David Bateman, founder of Entrata, Emails out that COVID is a Jewish plot to genocide Non-Jews     (archive.ph)
submitted by beece to LyingNewsMedia 2.4 years ago (+55/-1)
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The Daily stormer take: https://dailystormer.su/tech-firm-founder-sends-mass-email-explaining-the-vax-is-a-jew-extermination-scheme/

" I know, it sounds bonkers. No one is reporting on it, but the Hasidic Jews in the US instituted a law for their people that they are not to be vaccinated for any reason.”"

Archive From: https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/319919
Oberlin must pay record $31M award to bakery it defamed as racist, says appeals court     (archive.ph)
submitted by shitface9000 to news 2.2 years ago (+54/-0)
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The nigger piece of shit that best up elderly Whites in a Detroit Nursing home in May of 2020 had his case dismissed     (archive.ph)
submitted by RomanSalute to news 2 years ago (+54/-1)
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I'm breaking ToS real hard in thoughts right now
13-Year-Old Dies in Sleep After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine; CDC ''Investigating''     (archive.ph)
submitted by didyouknow to Controlavirus 3.0 years ago (+52/-0)
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Curse on every parent who would subject their own children to this absolute madness and evil and especially curse on (((those))) responsible for creating and spreading this deadly biological weapon to everyone, including children.

Never forget who created this poison and which ilk he represents.

Amish have a c section rate of around 0 percent and have on avg 8 kids each. Their secret? Avoiding hospitals and new birthing technology such as epidurals and induced labor     (archive.ph)
submitted by Garrett to whatever 2.4 years ago (+52/-0)
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Since we love Vet stories: Pentagon Covering Up Fact That Female Officers Nearly Sank Navy Ship     (archive.ph)
submitted by RedBarchetta to whatever 1.7 years ago (+52/-0)
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I actually heard about this from a friend in the Navy. Here's the shocker!

when the final reports are made public and the guilty parties have been court-martialed, does the truth come out. The OOD was named Sarah, and the Tactical Action Officer was named Natalie, and they weren’t speaking to each other!!!

Before you guess - you would be correct.
9 year-old Florida White girl savagely beaten by two niggers in school bus attack     (archive.ph)
submitted by NationalSocialism to WakeUpWhitePeople 1.4 years ago (+51/-0)
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The parents of a 9-year-old Florida girl who was videoed being mercilessly beaten by two boys aboard a school bus plan to pursue criminal charges against her attackers, according to reports.

Footage of the stomach-churning assault shows two boys ferociously and repeatedly pummeling the third grader at Coconut Palm K-8 Academy in Homestead as she desperately tries to fend them off.
A judge home was broken into by a Nigger putting her family in danger. In her home footage she him a n word. There is demands now for to RESIGN from her job! Her family was on danger and she had a burglar invade her privacy and SHE is who is punished! MADNESS!     (archive.ph)
submitted by fightknightHERO to PureFuckingKikery 2.5 years ago (+54/-4)
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"'Burning the evidence before the new boss starts?': Don Jnr and right wingers see giant leaps in their Twitter followers after Musk bid was accepted - as Obama and left wingers lose huge numbers amid speculation algorithm has been changed"     (archive.ph)
submitted by beece to LyingNewsMedia 2.1 years ago (+50/-0)
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"The Atlantic" says we should forgive and forget the things done and said during the "pandemic"     (archive.ph)
submitted by dulcima to whatever 1.6 years ago (+50/-0)
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Stupid sasquatch nigger dyke sportsball junkie muh prisoner of war! Reeeeeeeee.      (archive.ph)
submitted by PostWallHelena to Niggers 2.3 years ago (+50/-1)
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This mulatto hormone case, Brittney Griner, is some sort of Ladies’ niggerball superstar. She’s a massive dyke and on her second ‘marriage’ to a women (the first one ended in conviction for domestic abuse of her pregnant whatever-the-fuck)

Anyway this tattooed freak was caught trying to smuggle hash oil through a Moscow airport last month. Wearing a Black Lives Matter jacket. She’s obviously a genius. Scroll through the pictures in the article if you want to throw up. Boy do niggers love weed.

Now it’s “She’s being held hostage by Putin” and she’s LGBT so its obviously inhumane to hold her in a country that doesn’t celebrate degeneracy.

We need our niggerball dykes to survive as a nation. This is genocide.
These evil pieces of shit now act like no one wished death on every non-vaxxed person on the planet.     (archive.ph)
submitted by totes_magotes to aII 1.4 years ago (+49/-0)
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They're quadrupling down: Moderna seeks emergency use authorization for Covid-19 vaccine for children ages 6 months through 5 years     (archive.ph)
submitted by nada to news 2.1 years ago (+48/-0)
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U.S. Cop Who Had SS Insignia, Made Holocaust Jokes, Gets $1,500,000 Payout     (archive.ph)
submitted by SilentByAssociation to UpliftingNews 2 years ago (+48/-0)
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Florida police chief Larry Scirotto fired for favoring non-white officers     (archive.ph)
submitted by NationalSocialism to WakeUpWhitePeople 2.3 years ago (+47/-0)
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A Florida police chief has been given the boot after an investigation found he engaged in discriminatory promotion practices, and remarked “that wall is too white” when looking at pictures of the department’s command staff.

