China bans Hollywood movie "Thor: Love and Thunder" because of LGBT characters.     (www.msn.com)
submitted by John_B_14 to news 1.9 years ago (+54/-0)
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Jul 11, 2022

While "Thor: Love and Thunder" topped the domestic box office this weekend, its global numbers are missing a key market: China. According to The Hollywood Reporter, the nation continues its recent trend of leaving Marvel films in limbo and off its release schedule. While other Phase Four Marvel films have been held back for various reasons, sources at two cinema chains in China told THR the cause in this case is pretty clear: "Thor: Love and Thunder" includes queer representation that has led to it being denied censorship approval.

For years now, China and other global markets have been at odds with Hollywood over even the most minuscule hints of LGBTQ+ representation on screen. Just this year, Warner Bros. provided China with a different cut of the latest "Fantastic Beasts" film, one that cut brief references to wizard Dumbledore's past relationship with Grindelwald.

I wouldnt trust aspirin from Pfizer at this point     (www.msn.com)
submitted by con77 to CovidWorldOrder 2.3 years ago (+49/-0)
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Utter bullshit propaganda. Electric vehicles run on electricity generated by coal and natural gas. The industrial manufacture of the batteries releases carbon equal to driving a conventional car 80,000 miles!     (www.msn.com)
submitted by con77 to JewMedia 2.3 years ago (+48/-0)
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Study says depression not caused by chemical imbalance, raising questions about antidepressants     (www.msn.com)
submitted by knightwarrior41 to Health 1.9 years ago (+46/-0)
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Millions of Americans take antidepressants, but a new study suggests the theory underpinning their use may be entirely wrong. Research from the University College London raises doubt that chemical imbalance in the brain is responsible for depression.

The researchers found “no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations.”

They found stronger evidence that stressful life events can lead to depression.

The question is, do antidepressants help, and if so, how? If not, could they be doing harm?

Experts are divided and the study has drawn some pushback.
White man arrested for putting a sticker on a fence and has property seized     (www.msn.com)
submitted by NationalSocialism to WakeUpWhitePeople 2 years ago (+45/-0)
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PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – The Portland Police Bureau announced that a man was arrested on Wednesday in connection to an April bias crime against the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization in northeast Portland.

PPB identified the man as 35-year-old Jarl Judson Rockhill of West Linn who was arrested after a traffic stop in Clackamas County.
No one is hospitalized due to Omicron. The hospitals are not full. The (((press))) are the enemy of the people.     (www.msn.com)
submitted by con77 to Controlavirus 2.4 years ago (+40/-0)
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blacks and latinos commit 96% of gun crime     (www.msn.com)
submitted by con77 to RaceRealism 2.1 years ago (+40/-0)
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you'd have to be out of your fucking mind at this point     (www.msn.com)
submitted by con77 to LyingNewsMedia 2.2 years ago (+39/-0)
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China Bans LGBT Groups From Social Media.     (www.msn.com)
submitted by John_B_14 to news 2.9 years ago (+38/-0)
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Outrage over shutdown of LGBTQ WeChat accounts in China

Jul 08, 2021

An online clampdown of social media accounts associated with China’s campus LGBTQ movement has sparked outrage, solidarity and backlash against the authorities’ treatment of the country’s sexual and gender minorities.

Song removed from middle school holiday concert because the song was too Jewish     (www.msn.com)
submitted by Panic to jewology101 5 months ago (+38/-0)
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The teacher also removed a Kwanzaa song. May your holidays be merry and bright!
Netflix stock plunges 37% on shocking subscriber loss     (www.msn.com)
submitted by Monica to news 2.1 years ago (+37/-0)
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Going rate to punch a nigger. 1.25 mil and fed time     (www.msn.com)
submitted by gaperglory to WakeUpWhitePeople 6 months ago (+37/-0)
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When its reversed, nobody gives a fuck. Im so fucking tired of niggers, and ya know why? WERE IN A RACE WAR. unfortunately most whites dont know that. TKD TND
Our women, our land, our right to defend ourselves... How much more will it take for our race to wake up and organize?

