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Discord and discontent

submitted by SparklingWiggle to ProtectTalk 2.8 yearsAug 26, 2021 22:10:12 ago (+28/-1)     (ProtectTalk)

Jews sow discord and discontent amongst groups they dislike. It is their stock in trade. Don't let the jews fool you. If someone is stirring up shit, check their post history and comments. Is that all they contribute? Do they have a legitimate reason for their accusations and complaints or are they just a bitch?

They need to damage us. Don't be jewed.

11 comments block

[ - ] Kozel 7 points 2.8 yearsAug 26, 2021 22:21:08 ago (+7/-0)

is that what they are doing by making threads naming individuals and saying they are jews or work for haaretz?

[ - ] SparklingWiggle [op] 6 points 2.8 yearsAug 26, 2021 22:28:39 ago (+7/-1)

In my opinion, yes. I see no constructive reason, otherwise.

[ - ] try 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 27, 2021 01:53:17 ago (+6/-3)*

Yes, each significant "Jew Namer" 'builder of content' is attacked by paid leftists this week, and using 'Divide and Conquer' jew tricks, are being called GLOWNIGGERS or JEWS. Its all they have to incite a dog pile.

They tried to smear 'KCobain27' and myself and others.

Other attacks by the left, to make educated users flee, are called 'kookify' attacks by people posing to be illiterate in science like new user 'Native' who inserts 'flat earth level' kookify agenda in his comments :

They are meant to draw high IQ people into a discussion, then disenchant by going mega-uneducated in retorts, but that is a brand new account so I can't show you what that account 'Native' shall start doing soon.

Leftists have many time-tested attacks to use against the site.

Feds like these sites and call them "unwitting honeypots", so its not feds, but Jews and Leftists despise these free speech sites.

Paid leftist jews hate free speech web sites and are funded to ruin this one by disenchanting its better members.

Their topic downvotes seek to ruin the signal/noise ratio of the front /all pages.

The downvotes are "paired" against upvotes to keep good content posts languishing at "0", to upvote drama and gibberish instead.

They also downvote all my science related answers, or technical discussions, to disenchant.

Not only LEFTISTS are paid to attack voat.xyz, but this site honoring US Constitution on legal free speech is loathed and hated by puritan conservatives , like @blumen4alles' handful of puritan attackers. They downvote all his good posts.

Remember HALF the people on this site defend 100% pure free speech, mainly because this is the only known proven site to not ban Jew Namers for naming jews, or silly fake made-up "hatred of jew incitement" rules, or rules against line art, or legal porn. Personally I prefer no catbox hosted pornattacks on catbox, but I support other peoples rights here to post links to porn, even if I will never look at it or upvote it. As a purist, I wont downvote legal free speech topics or erotica.

Don't forget that though its a huge weight to bear, our site owner is indeed a 100% free speech advocate. "pure free speech" ? Yes, literally that concept.

millions of dollars a month spent by Soros and other jews ADL/SPLC/JIDF to ruin free speech social sites.

Billions of dollars are used to combat conservatives online. 18 billion MORE added to open all formerly White nations by just ONE of many jewish billionaires that Fund "ShareBlue" army of contractors.

George Soros Transfers $18 Billion to His Foundation:

George Soros transfers $18 billion to his liberal philanthropic foundation:

billions to subvert USA (read up on 100 jewish leftist political organizations his money funds). Millions of it is used specifically to attack free speech web sites, and is proven.

ShareBlue paid jew leftists are real. ShareBlue (funded by jew billionaires) changes its name every couple years, : Blue Nation Review , ShareBlue media, American Independent, True Blue Media.

They infest all sites where White people might congregate :



Read all of that link : https://shareblueastroturf.netlify.app/

That well funded group is what is attacking voat.xyz

EVERY comment I ever write is attacked by downvote brigader paid leftists seeking to undermine the userbase of free speech sites like this one.

This site is being dumbed down in stages on purpose.

Few high IQ people whom are not paid leftists will remain, and very few will ever join. This is because higher IQ people loathe hanging out in social groups with too few other high IQ members, as written about in many psychology texts , papers, and essays on the "intellectual chasm" (they all coin other euphemisms though).

Read all of this for synopsis of the attack on this site, though repeats much of this comment :



Merely BANNING POST-TOPIC-DOWNVOTING for 7 days to any "CCP-activity-determined-garbage account' that is caught DOWNVOTING a valid post less than 7 hours old in /News /Politics or /Funny and is deemed a non-spam on topic post, would repair this site in a few days, once builders congregate here again, or do not flee.

The most immediate simple fix to repair /All is to not let builders be run off by the paid Leftist jews.

system could also stop it 100% in one day by not letting these paid leftists have anonymous downvotes (downvote list revealed to ALL) on content if they downvoted tallies more than 3% of their total upvotes (their CCP ratio doled out) and the default subverse topic post they are downvoting is a target with a very high "builder" history. This can be determined by similar metrics of downvotes and upvotes ratios, but only counting upvotes from accounts with under 3% downvote ratio themselves doled out, to prevent "upvote circles by paid leftists". The Leftists have ~370 or so prior curated old dormant accounts they can still use to circumvent elements of my plan, and 40 new accounts made this week, but showing LIST OF DOWNVOTERS of a /News /Politics /Funny post would fix the problem in one day, if it was downvoted by not normal people, but too many accounts with ridiculous downvote activity.


The jew shills (and their admins) all say on other sites that they are "tired" of so much jew naming. Hah!

Makes you really think how much time and money these paid lefties and their sycophant lackeys have. They have millions of dollars to pay contractors. Millions from a pile of $18 billion from Soros, plus ADL/SPLC/JIDF money and Democrat money in ShareBlue.

There is only one free speech web site that offers legal US free speech, and you are using it now.

Paid Leftists will downvote this comment, and system should boot them

[ - ] Rawrination 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 27, 2021 07:24:27 ago (+3/-1)

Damn good post!

[ - ] MasterAce 2 points 2.8 yearsAug 27, 2021 01:53:25 ago (+2/-0)

I agree I posted a white pill thread yesterday. To me it looked like the jew was breeding themselves out of existence.good news right?I thought so.
Got a lot of replies saying nah not so for a few different reasons. At anyrate I was second guessing the post as titled.
I guess what I’m getting at is that doomer- pilling or derailing a white pill thread whether intentional or not is weak. We should be building moral and not building discord and discontent.

[ - ] Mr7Slug 1 point 2.8 yearsAug 26, 2021 22:38:20 ago (+1/-0)


Sorry for the link reply. I'm in a mood.

[ - ] SparklingWiggle [op] 4 points 2.8 yearsAug 26, 2021 22:45:15 ago (+5/-1)

The magicians only real trick is distraction. They always want you looking in the wrong direction when it matters.

[ - ] Mr7Slug 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 26, 2021 22:56:33 ago (+3/-0)

Blame another for what they do. Claim to be one of a group they are not, be heinous so that group catches flak, then flee the scene and Oy Vey! Not positive I'm being coherent tonight.

[ - ] Rawrination 3 points 2.8 yearsAug 27, 2021 07:25:59 ago (+3/-0)

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 2.8 yearsAug 27, 2021 13:59:43 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] account deleted by user -4 points 2.8 yearsAug 27, 2021 07:58:26 ago (+0/-4)

account deleted by user