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Owner: Ifuckdolphinseverday


Against Time     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 1.1 years ago (+0/-0)

You are a being of Eternal struggle. An archetype frequency drawn by blood, called into existence on this plane of war through the medium of your Father and his Father before him, beyond recollection of time. A soul stream attuned to familiarity of flesh, visiting again in parallel with your bloodline. The greatest fraud was convincing our people that our lives were temporary. To equate a quality of life as a measure of happiness, to seek after money and luxury with no care of racial loyalties. The truth is that we are eternal, that we must strive for greatness even against self gain.

The Earth lay decadent in the absence of its God. Abandoned by its caretaker to fall into the hands of lesser being. So long as we refrain from the throne this will be its fate forevermore. This cause is ours alone to bear, the burden of dominion ours to hold. There is no other God. No other King from which to decree, no other name before your own. Our purpose here is beyond comprehension. Our natural state beckons from something greater, a hidden yearning that only the memory of soil abides. It speaks to our soul from a primeval sense of familiar fate that we can not fully elucidate, yet still the call remains. Reclaim the Throne.

A darkness has come for me, with horrors long forgotten to blood memory along with it. I have been consumed by this darkness until the rotten husk I called my flesh has been brought to bone, until the eyes I thought I could see with have been rendered into charcoal, until my mouth has been filled with ember so that I can not speak nor see. The complete weight of this endless struggle has bore down into my mind until the fire died out. I stretch forth not my hand for I do not believe in the possibility of securing for that which I desire. My cries unheeded. My pleadings cast into the deep to be forgotten. The full weight of this annihilation press upon every hair on my head.

Only when Man is completely alone face to face with that bitter unknown will he find the will to put his own name before any other.

Show them Righteous Fury.      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.4 years ago (+69/-0)
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This time we finish it.     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+48/-0)
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Erasing Ancient Tribal History     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+44/-1)
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Stand alone if you have to     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 10 months ago (+43/-3)
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Embrace your race     (
submitted by NationalSocialism to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.3 years ago (+37/-1)
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Beautiful.     (
submitted by Mopar_or_nocar24 to YearOfTheBlackSun 2 years ago (+35/-0)
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We will have our home again      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 1 year ago (+33/-1)
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Restore Natural Order      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+30/-0)
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Make Europa White Again     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+29/-1)
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A return is overdue      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+29/-1)
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Stages of acceptance.      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+29/-1)
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God damn it feels good to be White     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 9 months ago (+29/-1)
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Together      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+29/-2)
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There is a no such thing as "muh based nigger". You're a nigger lover. Nothing more     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 10 months ago (+30/-6)
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The other day i saw a nigger begging for money on the street. I'm in a part of the nation where there are hardly any niggers at all so seeing one is not common. It fills me with rage anytime I see one. Filthy sub human trash. Serves no purpose other than to cause mayhem and chaos on this Earth. Stepping foot on this mountain is worthy of death and i am both it's judge and executioner.

The truck in front of me stopped to give the nigger money, my first thought was to kill the bastard for giving the nigger gibs. It was more infuriating than the nigger itself to see a Fake White man reduce himself to such a lowly move on his moral high chair. It completely disgusts me. Fills me with the rage of my ancestors.

Many of you are "far right" or at least jew/ holocaust pilled. Some may even identify as a White Nationalist. But very few of you are truly White Supremacist. I am a White Supremacist. I believe that this Earth is our dominion to rule over as the rightful Gods, that it lay decedent in decay and squalor due to our refusal to take up the throne. Removed from our Natural State as its caretakers and guardians to hold stewardship of. I have no interests in diplomacy, I have no desire to hear the words of a nigger. I only wish to annihilate them. To rule and subjugate them to White will, to put them back in their place as vermin landlocked far away from my people if not complete extinction.