84 year old man fined $293,000.00      (www.msn.com)
submitted by Thisismyaccount to news 2.8 years ago (+36/-0)
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nigger atrocity of the day     (www.msn.com)
submitted by con77 to Niggers 2 years ago (+37/-1)
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Lawyer kicked out of Rockettes show after being detected using facial recognition technology     (www.msn.com)
submitted by shitface9000 to whatever 1.4 years ago (+36/-0)
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Cracker Barrel Employees Use 'Code Word' for Black Customers: Ex-Hostess     (www.msn.com)
submitted by NationalSocialism to Niggers 2.2 years ago (+35/-0)
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"a waitress used to complain SO MUCH if i sat 'canadians' in her section & i was so confused bc i thought canadians were stereotyped as nice," she wrote in her caption.

In the video itself, she looks pensive, as the on-screen caption reads, "me, a hostess at cracker barrel, wondering how every employee knew a table was full of canadians even though they didn't have a telling accent."
China censors out the LGBT scenes from the US TV show "Friends"     (www.msn.com)
submitted by John_B_14 to news 2.3 years ago (+33/-0)
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Gamers, parents shocked after popular kids video game (Sims 4) promotes new transgender ‘top surgery scar’ update     (www.msn.com)
submitted by Twodivinehipsters to ClownWorld 1.3 years ago (+31/-0)
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Ghislane Maxwell no longer fighting to keep the John's names sealed!!! Who will be named next?!     (www.msn.com)
submitted by GeneralDisarray to Pizzagate 2.4 years ago (+29/-0)
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What most here don't realize is how big this gang of pedos are. And how far they have gone to cover this shit up!

For example the two lawyers representing the victims David Boise and Lisa Bloom both previous worked as fixers for Harvey (rapist) Whinestein. They threatened, stalked and harassed the victims to silence them!

David Boise was later named as a defendant by another victim that brought a civil case against them all!

Will that pedo plant juror be named too?

And today Prince Andrew has been stripped of all his titles and reduced to a civilian before he faces seven hours of questioning under oath!!

Queens death incoming?

HRC is running for president again for cover!

Was the judge compromised in the same honeypot?

How many FBI agents are involved?

The pandemic is ending now so did Fauci supply collateral to the cabal by using their services before funding Wuhan gain of function?

This case seems to tie it all together in the most dangerous combination. Even leads to the gangstalking and electronic harassment programs that have targeted the victims. And this is the most devastating redpill of them all.

The gangstalking programs being exposed would get the elites and their mason minions executed globally.

Putin hinted at this a few days ago and immediately Dr Nils Melzer who has been exposing this came under attack with calls for him to resign within hours.

This leads me to believe the end game will be one of three possible outcomes.

1) white hats expose the gangstalking programs by giving the victims their files, ending the elites and the masons.

2) the elites give the victims their files ending the masons while creating a hero they can control.

3) the masons give the victims their files and destroy the elites in an attempt to make themselves the good guys.

Either way. It's quickly becoming a situation where whoever drops these files first has the advantage while all others are fucked right now.

It's a bad day to be a satanist!!!
Heres what the press wont say. It was ALL NIGGERS!     (www.msn.com)
submitted by con77 to HitlerWasRight 2.2 years ago (+29/-0)
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DeSantis moves to ban transition care for transgender youth, Medicaid recipients     (www.msn.com)
submitted by knightwarrior41 to news 2 years ago (+29/-0)
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Another one bites the dust     (www.msn.com)
submitted by RepublicanNerd to whatever 11 months ago (+29/-0)
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this fucking monkey needs killing     (www.msn.com)
submitted by con77 to WhiteGenocide 1.9 years ago (+29/-1)
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mentally ill murder monkey strikes child in stroller with pipe. Theres a million just like it walking our nations streets     (www.msn.com)
submitted by con77 to WTF 2 years ago (+27/-0)
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look at the vacant gaze. zero frontal lobes. tell it that it will be released when it can read. Life sentence
WNBA star Brittney Griner released from Russian custody in a high-profile prisoner swap between the U.S. and Moscow     (www.msn.com)
submitted by knightwarrior41 to whatever 1.5 years ago (+27/-0)
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WNBA star Brittney Griner is free Thursday after the Biden administration negotiated her release from a Russian penal colony in exchange for an arms dealer.

President Joe Biden signed off on the trade, which took place in the United Arab Emirates, even though it meant leaving behind Paul Whelan, an American corporate security executive who remains jailed in Russia.

basketball trans-lesbian-nigger moar important than paul whelan