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6 comments block

[ - ] UncleDoug 2 points 2.5 yearsDec 12, 2021 09:35:38 ago (+2/-0)

The 1918 H1N1 Influenza A was a very real pandemic from an actually dangerous virus for the period.

1/3 of the world got infected and 50M died from it, back before we properly understood immunology. All back when international travel was expensive and uncommon too.

Meanwhile, Covid-19 is a Pharma-scam for a virus that kills 3/100ths of 1% of the population that have two additional underlying co-morbidities.

Bitchute is pretty spastic sometimes, very spastic.

[ - ] shitface9000 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 12, 2021 09:19:52 ago (+1/-0)

Fake spanish flu epidemic

[ - ] o0shad0o [op] 1 point 2.5 yearsDec 12, 2021 09:35:06 ago (+1/-0)

Mmm, no. You could argue that COVID is a fraud, but the Spanish Flu killed a huge number of people, a lot of them fairly young. It was quite a disaster.

If COVID is indeed a fraud it's likely this is the impetus, to bring about a similar atmosphere to allow for the change to a new world order.

[ - ] PygmyGoat 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 13, 2021 00:55:34 ago (+0/-0)*

I read somewhere that it wasn’t actually the Spanish Flu that killed people. It was bacterial pneumonia that killed them. Did the masks people were wearing at the time have something to do with that?


Sounds like pharmaceutical companies experimenting with vaccines may have caused the whole thing.


[ - ] o0shad0o [op] 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 13, 2021 06:53:18 ago (+0/-0)

Secondary bacterial infections are what kill people with most flu infections. The Spanish Flu was supposedly a primary killer, causing a cytokine storm, like COVID is purported to do.

[ - ] HughBriss 0 points 2.5 yearsDec 12, 2021 10:30:10 ago (+0/-0)

The morbidity of COVID-19 is a hoax and is entirely manufactured. However, the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic was not. It was created by vaccination, mostly of US soldiers and sailors going overseas, who were given multiple vaccinations before setting off of unknown and untested formulations.

This is not a theory, it's a fact, and it's documented. There is sufficient correlation between vaccination and morbidity to prove causation. The fact that so many people were sent overseas after they were vaccinated is the reason the epidemic was so thoroughly distributed.

This phenomenon is well described by Eleanor McBean and Eustace Mullins. The link below provides an excellent overview.
