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New York Comedy Club Posts Bizarre Explanation for Mark Normand Incident, link inside     (PredictiveProgramming)
submitted by snowpeach to PredictiveProgramming 7 months ago (+1/-1)
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Mark Normand posted his explanation on his own Instagram about last events, when a jewish looking man in a burgundy coat and yellow beanie jumped up on stage with Normand:

"The disruption was part of a planned ‘surprise’ activity by show producers, HiHi ( I had no prior knowledge that this was going to happen.” As it turned out, that “surprise” was just a wanna-be influencer hopping onstage and bringing the comedy night to an awkward halt."

Allegedly the club didn't offer the guests anything until this clip of the incident went viral, the club is now offering those in attendance who were forced to leave, a free show.
Will the next 9/11 or C-19 type incident be a cyberattack that results in the creation of central bank digital currencies? Or a cyber attack that sets off a civil war? Or both?     (PredictiveProgramming)
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to PredictiveProgramming 8 months ago (+8/-1)
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Never mind that it makes no sense to create digital currency in an era of major cyber attacks - it didn't make sense to lock down and wear masks for covid when you could have just taken your immune vitamins, and it didn't make sense to bomb the obvious patsies for 9/11 when israel's fingerprints were all over it from the start.

They're putting out movies like Civil War and Leave the World Behind to blatantly say what they've said through hidden symbolism for some time now, that there will be cyber attacks, further centralization and digitization of currency, and growing civil unrest with the possibility of open war. They've done drills on how to prepare for cyber attacks and civil uprisings, and the WEF's next big concerns are taking over the money supply and using climate change as a justification for strict economic controls. Most of us are at least somewhat aware of the kinds of shit that they can pull off by media manipulation, and that these are some of the scenarios they seem to have prepped for or programmed for.

They're signaling the cyber attack and civil war narratives the same way they signaled the chemical attack/train spill in East Palestine, OH that signaled the war on Palestine. They've wanted to digitize the currency so they can control your individual use of it, and they know the American empire is collapsing and they may need to run to Russia or China. Switching to a central bank digital currency would indicate they plan to maintain their control and feed off us a while longer, but civil war would indicate they think they're about done with us.

Will they switch to digital currency to prevent preppers from doing any more prepping? To further isolate and pick off dissidents who might sway the civil war the wrong way? Does one faction of the jews plan to take over the banks and keep things running for a while while another faction of the jews wants to blow it all up and run, and they're prepping us to accept the backlash from what they're going to do to each other in their struggle to take control of the world from each other without letting it slip into non-jewish hands?

Perhaps they're just preparing for multiple possibilities. If political dissidents unite against the system, they break us with a cyberattack to isolate us and clamp down afterwards with digital currency. They continue to boil us slowly enough that we won't really revolt. If political dissidents fight each other, they pour gasoline on the fire and encourage us to burn our own country down while they flee to a new empire. They think it's lose-lose for us, and maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I certainly wouldn't want to give the feds here any idea how we're gonna get out of this one.

The elite have many reasons for putting their programming out there. One is because they know their side is watching their signaling closely, taking direction from it without words needing to be exchanged too openly. Another is the psychological effect of telling the public how they should react to something before it happens. There seem to be occult/mystical reasons as well, since many of the predictive films also contain clear references to occult spirituality such as kabbala and Saturn worship. But another reason is that such films and roleplay events prepare their side mentally to think about what they're going to do when the things they're planning happen, and what their enemies and competitors may do in response. Make sure you spend at least a little time thinking about how you and your loved ones are going to survive their next load of bullshit, whichever route it goes.
The golem myth - the allegorical tale of jewish control schemes, and how it's been used in predictive works     (
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to PredictiveProgramming 9 months ago (+0/-0)
Subliminal messages and mind control was used at U2's latest concert at the new Sphere venue in Las Vegas      (
submitted by mxcviel to PredictiveProgramming 11 months ago (+16/-0)
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seen here:

If you don't have Telegram, in comments under post someone remembered how Bono sang at funeral of pedo painter Balthus back in 2001... from what we know now, that explain some things.
X-files: prediction how they will takeover America     (
submitted by mxcviel to PredictiveProgramming 11 months ago (+32/-0)
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if you haven't seen it yet
Sabotage: East Palestine inside job     (
submitted by shitface9000 to PredictiveProgramming 1.6 years ago (+6/-0)
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My Brother in Law died suddenly...I guess we should start looking for life insurance, right honey?      (PredictiveProgramming)
submitted by TheSimulacra to PredictiveProgramming 1.7 years ago (+8/-0)
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Latest radio propaganda commercial for life insurance.

DIED SUDDENLY was thrown out as casual as it could be.

Same network that Steve Gorman pimped vaccines every 15 minutes.
Found an interesting X-Files episode about judeo-satanic ritual child murder     (PredictiveProgramming)
submitted by NaturalSelectionistWorker to PredictiveProgramming 1.7 years ago (+29/-1)
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Season 2 episode 14 starts with a school board meeting that ends with a prayer to the dark lords of hell, followed by some students saying a similar prayer only for one of them to get killed by an otherworldly entity. The cultists worshiping evil all pretend to be good concerned citizens who are worried about the kids listening to devil rock music while secretly trying to cover up their violent ritual crimes. A little ways into the episode they name the jews and discuss their ritual murders of children, but dismiss jewish involvement in the murder at hand because the town isn't jewish.

As the episode goes on, another student comes forward and accuses her parents of ritualized abuse, including breeding her just to sacrificially abort the babies. The town tries to cover them up, including a teacher who pretends to be sympathetic to the abused student only to betray and kill her for trying to expose the cult. The cult then tries to frame the dead girl for the first murder as if it was a murder suicide.

I started watching X-Files because I'd heard about the 9/11 and covid predictive programming and wanted to see if I found anything else of interest. This isn't the first episode that's been interesting but it is one of the most on the nose episodes about the cult. There's even a point in the episode where the cultists are talking to agents Mulder and Scully, telling them there's a vast judeo-satanic conspiracy that controls the world and is bigger than they can believe - pretending to be concerned citizens warning them, while actually manipulating them.

I'm not gonna spoil too much of the episode, but damn was this a clear case of the elite rubbing our noses in how things are actually done.
There will be a day when everything digital goes poof. Including your crypto value.      (
submitted by TheSimulacra to PredictiveProgramming 1.7 years ago (+21/-3)
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Bitcoin may still exist.
Your ability to access the internet will not.
At this point you will need a new WEF digital ID.
But you will have no records to prove who you are anymore, so good luck with that.
3 Telling commercials in a row...     (PredictiveProgramming)
submitted by TheSimulacra to PredictiveProgramming 1.7 years ago (+4/-0)
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Graced with a commercial interruption while at a friends house.

1 - St Judes hospital - white child has 100 tumors. Dad so grateful for free medical care. Doesn’t question the 100s of tumors, just grateful.

Rolls right into.....

2 - Pfizer. Happy vaccine propaganda - needs no explanation.

3 - moonshiners ad.

On a separate note, there was a single bumbling white dude asking the happy black family about their dog in the back of the family van.

For people who like a bit of predictive programming, watch the film Aeon Flux.     (PredictiveProgramming)
submitted by MightyMorphinFaggot to PredictiveProgramming 1.7 years ago (+4/-1)
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Nothing strange about the story at all.
Predicting the impact of online news articles – is information necessary?     (
submitted by Monica to PredictiveProgramming 1.7 years ago (+1/-1)
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