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Arizona Secretary of State is a Fucking Illiterate Moron     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 1 week ago (+14/-1)
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“Terrorism is defined as a threat of violence for a political outcome,” Adrian Fontes said in remarks recorded for an NBC Meet the Press episode airing on Sunday morning.

Show me, in the law, where "terrorism" is defined as a "threat of violence".

Election workers there endure a daily torrent of hateful and menacing messages over email and social media as Trump and his Republican supporters continue to lie that Biden and his Democratic allies fraudulently stole the 2020 presidential race from him.

No examples linked, but "hateful and menacing" messages aren't illegal or legally a "threat".

Posted here because @joe_mccarthy is a dick suckin' pedo faggot and glows like a full moon, and has me banned in his faggy sub.

National Polls About the Presidential Elections Are Bullshit     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 3 days ago (+15/-1)
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We don't choose the president with a popular vote. So, what kind of fuckin' moron would use a national popularity poll to determine who is most likely to win in November?

Oh yeah, that fuckin' censoring flaming faggot and famous jew dick suck @joe_mccarthy

Trump is winning 312 to 226 and has been winning for months.

There are currently 7 states that are considered swing states and Trump is, and has been winning every one of those states for weeks. He was leading in 6 of the 7 states after the Maralago raid. Now, it's all 7.

You will not hire your own goy, hire niggers NOW     (
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to TellTalk 5 days ago (+13/-0)
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Meanwhile jews will hire other jews with impunity, but when White people do it, fuck you
NATO Cief is a lunatic idiot tryna get us all killed.      (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 3 days ago (+12/-0)
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Strikes in Russia means Russian retaliation in Europe and possibly the US.

You think they're playing?
Vitamin b12 has me firing on all cylinders. I was low energy and poor focus for awhile      (TellTalk)
submitted by Dindu to TellTalk 2 weeks ago (+11/-0)
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Hey Joe, Fuck You! Ya Pedo Fuckin' Nigger.     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 4 days ago (+11/-2)
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You're getting 48 more hours in the cooler for the "pedo fuckwit" remark, Yuri. Clean it. Or else.


Suck my fuckin' dick, ya nigger assed faggot. You're lucky I fucking talk to you. No one else wants to.

You're a dumb assed fuckin' fed and should fucking kill yourself. Like right now.
State of Britain everyone!     (
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to TellTalk 2 days ago (+8/-0)
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I wonder why the nigger lover dago DeNiro hates Trump so much?     (TellTalk)
submitted by con77 to TellTalk 5 days ago (+7/-0)
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I guarantee you Trump snubbed the dumb fuck at some event and like a debutante high school girl it wrecked the petulant little man.

and have you seen DeNiros kids? yikes! CHUDs if ever Ive seen one!
Tales of the libtards: population density means more crime, but ignore the race     (TellTalk)
submitted by SmallGuyFromBrooklyn to TellTalk 1 week ago (+6/-0)
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I was talking to the local libtard and he was mentioning how his nearby city is just a crime riddled dump. He had mentioned that since it has more people, more people means more crime. I know many 99% White cities with thousands that have close to zero crime. So more people does not always mean more crime. So I looked the racial markup of said shithole and it was 35% niggers, 50% mexicans and 15% White. Sure enough, the crime went up because of niggers and mexicans, not because of the composite of people. Essentially, bring in more criminals, and you get more crime. I also was trying to have him explain how the same, identical city did NOT have a crime problem 40 years ago, compared to now when it does. But i didnt get very far in this conversation, before he shut down over my harsh speech. Because when reality is uncomfortable, just lie to yourself ...
George Stephanopoulos Confirms Deep State is Real     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 1 week ago (+5/-0)
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George Stephanopoulos did the same thing the other day. Confirmed the there were lots of good patriotic Americans working for the deep state.

This is posted here because @joe_mccarthy is a faggot fuck and a dim witted pedo and confirmed kiddie sniffer who banned me from his reddit-tiered sub.
The Seige of Kharkov.     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 3 weeks ago (+6/-1)
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How many more white people need to die?

