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submitted by UncleDoug to Talk 2.4 yearsJan 3, 2022 09:04:52 ago (+5/-2)     (Talk)

If I wasn't banned from debate in the sub redpills, I'd tell you why Sewell and especially that video is shit.

Thomas Sewell: a Corpse of a system.

What ummm an uhhh orator hmmmmm.
Elocution -2, motivation -10.

He is the bell curve meme where IQ deficient and IQ gifted both come to the same right-wing conclusions, he just doesn't know why because Sewell is the grug on the left.

You're not after debate, you are just an agent provocateur.
Why are you so enamored with Aussies? A massive percentage of your posts are shitting on Australia and Anglos then the other half misappropriated praise.

You are a worthless faggot.

5 comments block

[ - ] big_fat_dangus 4 points 2.4 yearsJan 3, 2022 09:12:49 ago (+4/-0)


[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 3, 2022 11:33:58 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 3, 2022 19:27:42 ago (+1/-0)

19 upvotes on that video is pathetic, its like upvoting someone flushing a turd down the toilet.

Sewell states the obvious, claims he's an educated person.

Offers not intelligent insight into how he thinks we can correct the busted system, just whines for 12min. Literally calls everyone a wanker towards the end, but the only wanker is the one talking and the OP.

He lies about talking to tradies, because they are all wogs on the take, paying cash in the hand to other seppos.
There are no Indian tradies, all ching chong gypies, wog unskilled labour and few Aussie tech trades like carpenter, telecommunications and electricians.
Its good the govt is cracking down on them now and making taxes more transparent, because they are all shifty wogs buying $20 taps, charging $80 and claiming $300. 1/3 of them buy a new car everyear and get the tax payer to pay it off for them. Execute every Guido tradie.

Wogs are the original mooches, first wave fuckups that leech of the system and give nothing back for civil works. They should all get sent back to country of origin with the arabs, and chinks.

There are heaps of examples he could have sighted, this guy knows nothing. Probably just reads /pol/ all day after it went to shit.

The only thing he got right was the realters, however barely touching on the housing crisis, it was less than a footnote he recalled when browsing reddit most likely.
He clearly didn't understand it, just prices bad, wage low, grug sad.

Sewell isn't worth Blair Cottrell's shoelaces. I wouldn't trust him to steer the shopping trolley.

Sewell is a fucking retard along with anyone who posts his brain farts.
He is the bell curve meme where IQ deficient and IQ gifted both come to the same right-wing conclusions, he just doesn't know why because he's the grug on the left.

It's so erratic I cant even articulate in a coherent manner as to categorise concisely his non-arguments.

People have every motivation to succeed, even if the system is corrupt which it is.
People just need to do it outside the system. Find cheap land and learn how to build, landscape and do most things yourself without having to rely on the bent workers in a bent system.
Instead of watching fashwave clips all day he should be looking at actual trade skills, mechanics, computers, landscaping, horticulture, fitness for example, for both himself and to teach others.

I wouldn't follow this fuck into a pub let alone into battle.

What is a good point he made? Let's go through them one by one if there are any.

I see fightKIKEfaggot already drove past and downvoted a fuck tone of my posts in retribution, typical kike behaviour. Atleast I'm not the only one noticing it now.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 2.4 yearsJan 4, 2022 13:20:48 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] UncleDoug [op] 0 points 2.4 yearsJan 5, 2022 04:47:06 ago (+0/-0)

Good job blumen4alles.

Banning contrary opinions is reddit tier and low T, with the exception of breaking site rules.