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Chronicles the decline of the west through via means of jewish led hyperfeminisation.

Owner: UncleDoug


Women being dominated by other women     (
submitted by dulcima to FeminismIsCancer 1.5 years ago (+69/-0)
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Creating jobs for women     (
submitted by UncleDoug to FeminismIsCancer 1.5 years ago (+66/-1)
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Damn you Captain Planet!     (
submitted by UncleDoug to FeminismIsCancer 1.2 years ago (+61/-0)
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eQuality Mechanic     (
submitted by UncleDoug to FeminismIsCancer 1.6 years ago (+55/-0)
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Karma is a wonderful lady      (
submitted by fightknightHERO to FeminismIsCancer 2.6 years ago (+54/-0)
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What an odd little (((tattoo))) she has

every fucking time
Another great moment in women’s aviation     (
submitted by PostWallHelena to FeminismIsCancer 1.4 years ago (+56/-2)
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Yeah okay it was one of ours. There was a guy on board (American Airlines 106) but he sounded drunk.

Seems like the tower told her to cross runway 31L on taxiway kilo, but instead she crossed runway 4L on taxiway juliet. Oops.

The Delta flight full of Dominicans had to slam on the breaks but the spic was on the ball.

I linked to the twitter vid direct because catbox is being weird. Sorry.

P.S. - Also missed by you guys, deadly crash in Nepal —pilot was, you guessed it, a lady dot!

But dont say women are useless, cuz Im doing all your work here! Lazy mgtows.
"Feminism has left middle-aged women like me single, childless and depressed We were taught to prioritise our careers over marriage – and now we are paying for it"     (
submitted by dulcima to FeminismIsCancer 1 month ago (+49/-0)
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Telling final paragraph: -

Feminism made the error of telling us to behave and think like men. This error was a grave one, and women like myself are paying for it, like gamblers in a casino that has been fixed. We are not men, and in living the single life, with its casual encounters, we play for much higher stakes and have more to lose. I wish I had not been taught to throw the dice so high. Even Shakespeare’s princes needed someone to look after them in their old age.

Marilyn Monroe had a better philosophy - “I don't mind living in a man's world, as long as I can be a woman in it.”
His loss?     (
submitted by UncleDoug to FeminismIsCancer 1.6 years ago (+46/-0)
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Hypergamy x10
Loud, obnoxious and entitled.     (
submitted by UncleDoug to FeminismIsCancer 1.4 years ago (+45/-1)
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Woman reverts to factory settings after meeting a real man.     (
submitted by Sector2 to FeminismIsCancer 6 days ago (+42/-0)
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iTs tHe mEN tHAt ARe tO BlaMe!     (
submitted by UncleDoug to FeminismIsCancer 1.4 years ago (+41/-0)
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"Feminism" Is A...     (
submitted by BulletStopper to FeminismIsCancer 2 months ago (+42/-1)
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When the wall doesn't wait for you to hit it.     (
submitted by WittyUserName to FeminismIsCancer 2.6 years ago (+40/-0)
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So i got in a fight with my sister and realized something...     (FeminismIsCancer)
submitted by gaperglory to FeminismIsCancer 10 months ago (+40/-0)
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Feminism and the destruction of the economy are synergistic. She was talking on and on about how men like driven women. I told her that was completely untrue, and damn near the opposite of the truth. Then she went on and on to tell me how theres no way they could support themselves (her husband and ONE child(5)) if she didnt have a job.
Then she went on a tyrade about how its so important for a woman to be independent in case shes ever widowed, or divorced, or blah blah blah.
It was at this moment that i did acknowledge that MANY middle class families cant make it on just a mans income. THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM. Women dont belong in the workplace, they shouldnt have to suffer that. And they act like its "The place to be", or a cool club or something.
So i was thinking, and it seems like the economy tanking and the inability to find a non-feminist whore are tied at the hip.
Then i started thinking about the effects this would have on other traditional values, like being able to have one parent in the home all the time to raise the kids, as opposed to sending them out to the public schools where they are mentally buttfucked on a daily.
I was well aware of how obviously awful school was the entire time i was there, and have vivid memories crying terribly on the way to school knowing that it was just plain wrong. It felt so evil.
And the continued ripple effect? Vaccination records to get into school, which have proven to be unbelievably detrimental in almost every way, from psoriasis and asthma, to autism and cancer.