Are we still doing the "to the last Ukrainian" thing?
Notice The Subtle Shift In The Meaning Of The Word "Deep Fake"     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 1 week ago (+4/-0)
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true story from back in the day     (TellTalk)
submitted by con77 to TellTalk 5 days ago (+5/-0)
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I had a buddy that dated a girl from a super wealthy family here in Florida. She had a condo in a very expensive beachfront building on the gulf of mexico.

Her condo was on the 3rd floor and she had an escape rope ladder installed on her balcony in case of fire. Ive been in a dozen condos like this and never saw one of those before. It was heavy duty with 1 inch rope and wood steps. Ship pilots are lucky to have a ladder like this to get on a ship.

Anyway my friend tells me that this rich girl has a rape fantasy. I dont know who let the ladder down but he climbs up it and has sex with her while wearing a ski mask! He said she wanted to be raped and thats what she got. They were still dating so she must have liked it.

Interesting side note. I saw a photo he had with a girl I didnt recognize. I asked him who it was and he said that girl. HAA! She was jewish and had such an enormous jew hook nose that I didnt recognize her in an old pic! Lets just say the operation was a success. She was cute post op and I never would have guessed. That Dr. was a gifted surgeon. she was a shape shifter.
Scientific American Pushing Fearmonger Hoax to Make You Afraid of Muh Russia.     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 3 days ago (+5/-0)
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How Long Till We Find Out Dalton Mattus Was Known to the FBI?     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 1 week ago (+3/-0)
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Just after 3 a.m. last Friday, in a small Central Illinois city infamous in the area for being a former sundowner town, a Pekin police officer pulled over a car for a traffic violation, according to an affidavit. Dalton Mattus, 34, was a passenger inside the vehicle, and police say they found a canvas bag under his seat locked with a padlock. When an officer asked what was in the bag, Mattus reportedly said the officer would have to get a warrant to find out. Police took the bag and let Mattus go, then obtained a warrant from a judge and opened the bag inside city hall.

They took the bag and let him go?

Mattus was charged with being a felon in possession of a weapon — his felony stems from a 2018 theft conviction.

Nothing to do with the bombs or terrorism.

Police then went to his home and engaged in a brief standoff before arresting Mattus, according to local media. There, police say, they found three more pipe bombs. Authorities haven’t said what they believed Mattus planned to do with the bombs, but he allegedly told police that he had made them for protection from “undocumented immigrants and a corrupt government,” a local radio station reported.

Nothing to do with terrorism

From the link to that local radio station.

He reportedly told police that he did not intend to hurt anyone, but made the explosives for protection from “undocumented immigrants and a corrupt government.”

Did not intend to hurt anyone. Rolling Stone left that part out, cause they are pushing a narrative, here.

Rolling Stone and American Doom analyzed more than 200 of Mattus’ social media posts going back to 2016. Starting around June 2020, Mattus’ posts suggest he was sucked into the dregs of the far-right internet, where he voraciously consumed and posted about conspiracies and anti-government vitriol.

Conspiracy theories like COVID isn't as dangerous as reported and that the jabs were far more dangerous than reported. Conspiracy theories like rich people were trafficking children for sexual exploitation. For what Rolling Stone calls "election lies".

Since June 2020, Mattus has posted multiple times a day about nearly every right-wing conspiracy imaginable, including posts about gun control efforts, the pandemic, the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, and QAnon-fueled claims of rampant pedophilia among Democrats.

Just like virtually everyone on this site and many other free speech sites. Because there "theories" are accurate.

Mattus also posted several times about the 2020 election being “rigged” against Donald Trump.

Like every single one of Trump's 76 million supporters and about 25% of democrats. Because it's true.

Facebook is among the leaders of platforms allowing for the proliferation of political misinformation regarding the 2024 election, and is home to hundreds of right-wing militia groups who are openly organizing on the platform — much like they did in the lead-up to Jan. 6.

Rolling Stone straight up gas lighting here. We all know Facebook was central to the effort to interfere with the 2020 elections by suppressing the Hunter Biden laptop and had since done shit like suppress the Bin Laden letter or those critical of Israel.

Bree Zender contributed to this report.

The author for this bullshit story was Justin Glawe. Here is his other Trump Derrangement Syndrome stories at Rolling Stone

American Doom is this guy's website where he posts TDS articles for national absorbsion. He thinks J6 was an insurrection and the people involved, including Trump, are traitors.

