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Community for : 3.8 years

This guild is for posting evidence and discussion of the ongoing planned and orchestrated White Genocide phenomenon. Whether it is the encouraged race mixing prevalent in almost all forms of mass media and pornography, immigration, demands for "diversity", or other examples of White culture and society being systematically repressed, this is a forum to discuss and expose those who don't believe that White people are entitled to a free and sovereign existence.

Owner: StopTheEvilAgenda


"the mongrelization of the white and black races is a slow process and will not be completed within their life time. But this process is as certain as death. "     (WhiteGenocide)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteGenocide 9 hours ago (+11/-0)
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The famous book published in 1947, "Take Your Choice - Separation or Mongrelization", by Governor Theodore G. Bilbo of Mississippi, is available online as a PDF. Very well researched.

"Let there be no dodging of the issue. The lines are clearly drawn, and there is no middle ground.
This problem, which exists because of the presence of some 12,865,518 Negroes in this
country, can be permanently solved only by the physical separation of the races or by resigning
ourselves to total mongrelization resulting in the destruction of both the white and black races
and thus realizing the dream of the late Professor Franz Boas of Columbia University and many
Negro writers-a brown race-a mixed race-mongrels-products of sin itself. Thousands of years of
racial contact throughout world history offer proof of this conclusion. The experiences and
history of thousands of years prove that whenever and wherever the white and black man have
tried to live side by side the result has been mongrelization which has destroyed both races and
left a brown mongrel people."

Many sincere people are unconcerned and refuse to take
a positive stand and try to do something about this problem because the mongrelization of the
white and black races is a slow process and will not be completed within their life time. But this
process is as certain as death. "Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our
vines have tender grapes." (3) We can wait too long. If we do not adopt the policy of physical
separation and set about to accomplish this objective, then by our very silence and inactivity or
the sin of omission we are drifting into the other alternative, amalgamation or the mixing of the
blood of the races. Time waits for no one and fate plays no favorites. If we do not choose to
save ourselves. then our destruction is inevitable. And our time for choosing is limited.
Segregation is only a stop gap-it has and will delay for awhile the inevitable results of
mongrelization. But there is a day in the future when we may be lost without redemption. Once
the blood is corrupted, there is no power on earth, neither armed might, nor wealth, nor science,
nor religion itself, that can restore its purity

We have also learned from history that prolonged racial contact between the white and colored
races has always resulted in mongrelization. When different races live side by side in close
contact, the blood will eventually intermingle and mongrelization is inevitable. The white race
has never survived continued contact with the Negro race over a long period of time. This is just
as true as the fact that when the white blood has been altered by an infusion of Negro blood,
civilization and culture have decayed.

t. Shall we
slumber until ours is the fate of the Caucasian civilizers of Egypt, India, Phoenicia, Carthage,
Greece, and Rome? Or shall we wake to realize that physical separation of the races is the only
permanent solution of the race problem which threatens our future. Jefferson, Monroe,
Madison, Lincoln, and Grant were not wrong. A white America or a mongrel America - you
must take your choice!

The Majority of French πŸ‡«πŸ‡· want their government to fall πŸ’€πŸͺ“ original content     (
submitted by UncleDoug to WhiteGenocide 1 week ago (+36/-0)
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Eva Vlaardingerbroek On White Genocide Statistics In Europe (Short)     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteGenocide 2 weeks ago (+15/-0)
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compilation of whitemixing/mudsharks in advertisements     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteGenocide 2 weeks ago (+6/-0)
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Illegal sand nigger harassing a German woman in Germany for not wearing a hijab.      (
submitted by ProudRebel to WhiteGenocide 4 weeks ago (+25/-0)
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A compilation of #GOP & #MAGA senior officials discussing the most critical issue of our time - the demographic destruction of the west aka #WhiteGenocide     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteGenocide 1 month ago (+15/-0)
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Chinese influencer tweets: Dear @NickJFuentes . Help me save white specie. Not allow white specie be like chinese panda extinct. You join my project. Help make more Europe people.      (WhiteGenocide)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteGenocide 1 month ago (+4/-0)
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". Right now Europe people 6% population. This too low. Need much assist. If not? Soon extinct like chinese panda."
Think about how throughout your lives, in all your school and workplace interactions, you never said aloud that we need a Whites-only country     (WhiteGenocide)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteGenocide 1 month ago (+9/-0)
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You were never able to spread the meme that Whites need their own country, because it was socially taboo to say aloud in normal multiracial public situations like work or school.
Yet such a thing needed to be repeated over and over again everywhere to cause Whites to prevent White Genocide. Without such messages, Whites let their guard down against White Genocide.

