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Owner: system


Bug: Deleted comment not displayed, leading to inconsistent comment count within default view     (TalkDev)
submitted by Fascinus to TalkDev 2 months ago (+6/-0)
3 comments last comment...
I have a request.     (TalkDev)
submitted by albatrosv15 to TalkDev 4 months ago (+11/-1)
20 comments last comment...
Instead of blocking, can i mark users as something? Like a "shill" or something? Only the marking user would see it. This mark would be written after username.
Should the metric system be banned on this website?     (TalkDev)
submitted by HeyJames to TalkDev 4 months ago (+18/-1)
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I don't want to fucking hear these eurocuck and kike metis numbers
Feature request that lets you know if you're submitting a link that's already been submitted.     (TalkDev)
submitted by allAheadFull to TalkDev 5 months ago (+34/-0)
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You can search by page title, but sometimes people rename things and we get duplicate article posting.
The "Ask Voat" & "Tell Voat" Subs Appear to Have Been Obliterated .. why is that and what happened to the well meaning posts that had been submitted to both those subs by well meaning individuals are they gone too .. back to you @System     (TalkDev)
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to TalkDev 4 months ago (+2/-1)
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Possible bug     (
submitted by oyveyo to TalkDev 6 months ago (+0/-0)

Brave on android mobile

Notice after a particular post the upgoats get fuzzed.

I tried reproducing the effect by posting an identically formatted post but that seemed to FIX the issue. Then I deleted my test post and the problem reappeared.


Update: after more posts appeared, the issue vanished
Possible bug: Wrong number of comments being displayed     (TalkDev)
submitted by Fascinus to TalkDev 8 months ago (+2/-0)
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For @PeckerwoodPerry 's brown bread post, I am seeing a total of 1 comment on both New view and within the post itself, when there are actually 2 comments at the time of this posting.

I refreshed/reloaded both pages. No change.

*Edit: Now there are 3 comments and it's showing 2.
Two bugs to report     (TalkDev)
submitted by my_password_is_same_as_my_user to TalkDev 8 months ago (+2/-0)
2 comments last comment...
1.) Comment replies that were deleted still show their contents in your inbox. This is not true for submission replies though.

2.) The copyright year in the footer still says 2023.
Could we get a "Show Images" button to expand all posts with photos?     (TalkDev)
submitted by 1point21jiggawatts to TalkDev 9 months ago (+16/-1)
18 comments last comment...
Twitter - nitter links bug ios upon return      (TalkDev)
submitted by Murdock to TalkDev 9 months ago (+0/-0)
I believe it started recently, maybe 1 week.
There some links of Twitter / nitter videos that I click > redirect > watch the video > close the video > now.. Upon swiping back to voat, it does not come back. It stays in that Twitter post, even refreshing the page.
Even if I manually type and press "enter"
I have to force close safari and open again (and log in again).
Not sure if this is a bug in iPhone ios or Talk/voat.
That is why I decided to post. Just in case.
If it's not related, just ignore it.
Thanks and have a nice day
Sometimes when i submit a comment, it just returns to the thread without any comments visible     (TalkDev)
submitted by albatrosv15 to TalkDev 10 months ago (+1/-0)
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And it doesn't post the comment either, which is the main reason i'm making this post.
Anon in the inbox.     (TalkDev)
submitted by Hall_of_Cost to TalkDev 10 months ago (+2/-0)
That's me talking about the cuban type of sandwich I ate today in this anon post. I choose to leave anon off in the anon subs. I was surprised that when responding from my inbox, I respond anonymously despite the "anon off" choice. No big deal for me, but I'm not sure if that's how you wanted it to work; thought I'd bring it up.

Cloudflare being a retarded faggot     (TalkDev)
submitted by Kozel to TalkDev 10 months ago (+1/-0)
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Cloudflare is being retarded. I can visit upgoat and voat but on talk it gays me

I got an error when visiting

Error code: 1020

Ray ID: 830fca188852aaa6

Country: US

Data center: sjc05

IP: 69.420.187.5150

Timestamp: 2023-12-05 22:40:11 UTC

can we have a save comment feature      (TalkDev)
submitted by Systemisgay to TalkDev 10 months ago (+7/-0)
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Malformed URLs causes posts to die     (TalkDev)
submitted by bobdole9 to TalkDev 11 months ago (+2/-0)
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Tried to share the link below as is, and when I posted, it disappeared.

Did it again adding "https://www." and it was fine.

Is there a way to error check input values before we may be able to fix the fuckup?
chat: voting for quality over quantity     (TalkDev)
submitted by oyveyo to TalkDev 11 months ago (+3/-3)
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Listen, I'm all for free speech. However, some users use the chat as their shitbox. I'm talking about folks who make it difficult to discuss anything other than "you're a faggot" or "no you're a faggot" because the log is filled with people just insulting each other all day.

How about a system where a user can be temporarily muted, and the method would be votes cast by regular "active" chat users, based on a participation score for each user. A minimum number of votes must be cast, such as 4 or whatever, and the offending user gets a notification. A progressive cooldown timer will be set, which increases exponentially every time that user gets voted off the island (up to a maximum of like a day or whatever).