* We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

This will not be accomplished by civic spiritualists or civic nationalists. nigger lovers get the rope first.
Worship your own people or be destroyed in the coming age for Our Natural State is one of dominance, one of God Hood and divine matters. There is no savior, there is no messiah to come for our people. There is simply us who's soul stream has survived to this day from a time now lost spare only the memory of soil and blood.

There is no other God. No other King from which to decree, no other name before your own. Our purpose here is beyond comprehension. Our Natural State beckons from something greater, a hidden yearning that only the memory of soil abides. It speaks to our soul from a primeval sense of familiar fate that we can not fully elucidate, yet still the call remains. Reclaim the Throne.
No Other Choice     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.3 years ago (+24/-0)
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No one will Honor us for losing gracefully. No one mourns the great crimes committed against us. For us, it is conquer or die.      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+23/-0)
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Sonnenmensch     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.6 years ago (+23/-1)
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The White Man presents an image of superiority even when he isn't conscious of it. Superiority excites envy. Destroying White civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call "minorities"     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+21/-0)

We either accept our Natural State or we perish. There is no alternative to this conclusion only a variance in the amount of time it will take for our people to rot itself out. There will be rebellions and upheavals that serve to our detriment as in times past whereby deadmen convince themselves that their half actions made them once again living. Only to settle down into the earth content with creeping things, satisfied in their lowly desires over and over. Accepting of a reality in which the destination is beyond their ultimate control. Domesticated. Limited.

Every man is a Liar to himself that says he knows not the means of our liberation or to the cause of our decadent state. Each one of us that the blood of our people run through bear this responsibility of realization. The consequences for either exaltation or annihilation is on our Soul for all-time. Behind every reveal another mage in a maze from which all enslaved beings become entangled into pacifistic behavior. Every action and probability accounted for, acceptable in the eyes of the master for his containment of our People. Every path laid before you bearing no significance, is it any wonder why we are such hollow false men? Why everything smells and tastes of death? You walk on constructed paths without a thought as to where you could go unbridled.

How cyclical everything seems. How contrived. All ulterior.

Its what want they wanted. Preachers and priests, enlightened men and seers Those who would speak of realms beyond the present as Liberation by means of escapism masqueraded as divine ascension. Posturing themselves before egregores, seeking permissions from which to act. Anything to keep Leaders from rising while the Heroes of our blood die out from tribal memory. Anything to prolong the separation from ourselves and our Natural State. Anything to keep us from accepting that first thought we all have when realizing our condition, to prevent us from a path they are powerless to control. What depth has their inversion infused itself? To convince a God he is nothing more than an slave-athlete on a proverbial race track to anywhere other than where he is currently is. Surrounded by creatures inferior to ourselves and they convince us to focus attention and willpower towards any other name but your own. To betray your intuition in humiliating fashion unaware of the power we have to shape the future ourselves. Abandon your life is what they demand, either physically or psychically. Your spirit is not meant for here they cry out. Dream of disillusionment from the flesh your intelligence has obtained, always somewhere else to go. Commandeering this form was no real victory and you'll be far better off without it!

This must be the cause of the yuga, the prison from which Gnostic's and supposed wise men wish to rid themselves free of responsibility. Free from action and accountability. From from their destiny. It is no mystery why such beings would not be meant for this earth and to find their bloodline vanish from time. You can flee if you'd like. You can kill yourself and end it all, eventually your soul stream will run dry and certainty wherever you are you wont be here anymore. You'll achieve that great somewhere else they ram down your gullet with varying results. A falsehood that you could achieve progression without solving the puzzle presently before us. Crying out to some other rather than acting ourselves.

