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Community for : 3.6 years

The Official Sub for Pics
Photographic images of most everything--from animals to nature to people to buildings to the seas and the skies--are welcomed in this sub, with a few exceptions:

*No porn, nudity, or gore. There's other subs for this.
*No memes, drawn images, text, or infographics; post these in a sub like v/all or v/whatever.

*Please try to direct-link your image instead of to the site where your image is hosted.

Popular Image Hosting Sites:
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Send a PM to Cynabuns for any additions or deletions, no guarantees, no endorsements, no crying

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Image Hosting Sites     (pics)
submitted by Cynabuns to pics 3.0 years ago (+15/-0)
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I've updated the sidebar in v/Pics to include some of the most frequently used image hosting sites in light of being down for a few hours the other day.

Send me a PM or make a comment in this post if there are other good ones that should be included.
The storks are back. These guys will end up standing all over the fire hydrants and gate posts for days its fuckin hilarious.     (
submitted by Dindu to pics 1 day ago (+19/-1)
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One of those is Storkman and no one knows which one

This doesn't really do them Justice because it's better when they stand tall which is generally what they do up front. Nobody knows why they just stand there blocking traffic. Then you look up and there's one way up on something and another standing on something else and they just don't care. It is a noble life
More stunning pics from the lens of neri. Read the reviews! Put up or shut up @Ragnar you goddamn fairy penguin!     (
submitted by paul_neri to pics 15 hours ago (+4/-2)
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[ - ] Ragnar 0 points ago (+0/-0)

You may have a nice spot but if I ever posted pics of my hood you would die of envy

[ - ] paul_neri [op] 0 points ago (+0/-0)

Who would want to live in a gated community?

"paul neri is a talented photographer in the great tradition of Diane Arbus" (Cynabuns, Washington Post)

"Mr Neri is a taker of truly exquisite photographs. It's a joy to peruse his portfolio" (Cynabuns, New York Times)

"An original photographer has taken the camera-clicking circles by storm.From down-under I give you paul neri" (Cynabuns, Daily Mirror).

In my little town, when the clouds reach to the sea and are bathed in golden sunlight, the song "Puff the Magic Dragon" comes to mind ("wallows in the autumn mist") because it's truly a surreal scene.

The Harlequin From Commedia Dell’arte     (
submitted by MartinTimothy to pics 10 hours ago (+2/-0)
@master_foo portrait     (
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to pics 1 day ago (+8/-4)
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jewish chicken ca 15th Century      (
submitted by dulcima to pics 4 days ago (+19/-1)
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Where I go to escape the missus; calm down and reflect on what it is to be a man among the evolutionary disasters that make up near half the world's population!     (pics)
submitted by paul_neri to pics 5 days ago (+6/-1)
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So Tyrannosaurus rex sent me off to Aldi to buy her some "basil in a pot".I got to Aldi and was pleased as punch there was one pot left. It was small and stunted, much like me, but with some TLC it would blossom into something wondrous, again much like me. I thought Her Majesty would be so pleased I scored some basil in a pot. How wrong was I. She went ballistic: "How many times have I told you not to buy it if it's small? Don't you ever listen?. 1. She may have told me 2; I probably didn't listen because when you are constantly criticised and hectored one tends to turn off. You see, what she does is buy the plant for its leaves which she gobbles up. Apparently it's good value because you get fresh basil leaves plus some rootstock for growing the thing. Alas I thought she just wanted the plant to grow. But in any event, in a world where people are dying in conflict every day is it worth getting so upset about $3Aus plant ffs? It's not as if we are on a budget.Women are just queer imo and I am married to one of the queerest!Anyway she sent me off today to try and get a better plant and I did! She was not totally happy with it but reasonably happy.Shopping is a very stressful time for me. I do it because she can't drive; shops too far for her to walk to and...she won't mask up and she's not vaccinated against the Covid.