Saying something aloud everywhere is the first step to raising awareness of it.

When blacks had any racial grievance, they complained about it everywhere in media. This helped cause the American public to spend all of the 1960s-2005 sympathizing with negroes.

Side note: UNESCO is a major cause in White Genocide. The 1950 UNESCO statement claiming races are equal contributed to the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court desegregation decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka.
4 White baby mommas, and you say White females aint mudsharks?     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteGenocide 1 month ago (+3/-7)
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IMMIGRATION TO AUSTRALIA in FY 2023     (WhiteGenocide)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteGenocide 2 months ago (+2/-0)
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1. India - 92,940 arrivals - 18%
2. China - 64,320 arrivals - 12%
3. Philippines - 40,890 arrivals - 8%
4. Nepal - 27,450 arrivals - 5%
5. Colombia 22,330 arrivals - 4%
6. UK. 19,230 arrivals - 4%
7. Vietnam. 17,770 arrivals - 3%
8. Pakistan. 17,280 arrivals - 3%
9. New Zealand. 15,340 arrivals - 3%
10 Thailand. 14,060 arrivals - 3%
I'm convinced western nations want to genocide whites     (
submitted by 2Drunk to WhiteGenocide 2 months ago (+21/-0)
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I know one thing. If Donald Trump moved 20,000 Danes to a small town, the news would frequently report on every single aspect of their lives. SNL would do skits about them. If one of them killed someone you would see it on Netflix "Murder in Santa Badundo" with a picture of Trump on the cover.      (WhiteGenocide)
submitted by Dindu to WhiteGenocide 3 months ago (+45/-0)
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Kamala Harris' America?     (
submitted by MasterSuppressionTechnique to WhiteGenocide 3 months ago (+2/-0)
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Did I 'Starmer'?     (
submitted by UncleDoug to WhiteGenocide 4 months ago (+28/-0)
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End this shabbos goys entire bloodline.
Our choice     (
submitted by ProudRebel to WhiteGenocide 4 months ago (+64/-1)
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Niglets get a slap on the wrist for murdering White. Also, George Floyd was a faggot pedophile.      (
submitted by ProudRebel to WhiteGenocide 4 months ago (+20/-0)
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Niggers attacking White humans in England     (
submitted by ProudRebel to WhiteGenocide 4 months ago (+6/-0)
Guess that settles it then.      (
submitted by Sleazy to WhiteGenocide 4 months ago (+39/-0)
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Another judge let's an illegal spic back on the streets and he murders an American      (
submitted by Rob3122 to WhiteGenocide 4 months ago (+25/-0)
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Jew lies     (
submitted by ProudRebel to WhiteGenocide 4 months ago (+80/-0)
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#WhiteGenocide in perspective:     (WhiteGenocide)
submitted by oppressed to WhiteGenocide 5 months ago (+3/-0)
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#WhiteGenocide in perspective:

It takes 128 recent ancestors to contribute to the genetics of a White person born 175 years from now (that's 7 generations).

How probable is it that the 128 recent ancestors of a White person born 175 years from now will all be pure White in melting pot USA?

Not probable when miscegenation is so entrenched in American society.

There will be almost no more pure white people.
Christian empathy taught to us by a jew did this to Whites.     (
submitted by ProudRebel to WhiteGenocide 5 months ago (+6/-4)
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Trump and Hitler reality stars? - borrowing the Nazi genocide playbook for the USA original content     (
submitted by rhy to WhiteGenocide 5 months ago (+2/-3)
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Boomers, meet your new doctors that will be taking care of you ☺️     (
submitted by GreatSatan to WhiteGenocide 5 months ago (+4/-3)
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Sad post on reddit from a White person living as a hated minority somewhere in USA     (
submitted by oppressed to WhiteGenocide 5 months ago (+17/-0)
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