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3 Telling commercials in a row...

submitted by TheSimulacra to PredictiveProgramming 1.8 yearsJan 11, 2023 13:48:09 ago (+4/-0)     (PredictiveProgramming)

Graced with a commercial interruption while at a friends house.

1 - St Judes hospital - white child has 100 tumors. Dad so grateful for free medical care. Doesn’t question the 100s of tumors, just grateful.

Rolls right into.....

2 - Pfizer. Happy vaccine propaganda - needs no explanation.

3 - moonshiners ad.

On a separate note, there was a single bumbling white dude asking the happy black family about their dog in the back of the family van.

1 comments block

[ - ] JewChipper 1 point 1.8 yearsJan 11, 2023 13:49:38 ago (+1/-0)

So happy everyone, take your medicine hug the nigger rapist. Give your child to the jew.