This is posted here because @joe_mccarthy if a glowing nigger who sucks way too much jew dick. He banned me from posting on his reddit-tiered sub.

Russia Is Not Jamming US Weapons, The Weapons Simply Don't Work     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 1 week ago (+6/-1)
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I'm sure there is EW going on in Ukraine, but just like we saw in the semi-ficticious movie "Pentagon Wars", US Weapons manufacturing for the weapons being sent to Ukraine are no more tested and proven than the Bradley Fighting Vehicle or the M-16 in its original release.

Our shit doesn't work. It never worked. It won't work. This is why lots of people are doubting that nuclear weapons are an actual threat.

Posted here because @Joe_McCarthy is a censorship fucking cunt and a pedophile admiring self absorbed glow nigger.
You faggots better be on your best whitepill today because we are taking back the globe and not letting it be re-educated by kikes this time. To a thousand year Reich!!! Sieg heil!!     (TellTalk)
submitted by Dindu to TellTalk 3 days ago (+4/-0)
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(((Dr. Jill Stein))) Says The Quiet Part     (
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 1 month ago (+1/-0)
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Around the 6 minute mark of this interview, Jill Stein, Presidential Candidate, the only jew running, and BLM supporting, Pro-Gaza, ceasefire advocate says the quite part out loud

The quiet part being that the filthy fuckin' jews are in charge of the campus protests demanding BDS. She said that the leadership at every one of these protest "camps" are jews. Not Palestinians, not "brown people", not niggers, but filthy fuckin' jews laying off the jewy as Israeli policy and white colonialism.

People need to understand that calling what Israel is doing is anti-Semitic because it is the nature of the jew to genocide races that they feel are a threat to the jew. "Never Again" means that they will never allow you the power to harm them. This isn't Israeli policy. This is the jew mindset. Criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic because Isrseli policy is jew behavior.

I'm not anti-Semitic, I just don't like what Israel is doing.

If this is how you think, kill yourself immediately. What Israel is doing is being jewish.
You guys thought I was talking shit when I said I was making a motion picture called "I found you postwallhelena" but now only months later I have interest from rich jews, the perfect guy to play paul Neri, a lot of progress made.      (TellTalk)
submitted by Dindu to TellTalk 1 week ago (+4/-2)
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every church in St Pete Fl has their fag flag flying     (
submitted by con77 to TellTalk 1 hour ago (+2/-0)
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Secession Talk is from Dumb Faggots Pretending to be Important     (TellTalk)
submitted by FreeinTX to TellTalk 1 week ago (+2/-2)
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You're gonna find that not one single election outcome will favor secession of any kind. Not from the city. Not from the county. Not from the State. And certainly not a state from the union.

Then, once Trump gets reelected, there will be no talk of "secession" for the following 4 years, or longer depending on who wins in 2028.

Posted cause @joe_mccarthy is a glowniggy, dick suckin' faggot and banned me from his faggy reddit-tiered sub.
Daler Mehndi and that North Korean Rapper dude     (TellTalk)
submitted by Hall_of_Cost to TellTalk 1 week ago (+1/-0)
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Just loaded up Tunak Tunak Tun for old times. Noticed that Daler did the cowboy dance moves way before the north Korean homo.

that is all
It's not the Jews!     (TellTalk)
submitted by Crackinjokes to TellTalk 4 days ago (+2/-4)
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Have you noticed how all of a sudden in the past say 30 or maybe 60 days they're all these messages about boomers being terrible. Suddenly this group that no one ever really talked about is just being talked about miraculously all at the same time in random videos by random people just all of the internet. Well shocker of course it's just one more way to divide the goyim now young versus old.

let's blame it all on the old goyim!

it can't possibly be the jews!

Listen whenever you have a widespread sudden appearance of any topic like we're seeing with this Boomer issue it's the Jews manipulating the public to divide them once again.

The boomers haven't done a damn thing wrong. All they did was work all their life and get drafted into three different wars to go fight for Jews who they had no control over and they had no control over the Federal reserve and they probably have had no control over their government since Jimmy Carter is even then. He might have been one that snuck through.