.

Sam Altman restored as OpenAI CEO after his tumultuous ouster     (archive.is)

submitted by v0atmage to technology 6 months ago



What a shit show.
Trans Athlete Who Seriously Injured Female Player Quits Team After Opponents Refuse to Play Against Him     (www.breitbart.com)

submitted by v0atmage to ClownWorld 6 months ago


Philadelphia City Council seeks volunteers for its reparations task force      (archive.is)

submitted by v0atmage to Niggers 6 months ago


@graydragon was first in line but he failed the sobriety test.
Kike Fight! Sam Altman Fired as CEO from OpenAI and 4 of his minions resign right after     (arstechnica.com)

submitted by v0atmage to technology 6 months ago



On the surface it appears to be money making jews vs the what about muh children jews, with the latter pushing out the former.
If Mike Johnson wasn't a cuck [Ron Paul Institute]     (archive.ph)

submitted by v0atmage to USPolitics 7 months ago


Louisiana Republican Mike Johnson has been chosen as the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, ending the three-week drama. Representative Johnson has a reputation as a fiscal and social conservative. He has at times opposed funding the Ukraine war, suggesting he may be open to non-interventionist arguments or at least unwilling to give the military-industrial complex a blank check. However, he also supports giving Israel "whatever it needs" to defeat Hamas.

Speaker Johnson has suggested that another short-term continuing resolution to avoid a government shutdown may be necessary to ensure the House is not pressured into passing an omnibus spending bill at the end of the year. He has said he wants to pass individual spending bills through the House. This could help restrain spending.

However, Speaker Johnson should not trade away the leverage a potential shutdown gives fiscal conservatives. A Speaker who is truly committed to individual liberty and who understands the urgent need to cut government spending would be willing to shut down the government if that is what it takes to get Congress to make real spending cuts. This hypothetical pro-liberty Speaker would refuse to bring any bill increasing any spending in any area to the House floor unless it offsets the spending increases with equal or greater spending cuts.

A pro-liberty Speaker would work to repeal unconstitutional federal programs, agencies, and departments. Instead of replacing Obamacare with Obamacare Light, a pro-liberty Speaker would work to repeal all federal intervention in healthcare and restore patient control via tax credits and expanded Health Savings Accounts (HSAs). Instead of No Child Left Behind 2.0, a pro-liberty Speaker would work to shut down the unconstitutional Department of Education.

A pro-liberty Speaker would form coalitions with antiwar progressives to defund all unconstitutional military operations, bring the troops home, dramatically cut spending on militarism, and forbid funding for wars not declared by Congress. There could also be a left-right populist coalition formed to end corporate welfare and all other federal regulatory and spending legislation that benefits large financial institutions, pharmaceutical companies, and other big businesses. The savings from those cuts could be used to support those dependent on government programs while Congress phases out the welfare state. Also, young people should be allowed to opt out of Social Security and Medicare in exchange for a payroll tax exemption.

A pro-liberty Speaker would only bring legislation to the floor of the House that protects liberty and is constitutional. A pro-liberty Speaker would work to protect the entire Bill of Rights. That means no more PATRIOT Acts, drug wars, civil asset forfeiture, airport harassment, or government-sponsored online censorship. Instead of responding to mass shootings with thoughts, prayers, and authoritarianism, a pro-liberty Speaker would work to repeal unconstitutional gun control laws that leave innocent Americans defenseless.

Last, but certainly not least, a pro-liberty Speaker would seek to audit and end the Federal Reserve. He should also seek to protect the people’s right to use alternative currencies such as precious metals and cryptocurrency.

The election of a pro-liberty Speaker of the House will not happen until the liberty movement is able to gain more influence in the political climate. This is why all of us who know the truth must continue to spread the ideas of liberty
🤮 This thing is a self described "model" 🤮     (files.catbox.moe)

submitted by v0atmage to FatPeopleHate 7 months ago


Reddit mods took the call.     (cointelegraph.com)

submitted by v0atmage to Crypto 7 months ago


Urge...to kill...rising...in meincraft     (ClownWorld)

submitted by v0atmage to ClownWorld 7 months ago


Took a fitness class in my libtarded suburban neighborhood I live in, afterward overheard this fat problem glasses cow talking about her upcoming Halloween party.

She asked her friend if she was dressing up for it who responded "I don't believe in stuff like that". Clearly some sort of low key virtue signaling.

Then the cow says "My son is dressing up as barbie."

The friend responds "Nice!".

The cow adds "Platinum Barbie!", whatever the fuck that is, followed by

"He doesn't want to do it but I'm forcing him to."

Empowering women was a mistake.