This way, there are no assigned moderators to abuse mod powers, the quality of conversation will increase, and the world will be a little bit cleaner without 12-hour binges of "you're a fink" "no you're the fink".

I like the realtime interaction with other goats, but it gets very tiring every time you look at the chat and it's nothing but people throwing insults back and forth.

Maybe instead of muting them, they can be "redirected" into the "naughty corner" filled with the people who have been cast out of the main chat.

Hiding a user from the chat is there, but that still leaves a room full of crap for everyone else, and meessages get lost in the sea of "dur hur", so it doesn't really address the problem with messages being lost between people who just want to talk and not sling shit all day.
chat: URLs don't hyperlink     (TalkDev)
submitted by oyveyo to TalkDev 11 months ago (+5/-0)
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Hello, I've come to bitch and moan. Not only do URLs not become links, but attempting to highlight the URL and right-click "copy" is nearly impossible for some reason as the selection seems to randomly change or disappear before you can navigate your mouse to the "copy" option. It's like playing wack-a-mole trying to grab the link.

I am aware that launching a new tab for full-page chat makes it slightly easier to copy, but that's a lot of hoops to jump through just to follow a link.

I've heard rumor that there is one specific browser that renders them correctly but I don't recall which browser that is and I do recall it's not a browser I want to use... but how difficult is it to make links work on all browsers? Seems like hyperlinks are not rocket surgery. Maybe they are, I'm not a webdev. I've tried waterfox and the latest version of brave.

That's the end of my bitching and moaning. Thanks @system for all the work you do.
I edited a 3-5 minute old post and added a link to my post and it counted as a new post it seems.     (
submitted by HonkyMcNiggerSpic to TalkDev 11 months ago (+3/-0)
Latest (((blume)))/"gay patriot" alt     (TalkDev)
submitted by chrimony to TalkDev 11 months ago (+6/-0)
31 comments last comment...
I once again ask @system why a newly created account is allowed to troll the board with new submissions in this manner:

-4 TFW I see a straight white couple out in public submitted by IsraelRespecter to RealWhatever 1 hour ago

-4 It should be illegal for white people to breed with other whites submitted by IsraelRespecter to WhiteGenocide 3 hours ago

-3 We Jews just can't stop taking Ws! Another one of yours has bent the knee to us! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! submitted by IsraelRespecter to WhiteGenocide 5 hours ago

-11 ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฑJust a little tip to any college students here, if you see any anti-Israel protests going on around campus you can report to the school administration and have them expelled submitted by IsraelRespecter to whatever 22 hours ago

-11 Gaza is gone. Reduced to rubble. What are you christcucks gonna do about it? ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ (Israel) submitted by IsraelRespecter to Israel 1 day ago

-11 Anyone who attacks Israel attacks America. We stand proud with God's people! submitted by IsraelRespecter to christfollowers 2 days ago

-2 Evil cunt AOC gets OWNED by Jewish Queen for supporting Hamas submitted by IsraelRespecter to USPolitics 2 days ago

-9 WHITE. MEN. ARE. THE. PROBLEM. submitted by IsraelRespecter to WakeUpWhitePeople 3 days ago
v/Christianity modship     (TalkDev)
submitted by doginventer to TalkDev 11 months ago (+7/-0)
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I have been notified the the ownership of v/Christianity is in the hands of big_fat_dangus with myself and UncleDoug as mods.
I have no idea how or how long this has been the case but I thought it worth mentioning :)
we need unlimited downvotes for anon posts     (TalkDev)
submitted by mikenigger to TalkDev 11 months ago (+10/-6)
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if OP doesn't suffer from negative points for faggotposting then neither should my downvotes on those posts count towards the 1:2 downvote/upvote limit
We Need an AI Tag     (TalkDev)
submitted by VitaminSieg to TalkDev 12 months ago (+13/-1)
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Maybe I'm approaching the boomer mindset, or maybe it's just late and I'm tired, but with all this AI art being awesome af, I think voat needs an AI tag like it has NSFW and Gore tags. For a split second, I thought this was real.
You can now report threads     (TalkDev)
submitted by system to TalkDev 1 year ago (+24/-0)
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The options for reporting a thread are

o This post is spam

o This post breaks a site rule

o This post is adult content and not tagged adult

o This post is gore content and not tagged gore

o Other

To prevent abuse you need 100 points on your account before you can submit a report.

Also I made a privacy policy
Legit question: @System why do you disable thumbnails?     (TalkDev)
submitted by correctness to TalkDev 1 year ago (+12/-0)
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It was very convenient especially when we have many cross posts from different platforms.

You don't want users to build "Nigger" towers using thumbs?

Dulcima's rainbow name works in Voat mode     (TalkDev)
submitted by bobdole9 to TalkDev 1 year ago (+6/-0)
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The other colored names never carried over to Voat mode, but the rainbow text did.

More FYI than anything for system.