Feminism is the core of so many societal ills, it's mind boggling. It's ruined the women, and by extension the kids.
But with buzz words like "EMPOWERED" and "BRAVE" I don't really know what we were to expect. Every good woman needs a man to be what she was naturally meant to be. And every man needs a good woman to take care of the details, have his children, an keep him from being a lonely miserable coomer.

Men and women are not equal. We are about as different as 2 things can be. But without each other, we are only half of the perfect human combination. (I know many women are awful, as are many men, so keep in mind im referring to the good ones in my previous statement.)
Gentlemen, presenting the first ever female pilot of an F-35     (
submitted by breh to FeminismIsCancer 2.3 years ago (+39/-0)
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Her Plane: Women still haven't got the knack for landing on boats, it seems. First carrier based female pilot:
"Where have all the good men gone?"     (
submitted by UncleDoug to FeminismIsCancer 1.6 years ago (+38/-0)
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Vice on Trad wives     (
submitted by UncleDoug to FeminismIsCancer 1.5 years ago (+36/-1)
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When vice infers marriage is a power game as opposed to a partnership, find someone that compliments you, not someone you can dominate.

Only narcissists think about who is the right person for me, as opposed to how can I enrich someone else's life.
Jane Fonda admits she wants to kill kids     (
submitted by PostWallHelena to FeminismIsCancer 1.2 years ago (+35/-0)
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I'm still finding myself...     (
submitted by gaperglory to FeminismIsCancer 10 months ago (+38/-3)
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And they wonder why, at 35, guys'd rather, take they're lives.
Story time: I got a talking to by HR a few years back at a job     (FeminismIsCancer)
submitted by iThinkiShitYourself to FeminismIsCancer 4 months ago (+33/-0)
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So I'm at the end of my shift and some guy I've never seen comes up to me while I'm working, and introduces himself "Hi I'm Mike from human resources, are you Anon?"


"how are you doing?" He says a few more nothings while I'm working, and I'm running out of responses and starting to wonder what he wants and why he's talking to me. This stranger, Mike, then asks me "so, are you having any issues on the job?"

I went into the many OSHA violations all over the place that I reported many times and showed him something I was working on that was so blatantly a safety violation. I thought this is what he was asking about.

He responds with "Do you have any girlfriend problems?"


"Tell me about that girl from yesterday"

"Who?" (we don't work with any women, and the one that he could be talking about isn't normally around and wasn't there yesterday, and i never mentioned a girlfriend past, present or future to anyone ever)

"That legal assistant"

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Mike. You're going to have to just say what you're talking about because I can't connect the dots here"

"James showed you a picture of his ex girl friend yesterday and he told you she was a lawyer"

"I thought you said legal assistant"

"Well she is a legal assistant but he told you she was a lawyer"

"...... wait, what's the problem here?"

At this point I'm recalling this faggot from lunch the previous day forcing me to look at a social media picture on his phone and hear this story about how his ex gf was a lawyer. the picture was her in a dance club holding up alcoholic beverages with her friends. it wasn't classy in any capacity - it looked like the typical "i'm doing socially inappropriate things while some guy is paying for it. but i have a career and i'm successful". He shows me the picture and I can tell he's trying to force a conversation about dumb shit that I don't care about, like he has done many times in the past, so I said "nice" or something like that and went back to doing what I was doing on my phone.

I shit you not, these were the next words out of his mouth:
"He showed you a picture of her and you didn't compliment her"

"are you kidding me? you're talking to me about saying insufficiently positive things about a woman when someone solicites me for a compliment?"

"just watch what you say ok?"