A Darkness is coming for us. With horrors long forgotten to our people waiting patiently with it. Every man will be consumed by this darkness until the rotten husk he called his flesh has been brought to bone. Until the eyes he thought he could see with have been rendered into charcoal. Until his mouth is filled with ember. Only then with the complete weight of the endless struggle bearing down into his mind will the sleeper awaken or the fire die out. Man would not stretch forth his hand if he did not firmly believe in his ability to reach after that which he desires to secure. There must be a catalyst for the coming age will not be ruled by man as we know him. The Natural Man steps forth once more in all his daring grandeur. The Carnivore. The Lawmaker and Judge. God of the earth now returned.
OK, which of you beautiful NiggerFaggots did this‽     (
submitted by Master_Foo to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.4 years ago (+22/-1)
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Dark to Light     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.4 years ago (+22/-1)
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Only a fool would fail to see the evil of civic-nationalism and so to would fail to see the evil of civic-spiritualism. Most modern christ followers will admit that their religion is anti-white and pro communism however they will all cry out that it is due to distortion and decay that has resulted in its current form. They say that what they believe is true and just, only that it needs to be restored back to its original condition.

"restored back to its original condition" Here is the premise. Which came first the Pantheon of our fathers or the jewish fable of the desert?

I've written for years about the falsehood that is the sumner origin story, a deception promoted by jews to obfuscate the true human timeline. Which came first Thule, Hyperborea, Atlantis or Greece and Rome? Did the greeks and romans construct their buildings or did they merely re-inhabit what has already been created. The most loyal of goy states accredited with their creation.

"how can X be bad when it names the jew?" Sonnenmensch of times old could not be defeated. Ancient White peoples ruled the Earth under their Natural State, a position of Dominance. As long as we held true to ourselves there were none who could domesticate us. Therefore a siphon was developed after the collapse, an event (cyclical) that decimated our position on the surface of the Earth and resulted in a reset ~12,800 years ago being likely the most recent at the end of the younger Dryas. This siphon was Saul of Tarsus and a group of pacifistic essenes who manipulated their cult into roman palate. Your ancestors did not convert willingly and were given the choice of christ or the sword.

This erased all ancient tribal knowledge and spiritual talents related to ancient metaphysical warfare. With no one to counter the narrative put forth by the jew the world became its servant. Why? Because we were no longer in the proper state of being to stop them. We became domesticated by this christ spell, waiting for some grand other to save us rather than to save ourselves.

christ is a Q larp. The concept is one for the weak.

I do not await the arrival of a messiah, i wait for the Great Return of our People.

We either accept our Natural State or we perish. There is no alternative to this conclusion only a variance in the amount of time it will take for our people to rot itself out. There will be rebellions and upheavals that serve to our detriment as in times past whereby deadmen convince themselves that their half actions made them once again living. Only to settle down into the earth content with creeping things, satisfied in their lowly desires over and over. Accepting of a reality in which the destination is beyond their ultimate control. Domesticated. Limited.

Every man is a Liar to himself that says he knows not the means of our liberation or to the cause of our decadent state. Each one of us that the blood of our people run through bear this responsibility of realization. The consequences for either exaltation or annihilation is on our Soul for all-time. Behind every reveal another mage in a maze from which all enslaved beings become entangled into pacifistic behavior. Every action and probability accounted for, acceptable in the eyes of the master for his containment of our People. Every path laid before you bearing no significance, is it any wonder why we are such hollow false men? Why everything smells and tastes of death? You walk on constructed paths without a thought as to where you could go unbridled.

How cyclical everything seems. How contrived. All ulterior.

Its what want they wanted. Preachers and priests, enlightened men and seers Those who would speak of realms beyond the present as Liberation by means of escapism masqueraded as divine ascension. Posturing themselves before egregores, seeking permissions from which to act. Anything to keep Leaders from rising while the Heroes of our blood die out from tribal memory. Anything to prolong the separation from ourselves and our Natural State. Anything to keep us from accepting that first thought we all have when realizing our condition, to prevent us from a path they are powerless to control. What depth has their inversion infused itself? To convince a God he is nothing more than an slave-athlete on a proverbial race track to anywhere other than where he is currently is. Surrounded by creatures inferior to ourselves and they convince us to focus attention and willpower towards any other name but your own. To betray your intuition in humiliating fashion unaware of the power we have to shape the future ourselves. Abandon your life is what they demand, either physically or psychically. Your spirit is not meant for here they cry out. Dream of disillusionment from the flesh your intelligence has obtained, always somewhere else to go. Commandeering this form was no real victory and you'll be far better off without it!