Scirotto, a former assistant chief in Pittsburgh, became the first openly gay chief hired in Fort Lauderdale last year. He is of mixed race.

Nonwhites don’t have the same altruism and merit based approach that White people possess. This mixed-race nigger faggot got his job directly from affirmative action.
Fags gave monkeypox to kids     (archive.ph)
submitted by PostWallHelena to Faggots 1.9 years ago (+47/-0)
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"Both of those children are traced back to individuals who come from the men-who-have-sex-with-men community, the gay men's community," Walensky said at a virtual event with the Washington Post on Friday.

That’s fucking cool, you despicable kike.
'In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. '     (archive.ph)
submitted by Garrett to Jews 2.7 years ago (+46/-0)
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El Salvador President Asks if the Destruction of United States is Done Intentionally     (archive.ph)
submitted by NationalSocialism to WakeUpWhitePeople 2.4 years ago (+46/-0)
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El Salvador President Nayib Bukele tweeted out on Monday wondering if there’s a deliberate plan to destroy the United States from within.

“Is there a deliberate plan to destroy the United States from within? Why are the authorities and some of the media not even commenting on this things? Why are they letting their beautiful cities rot?” President Bukele tweeted.
Before 1920 coronary heart disease was rare in America. Animal fats are good for one's health - processed foods, sugar, and vegetable oils not so much      (archive.ph)
submitted by Garrett to science 2.9 years ago (+45/-0)
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'Before 1920 coronary heart disease was rare in America; so rare that when a young internist named Paul Dudley White introduced the German electrocardiograph to his colleagues at Harvard University, they advised him to concentrate on a more profitable branch of medicine. The new machine revealed the presence of arterial blockages, thus permitting early diagnosis of coronary heart disease. But in those days clogged arteries were a medical rarity, and White had to search for patients who could benefit from his new technology. During the next forty years, however, the incidence of coronary heart disease rose dramatically, so much so that by the mid fifties heart disease was the leading cause of death among Americans. Today heart disease causes at least 40% of all US deaths. If, as we have been told, heart disease results from the consumption of saturated fats, one would expect to find a corresponding increase in animal fat in the American diet. Actually, the reverse is true. During the sixty-year period from 1910 to 1970, the proportion of traditional animal fat in the American diet declined from 83% to 62%, and butter consumption plummeted from eighteen pounds per person per year to four. During the past eighty years, dietary cholesterol intake has increased only 1%. During the same period the percentage of dietary vegetable oils in the form of margarine, shortening and refined oils increased about 400% while the consumption of sugar and processed foods increased about 60%.'
Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins found dead @ 50.     (archive.ph)
submitted by uvulectomy to whatever 2.2 years ago (+45/-0)
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They were supposed to play a gig in Bogota last night, and apparently he was found in his hotel room.

Given how full-on vaxtarded the band is, inb4 "sudden and unexpected"?
93-year-old German Holocaust denier nicknamed the ‘Nazi Grandma’ sentenced to a year in jail     (archive.ph)
submitted by coldsoak to whatever 2.2 years ago (+45/-0)
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Portland judge tosses riot charges leveled against two conservative activists: ‘I am somewhat bewildered that the state has driven this case to this point’     (archive.ph)
submitted by coldsoak to whatever 1.9 years ago (+45/-0)
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🚨🚨UH OH, poor Jews!🚨🚨 Some elite evil HACKER prankster RELEASED DNA Profiles, names, addresses, etc for 999,999 Jews that tested blood at 23andMe !! Only Ashkenazi Jews identities in a Darknet database file this week. WebP exploits of admins phones? Bwah Hah Hah! 🚨 Here they are, HAMAS!     (archive.ph)
submitted by oursenilepresident to technology 8 months ago (+50/-5)
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Middle class White girl with a near perfect academic record, gets rejected from all Ivy League schools she applies for     (archive.ph)
submitted by NationalSocialism to WakeUpWhitePeople 2.2 years ago (+45/-1)
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Kaitlyn Younger has been an academic standout since she started studying algebra in third grade.

She took her first advanced-placement course as a freshman, scored 1550 on her SATs as a junior at McKinney High School near Dallas and will graduate this spring with an unweighted 3.95 grade-point average and as the founder of the school’s accounting club. Along the way she performed in and directed about 30 plays, sang in the school choir, scored top marks on the tests she has so far taken for 11 advanced-placement classes, helped run a summer camp and held down a part-time job.
Redditor posts a video of Paris in 1920. Reddit has nothing but praise that everyone is clean, well groomed, well behaved, civil overall. They conveniently forget that this is only possible without "diversity."     (archive.ph)
submitted by totes_magotes to MeanwhileOnReddit 2.0 years ago (+44/-0)
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