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Nationalism - scientific study of nationalism

submitted by Conspirologist to Nationalism 1.9 yearsJul 27, 2022 14:47:53 ago (+0/-0)     (Nationalism)




✠ Ubermensch: Human minority able to think rationally and objectively, known as freemen.

☣ Ublichmensch: Human majority unable to think rationally and objectively, aka sheeple.

☠ Untermensch: Inhuman minority capable of lying, stealing, and murdering, aka degenerates.

It's the moral duty of any aware freeman to free the truth among other unaware fellow citizens to secure freedom and safety of our own nations.

Nationalism is an innate instinct of sane mind. It means conscious patriotism and independence for own nations enforced by pride and loyalty.

People of European ancestry must unite and preserve our ancestors legacy to secure our existence and the future for our descendants.

Beware of honeypots promoting fake news, fake science and fake semantics as something very normal and natural to confuse the unaware.

Beware of honeypots promoting any other flag than the white cross of universal perfection on the blue flag as the only symbol of white unity.

Beware of honeypots promoting Nazism and racism as political ideologies, or denying that being straight and nationalist is only natural.

Beware of honeypots promoting immigration even when unemployment is above 0%, or not meritocracy based unlimited wild immigration.

Beware of honeypots promoting private utilities or nationalized businesses as something normal and natural to sabotage and enslave society.

Beware of honeypots promoting degeneracy such as dementia, perversion and criminality as something normal and natural to end evolution.

Beware of honeypots promoting Kabala mind slavery such as prostitution and pornography by sly disguising it look like free choice profession.

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[ - ] deleted 0 points 11 monthsJul 3, 2023 02:27:26 ago (+0/-0)