This must be the cause of the yuga, the prison from which Gnostic's and supposed wise men wish to rid themselves free of responsibility. Free from action and accountability. From from their destiny. It is no mystery why such beings would not be meant for this earth and to find their bloodline vanish from time. You can flee if you'd like. You can kill yourself and end it all, eventually your soul stream will run dry and certainty wherever you are you wont be here anymore. You'll achieve that great somewhere else they ram down your gullet with varying results. A falsehood that you could achieve progression without solving the puzzle presently before us. Crying out to some other rather than acting ourselves.

A Darkness is coming for us. With horrors long forgotten to our people waiting patiently with it. Every man will be consumed by this darkness until the rotten husk he called his flesh has been brought to bone. Until the eyes he thought he could see with have been rendered into charcoal. Until his mouth is filled with ember. Only then with the complete weight of the endless struggle bearing down into his mind will the sleeper awaken or the fire die out. Man would not stretch forth his hand if he did not firmly believe in his ability to reach after that which he desires to secure. There must be a catalyst for the coming age will not be ruled by man as we know him. The Natural Man steps forth once more in all his daring grandeur. The Carnivore. The Lawmaker and Judge. God of the earth now returned.


We have been removed from our Natural State. Removed from the traditions of our fathers and their fathers, taken away from our tribal knowledge and ancient spiritual practices. Removed from our Natural behavior, from our natural actions and re-actions. Taking a God of the earth and turning him into recluse ronin, existing as beaten children grown now into frightened men.

The christian is a domesticated man. Fallen from his Natural state and open to civic spiritualism, a path which will lead him to ruin and rot. Christianity is a complete failure and a venom that has plagued our people since its conception. Look at our condition. False hollow men who in vain cry out that they are living.

Keep seeking that great escapism masqueraded as divine ascension and it will be no wonder why the blood stream has grown weak.

Its this disgusting little thing called hope that everyone clings to like children. Waiting out for some other to come and deliver you from this state of being and the christian is the most guilty and pathetic of that lot. Have you ever bothered to really ask yourself how we came to our enslavement?

They wont act. Ever. A domesticated man is one who is acted upon, never one who acts. Walking on constructed paths without a thought as to where he could go unbridled. The rat that was saved once before so he will continue to do absolutely nothing so long as you toss him a ray of sun every once and a while. A christian is a bought man, he still clings to his hope and so by it he can never be free.

Despite 6 years of voat-bitching how many of you understand that there are only delays not deviations in how this ends for us? That the hivemind collective of the White peoples inherently knows the west was never worth saving. Roman perversions of what once mighty and the soul recognizes this and longs for a restoration.

In the end their cries to their jewish master will go unheeded. That ergrovore will not preserve them from the destruction that looms for us all. They will be ignored and slaughtered. Only until the full weight of this annihilation is pressed upon every hair on his head, only when man is completely alone face to face with that bitter unknown will he find the will to put his own name before any other.
Give them an ideal to strive toward     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 5 months ago (+20/-0)
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I am Thankful to be White.      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.5 years ago (+20/-2)
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Blue Eyes like diamonds. No vaccines.

I'll stay here on this mountain and call it my own when they come.
Stop White Genocide. Stop the jew.      (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+17/-0)
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The coming age will not be ruled by man as we now know him. Eat or be Eaten.
Together     (
submitted by Mopar_or_nocar24 to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.4 years ago (+18/-1)
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Return to Natural Law     (
submitted by Ifuckdolphinseverday to YearOfTheBlackSun 2.7 years ago (+16/-0)
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