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Community for : 3.2 years

For the only real lovers of freedom

Owner: x0x7


Tax cut     (
submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 4 months ago (+19/-0)
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No amount of reform will subdue the evil that is the Fed. Instead we need the total separation of money and state.     (
submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 3 months ago (+13/-0)
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"The government" is printing money out of thin Air. Actually it's the banks. The Fed is private. The government gets that money via loans. We owe it back. And because our government spends so much, if it wants to remain in operation it has to do so at the permission of the banks. So no wonder it does their bidding, and fights wars abroad to maintain and propagate that system.
Boomers when you actually oppose socialism     (
submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 3 months ago (+19/-6)
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Speculative investors     (
submitted by UncleDoug to AnarchoCapitalism 1.6 years ago (+13/-1)
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What country has the most freedom?     (AnarchoCapitalism)
submitted by MonkeysSmarterThanNiggers to AnarchoCapitalism 2.8 years ago (+10/-0)
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Myth     (
submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 3 months ago (+10/-0)
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Refund     (
submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 3 months ago (+5/-0)

I wish I could get a refund
Disarmament     (
submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 3 months ago (+4/-0)
As long as we compromise, we loose. What if we turn the tables?     (AnarchoCapitalism)
submitted by RecycledElectrons to AnarchoCapitalism 2.8 years ago (+4/-1)
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Every time we compromise we lose. What else can we do? Here's my daydream:

Imagine that we create a corruption offender list, and put every corporate HR type on it, put every cop on it, put every lawyer on it, and put every judge on it. Those HOA jerks go on it too. Every faggot who ever used a gay lisp to back someone down goes on it. Everyone who ever got affirmative action or a Pell Grant or a McNair Scolarship goes on it.

Imagine that we do to them what they have done to us. Turn about is fair play.

In the way they restrict us with gun control laws, imagine that they will not be allowed to own any tools, including self defense tools. They will not be able to buy a fork without showing ID and waiting for a background check.

Imagine that they will not be allowed any privacy; we can search them, their vehicles, their mail, and their homes at time we wish.

Imagine that anyone can take any of their things (forfeiture,) and if they want to complain they must first prove who took it and how (remembering that anyone can delete any of their files, and anyone can destroy their cameras) then they must file a suit to ask for it back. If they pay 10x the value of the thing in court costs, then they might get it back, if they are not simply told "no" by the court clerk or the bailiff, or the judge.

Imagine that they can never win a case in court. Any time they go to file it, the court clerk simply says "no." If they do somehow win, the judge does not rule in their favor, but lets the other side pay 1/10th what they took and then dismissed the case.

Imagine that they have no right to say no to sex. We can walk up and grope them (they way cops grope me) any time we wish.

Imagine that if they do not pay us protection money (like I pay auto insurance) we can tow their vehicle away, just for the fun of it, after holding them at gun point and screaming at them and beating the hell out of them, like cops do to me.

Imagine that any time they apply for a job, they will be told "Well, you're black / female / gay. We need a qualified straight white male for this job," just like I have been told I was a white male and therefore they could not hire me. Imagine that anyone who is not a white male needs a perfect score on the hiring test, while white males need a chance score.

Imagine that we set up honey pots and when they spend hours posting, then we show up armed at their homes and question them about it. We could delete their posts just to piss them off.

If we compromise, we lose. If we victimize them like they victimize us, we win.

I hate the human race. I'm almost ready to join the other side and act like they do. It's kinder to kill all humans, but I really want revenge.
MONEY MONKEYS! Shoopity shoop, boopity boop.     (
submitted by BoraxTheFungarian to AnarchoCapitalism 2.8 years ago (+3/-1)
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Stole this from @anon
Also I hate the poor     (
submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 4 months ago (+5/-3)
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Argentina after Javier finishes his term and the system of democracy resumes     (
submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 2 months ago (+4/-2)
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The cycle     (
submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 4 months ago (+3/-2)
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The meme     (
submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 4 months ago (+4/-3)
War tax resistance     (
submitted by x0x7 to AnarchoCapitalism 1 week ago (+1/-0)
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Except instead of it being about war it's about everything our government does.
This is the world (((Master_Foo))) is okay with      (
submitted by Jewfed9000 to AnarchoCapitalism 2.2 years ago (+5/-7)
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