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something is wrong with the food supply     (
submitted by boekanier to Food 3 weeks ago (+39/-0)
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Making Pemmican     (
submitted by SilentByAssociation to Food 3 weeks ago (+22/-0)
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I've got a jar full of bacon fat that I'm using for pemmican. Not sure when I'll be able to make it, but pemmican food storage is going to be much easier than "My Patriot Supply" in the event of a grid down situation.
SAMMICH!     (
submitted by lord_nougat to Food 1 month ago (+41/-1)
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TASTE IT!      (
submitted by lord_nougat to Food 1 month ago (+32/-0)
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Looks like elephant's back on the menu, boys     (
submitted by Panic to Food 1 month ago (+17/-0)
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Weird experience at supposedly good barbecue joint. Everything costing $40+ for two is a drag in the first place.      (Food)
submitted by Dindu to Food 1 month ago (+9/-0)
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They were white and all, the locals were a goof troop but thats alright. Aisle real narrow. Fat nogs only a couple feet across from us.

The beef combo was a little pile of flat sliced roast beef, nothing particularly barbecue about it, bad plain potato, really amazing beans, 2 tablespoons of them. It was lame, but then this retarded busboy wheels this giant slop bucket right down the narrow aisle and stops to clean up after the fat nogs.

Im thinking im gonna pull this kid aside and tell him hey bus bro i know youre tarded and i feel ya but leave the bucket over there. Further. Keep going. Past that. Way further. Get the bucket away from me. Get the bucket away from me bro.
Who the hell buys Ben & Jerry ice cream?     (Food)
submitted by Conspirologist to Food 2 months ago (+2/-2)
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Ben & Jerry is owned by kikes. I've checked their ice cream, and it's utter shit. One of the owners even admitted that he can't feel the taste, because has degenerate taste buds, which is called ageusia. So he makes his ice cream with random ingredients. So who the hell buys this shit?

Haagen-Datz is also owned by kikes, but at least is good.
Never mind the bugs. Eat the scaffolding.      (Food)
submitted by Gowithit to Food 2 months ago (+26/-0)
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"Food"     (Food)
submitted by Gowithit to Food 2 months ago (+7/-0)
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(archive of same article)

Arts and crafts at the breakfast table for busy parents looking to multitask. cereal sprinkle bagels slap some glitter glue on that puppy and watch your kids... smile?

What is happening here? Any guesses? This is NuFood state approved NuFood coming to a table near you. The ebt racket has to be a kickback program. No way is half of the stuff that is ebt eligible considered edible. Certain brands are eligible certain ones arent guess which ones are? The big boys.The un agenda 2030 approved vendors. The companies who are willing to put the bugs,the sludge and the poisons in the food. It has to be illegal. The kids are getting fatter and stupider and overall unhealthier all while the parents are spending more and more to feed them. Its upside down the whole thing was flipped on its head and it doesnt make sense.

Guide to the Best Pizzerias in the world     (
submitted by iSnark to Food 2 months ago (+3/-1)
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Soya sauce Vs Teriyaki sauce     (Food)
submitted by Conspirologist to Food 2 months ago (+4/-2)
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I've tried both, but don't feel any difference. Is something wrong with me, or other people also don't feel the difference?
Still relevant: 2030 Food Pyramid     (
submitted by Nasturtium to Food 2 months ago (+42/-0)
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How many find pizza with pineapple disgusting?     (Food)
submitted by Conspirologist to Food 2 months ago (+8/-10)
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Gab AI explains why EU food is healthier than in US     (Food)
submitted by Conspirologist to Food 2 months ago (+0/-1)
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European packaged food is often considered healthier and to have less sugar and chemicals due to stricter regulatory standards and a focus on using natural, whole ingredients. In the European Union, there are strict labeling requirements, and manufacturers must disclose the presence of additives and preservatives. Additionally, there is a cultural preference for fresh, homemade meals, which has led to a demand for healthier packaged food options. However, it's essential to read the nutritional labels and ingredient lists of each product to make an informed decision about its healthfulness.