"no. i will continue to do everything as I'm doing, and you're just going to have to fire me if you don't like it. That is total nonsense" and I walked away from him, and he left back to wherever he came from.

they fired me months down the line for "not being a cultural fit", but they never cited that in particular. I never gave any ground on any of that political stuff and I straight up told my boss that we need to have a talk about his repeated ignorance of workplace violations and non-merit based promotions that he's giving to suck ups, and that my good work will not be used as the foundation to hold up people he's trying to promote. I slowed down all of my work and threw wrenches in the system as soon as that non-merit based promoting started. I've seen that so many times. Never needed that job anyway. lololololol
Disingenuous statistics - Perpetuation of misinformation by the woke-tards in government     (
submitted by UncleDoug to FeminismIsCancer 1 month ago (+32/-1)
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The goons Cherry picking marketing, which is still fake news.
Your gaping gender pay gap in media and advertising

In the advertising service sector, men are paid on average 14.6% more than women. One commentator described the continuing dominance of men in senior executive positions as startling. The Australian arm of WPP, the world's largest advertising group, reportedly has a median base pay gender pay gap of 19.2%.

“The reality is there is still a significant disparity. It has improved in recent decades but without a strong focus from the senior ranks the gap won’t close any further."

With no consideration for role, tenure, hours worked, responsibilities, or any other facet.

One commentator described the continuing dominance of men in senior executive positions as startling.

So senior directors and corporate body executives are getting paid more than entry level female interns? Imagine my surprise."

Comparative assessment reveals:
Women are paid "less" because they
- choose to work less hours
- choose to take maternity time off
- choose industries like early childhood or admin and avoid labour intensive or dangerous industries
- choose to work part-time
- choose not to aggressively pursue promotions as those positions also entail higher stress and work longer hours

This pernicious d&c myth about the wage gap just won't go away.

Gender wage gap statistics: a quick guide

Gender wage ratio
The gender wage ratio is the ratio of female to male wages, or the earnings of women expressed as a proportion of the earnings of men.

So not based on an hourly rate at all, because that would be sexual discrimination by the employer, illegal and doesnt ever happen.
Feminism is dead in Sweden!!! The feminist party only got 0.05% of the vote. Down 200,000 votes!     (FeminismIsCancer)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to FeminismIsCancer 1.7 years ago (+31/-0)
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Well considering how the feminists did all they could to get the country flooded with Muslims migrants that destroyed their way of life it's not surprising!

25% of the population are now Muslim refugees!

They have 61 no go zones!

4 bombings a week!

Went from the lowest rape rate in Europe to one of the highest!

Have been overrun with migrant gangs after being one of the lowest crime rates in Europe!

Having Muslims terrorizing their women and daughters, scared to walk down the street!

And the feminists held up signs saying "I prefer rapists over racists" when they arrived and called everyone that was aagainst this a racist. So it's clear that they knew they where rapists. They made the rape epidemic happen on purpose.

So how does that help empower women?

Well it seems the Swedish women realize they swallowed a poison pill ideology.

But are the new guys going to start deporting these invaders? No word yet. But 80% of these so called refugees have gone back home on vacation so that proves they where never in any danger or they wouldn't have gone back to visit!

So far the new right wing government is a minority without the support it needs to form a coalition. But the momentum is moving hard to the right and against the refugees.

But just try finding any news of how bad the feminists lost. I read about this on Peter Swedens twatter page.

I'm sure many other women are abandoning feminism everywhere. Especially now we are on the brink of wwiii.
How dare men do this to me?!     (
submitted by UncleDoug to FeminismIsCancer 1.6 years ago (+32/-1)
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Vanity & Emotional needs     (
submitted by fightknightHERO to FeminismIsCancer 2.6 years ago (+31/-1)
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it's all about the attention...
Men with ‘golden penis syndrome’ are ruining sex and dating for women.     (
submitted by WittyUserName to FeminismIsCancer 2.6 years ago (+28/-0)
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The term was purportedly coined by frustrated female students at Sarah Lawrence College in upstate New York — where three-quarters of all enrollees are the fairer sex.

I really don't know what to add here. It's just hilarious.

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