The empircal data on Covid-19 mRNA injections
(◉mRNA "vaccine" does not stay in the injection site.
◉nanoparticles can cross the blood-brain barrier
◉mRNA does not degrade quickly
◉Natural immunity ignored
◉spike protein is a cytotoxin solely responsible for the severity of the respiratory infection
◉SARS infection from mRNA does make disease and symptoms worse and reinfection easier.
◉Natural infection and recovery reduced hospitalisation
◉mRNA shot was not designed to stop the spread of the virus
◉Higher vaccinations did correlate to higher covid-19 caseloads
◉Vaccination with mRNA directly related to a high probability of re-infection with later strains
◉Death from covid-19 calculated to be 0.05% for under 70s, less than that of influenza.
◉COVID-19 gene therapy (mRNA vaccine) causes more COVID-19 cases per million and more non-Covid deaths per million than are associated with COVID-1
◉mRNA directly associated with fertility issues but not limited to miscarriage, foetal death and malformation, chronic autoimmune disease, permanent immune deficiency syndrome, chronic permanent CNS diseases and chronic cognitive disorders, seizure disorders and neonatal/infant cancers
◉Adults from 30 to 39 are 7 times more likely to die from vaccination
This is just from the first 4/18 pages