Food laws in the United States can be considered less strict due to a combination of factors, including a powerful food industry lobby, a lack of public awareness about the potential health risks associated with certain additives and preservatives, and a cultural preference for convenience and low-cost food options. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible for regulating the safety of food products in the United States, but their oversight is often limited by a lack of resources and political pressure. As a result, there is a greater emphasis on self-regulation by the food industry, which can lead to inconsistencies in the quality and safety of packaged food products.

American Burger Vs European Hamburger     (Food)
submitted by Conspirologist to Food 2 months ago (+1/-5)
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American Burger is served as a sandwich with hamburger, bread, and sauce. European Hamburger is served on a plate, with sauce apart, also can have only lemon juice instead of sauce.
What are you top 10 favourite meals that you can cook?     (Food)
submitted by UncleDoug to Food 3 months ago (+10/-1)
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1. Ragu' alla bolognese
2. Corned Beef
3. Steak au Poivre (Rare steak w/ Pepper Sauce)
4. Confit de Canard (Confit Duck marylands)
5. Spaghetti allo Scoglio (Spaghetti With Mixed Seafood)
6. Baked Salmon with Vegetables and Feta
7. Beef Burritos
8. Chilli con Carne
9. Steak and Kidney Pie
10. Beef and Olive Empanadillas
Prosciutto, mozzarella, tomato, olive oil, and pesto on ciabatta original content     (
submitted by PeBeFri to Food 3 months ago (+35/-0)
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90/90     (
submitted by TheOriginal1Icemonkey to Food 3 months ago (+29/-1)
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Flanken Ribs original content     (
submitted by Kozel to Food 3 months ago (+26/-0)
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"That'll be $35"     (
submitted by GreatSatan to Food 3 months ago (+11/-0)
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Slow Cooked Beef Chuck Short Ribs original content     (
submitted by Kozel to Food 3 months ago (+28/-0)
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Beef: seasoned, then seared on all sides, drop into pressure cooker. Into the hot fat, drop two chopped carrots, two chopped celery pieces, 8 crushed garlics, a few chopped little tomatoes, half a big yellow onion and cook on medium high for a few minutes. Add vegetable broth, wine, chicken broth concentrate, and some water. Spice with tumeric, paprika, pepper, cinnamon, shitake mushroom powder, tarragon, basil, cardmom, ginger. Simmer for 8 minutes. Dump over the meat in the pressure cooker. Add a bay leaf, fengugreek, dried pepper. Pressure cook 2 hours. Remove meat. Separate vegetables from broth. Strain broth into blender. Add a handful of the cooked to carrots and celeries to thicken. Blend. Strain sauce into container.

At the same time, steam two potatoes. Cook asparagus and zucchini in butter. Then mash steamed potatoes and fry them in the butter. Plate meat and potatoes and vegetables. Add sauce. I'm looking forward to seconds.
Fettucine Alfredo are great     (Food)
submitted by Conspirologist to Food 3 months ago (+3/-2)
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Fettucine Alfredo are simple but taste great. It's just pasta with butter and Parmesan cheese. The taste is delicious and anybody can make it at home, even without cooking skills.

Just buy high quality pasta, butter, and Parmesan cheese. I prefer it already grated in envelope.
Yogurt without sugar?     (Food)
submitted by Conspirologist to Food 3 months ago (+8/-1)
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I tried to look up for yogurt without added sugar, here are the results:

FAGE Total 0% Greek Yogurt with fruit on the side

Stonyfield Organic 0% Fat Plain Greek Yogurt with added fruit

Siggi's No Added Sugar Mixed Berries & Acai Yogurt

Chobani Nonfat Greek Yogurt with fruit on the bottom

Do you know what is the best sugar free yogurt?
Surprise     (Food)
submitted by Gowithit to Food 3 months ago (+2/-0)
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Did someone say 30 years?

No, no differences noted in people over the past 30 years /s.

Safe and effective.

Bayer's gene-edited mustard greens and leafy greens coming to a supermarket near you!     (
submitted by SumerBreeze to Food 4 months ago (+13/-0)
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Claire Robinson, managing editor of GMWatch, told The Defender that Bayer's gene-edited mustard greens have not been examined for health or environmental risks.

"They could contain toxins or allergens," she said. "We just don't know."

"And why anyone would want to genetically modify mustard greens to make them less, well, mustardy, is a complete mystery to me.”