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Beef Taco Tip

submitted by Kozel to Food 1 monthApr 12, 2024 23:01:19 ago (+10/-1)     (Food)

I've been making hot choccy using milk and cocoa powder. And one day while cooking up some beef I looked at the cocoa powder and recalled that chocolate in south america is used in stews and meat dishes. So I sprinkled a bit onto the ground beef. And it was fucking good. So I always add a dash of cocoa powder to my ground beef now. Give it a try and you will not regret.

PS I'm talking about actual cocoa powder not the shit with sugar.

23 comments block

I dropped it about the same time. Couldn’t tell you. It was fine pearlescent flaky shit, sometimes even with stamp marks on the chunks if you got a big enough chunk. Overnight it became a bunch of cut garbage and this is before the fentanyl craze hit. Probably a good thing. Too old for that ride anymore.