@Ragnar; @dassar

who knew Thor and Odin were a couple ??     (
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to pics 1 day ago (+4/-5)
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@master_foo loves his daddy     (
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to pics 1 day ago (+5/-6)
The Black Pyramid - Thought to have been built by Pharaoh Amenemhat III sometime between 1800 & 1900 BC     (
submitted by RoxannaHardbutt to pics 5 days ago (+2/-0)
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I fixed the Ryobi with zip ties     (
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to pics 1 week ago (+10/-1)
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Ok, I'm not that niggardly (as @master_foo calls me) but I needed to finish off one end of the shed siding so I needed a temporary fix 🤠

For reference:
Don't forget to follow and like     (
submitted by Niggly_Puff to pics 1 week ago (+15/-2)
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Does Ryobi stand by their tools?     (
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to pics 1 week ago (+5/-0)
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Was putting up the siding on the shed and it dropped from one of the trusses where I placed it so I could align the siding. Argh!
It's about 5 or 6 years old, so probably out of warranty?
Another shapeshifting jewess wants to get you     (
submitted by Conspirologist to pics 1 week ago (+11/-2)
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Dragonfish Photographed in the Mid Pacific Ocean at Ufiata Seamount by a Deep Water Submersible Rover in 2017, Surely Resembles the Nitetime Profile of the Emirates A380 .. must be where the Airbus design engineers got their inspiration     (
submitted by TankTinker to pics 1 week ago (+8/-0)
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Eric Clapton Taking Coffee September 2024, From the YT Clapton Single One Woman     (
submitted by TankTinker to pics 1 week ago (+2/-0)
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This kid looks like he’s eaten way too much cereal for too long     (
submitted by Trope to pics 1 week ago (+3/-1)
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Saw this in the grocery store. Had to double take. Thought it was a cancer patient. Still not sure what this is supposed to be. Asian? Is it even a child?
No hurricanes in Minnesota, just a little traffic this morning though     (
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to pics 2 weeks ago (+4/-0)
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Timothy Lovecraft     (
submitted by Trope to pics 2 weeks ago (+23/-0)
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Battle of the Locales - My Meadow v. @texasblood 's "636 acre Ozark Mountains paradise over looking a really big fucking lake(1800 miles of shoreline)"...if he posts pics of his paradise!     (
submitted by paul_neri to pics 2 weeks ago (+2/-0)
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[ - ] texasblood 1 point ago (+1/-0)

LOL you ain't on this 636 acre Ozark Mountains paradise over looking a really big fucking lake(1800 miles of shoreline)

Reply Link...

[ - ] paul_neri [op] 1 point ago (+1/-0)

Pics or GTFO!

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[ - ] texasblood 0 points ago (+0/-0)

I don't fuck with pic hosting bullshit any more.
I'm not far from Anchor Point or Oakland Marina bordering Bull Shoals lake.
Ain't a nigger with in 25 miles of us cause they can't fucking swim.
We bought this place a piece at a time for that reason
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[ - ] paul_neri [op] 0 points ago (+0/-0)

Well that's disappointing. If you change your mind I recommend you use this pic hosting site (for no other reason than that I use it):
Looking at it from this angle, the table is still fucked up from where we paid extra attention to flaws. An entire layer has to come off it seems. Anus expander said i bring shame     (
submitted by Dindu to pics 2 weeks ago (+15/-1)
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Granted a lot of the discoloration is the oil drying but there's definitely waves
I dilly-dallied, and my methods were dipshitty, even dingbattish. Here is that table I was working on with only a few steps left.      (
submitted by Dindu to pics 2 weeks ago (+12/-1)
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We went with the grain of the large part which went against the grain of those cross beams. So the last step is going to be to tape off and then sand horizontally just those beams. Then oil or something. The underneath areas are downright glossy. Have to bridge the gap a bit
Viking Lego set you guys might want to buy.     (
submitted by AugustineOfHippo2 to pics 3 weeks ago (+22/-2)
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Diddy really did surround himself with sick fucks     (
submitted by Sal_180 to pics 2 weeks ago (+1/-5)
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Probably wishes him good luck
I guess someone out there has decided to change her life for the better, but this is still inconsiderate. original content     (
submitted by PeBeFri to pics 3 weeks ago (+11/-0)
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Woke Miss Alabama     (
submitted by Conspirologist to pics 3 weeks ago (+6/-2)
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