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23 comments block

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 13:20:32 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] HonkyMcNiggerSpic 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 13:01:06 ago (+0/-0)

Jews hate God and Jesus. Its in their DNA. They are Satan's children-synagogues of Satan. Watch Sara Silverman's head spin when she gloats about jews murdering Christ. Watch Ethan Klein's recent vid where he says he would love to kill Jesus. all jews are of the dark and they hate the children of the light.

[ - ] deleted 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 11:50:31 ago (+0/-0)


[ - ] Conspirologist [op] 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 12:08:54 ago (+0/-0)

It doesn't work. Normies don't care. Normies are slaves.

[ - ] FreeinTX 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 10:37:45 ago (+0/-0)

He's basically paraphrasing the Talmud.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 08:24:40 ago (+1/-1)

Of course tranny atheists would say that. Well, that just means the opposite is true.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist -2 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 09:34:47 ago (+0/-2)*

No, if the ones who run international finance and rule the government of almost every major country beleive that a thing is true, that means it most likely means it IS true.

These people did not get where they are by falling for bullshit, and you can only assume as much power as these yids have at their disposal if you are willing to accept reality as it is.

Garbage in = garbage out, their success is a testimonial to their clarity in assessing reality, a task that psychopaths are particularly adept in compared to those lacking their degree of psychopathy.

If they are willing to risk committing themselves to hell by denying God and spreading that denial to others, either they are more certain than we will ever be about it, or they have some sort of insurance or backup plan just in case they were wrong.

I think it's pathetic for us to try to look down upon the most powerful and successful people on Earth.

These aren't idiots, and they are not losers, quite the opposite, what they are and what they've done to become it means that they and their predecessors were as clever and dominating as they needed to be.

Does that mean their opinions are correct? Not exactly.
Does that mean they are not our enemy and not a threat to be taken out? Far from it.

But it does mean that if they say something is the case and truly beleive it to be so, it's likely that with their unsurpassed access to knowledge and their current place in the world, that it wouldn't be likely that they would make a mistake when they state that something is a fact.

Though maybe they are lying, and trusting us to fall for a lie, then again the consequences that are said to exist for such a lie if it is indeed false would give me reason to question the idea of them as being liars on this particular matter.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 09:46:32 ago (+0/-0)

They got there through nepotism and brown nosing.

[ - ] deleted 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 10:33:06 ago (+1/-0)


[ - ] AntiPostmodernist -2 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 09:52:05 ago (+0/-2)

Ok, why haven't you gotten there yet by the same means?

Surely your family and you can just easily replicate their success if it takes so little to get it.

These men stand at the top of the world and you dismiss the talent that it takes to get there.

Also, they didn't just get to the top, they remained at the top, people must have tried to dethrone them or outcompete them, cleverer men than you.

Look, one trait of a successful person is the ability to look at the success of someone they hate and still recognize that if they got it they must have had the qualities needed to get themselves there.

You come across as a loser because of your failure to do so. It is this deliberate underestimating of the enemy that makes you unable to defeat them.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 11:46:08 ago (+0/-0)

Because I don't suck dick for money, and I'm not a jew. Are you naturally stupid or did you work at it? My talents keep me and my family alive just fine, and they're in demand. You come across as a transexual cheerleader.

[ - ] RomanSalute 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 13:33:01 ago (+0/-0)

I wish I had the world bank backing the success of my people

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist -1 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 14:38:38 ago (+0/-1)

The world bank backs the success of the jews because jews established it and they run it for their own people.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 09:48:48 ago (+0/-0)

No mam, they got there through inbreeding, and selling themselves like whores for the globalist cause. They have no great insights or knowledge, they control the money, which is just numbers on a computer screen. Their transhuman agenda is complete bullshit, that's why they backpedal their plans constantly.

They guarantee obedience through blackmail, remember Epstein Island? They all belong to the same club, that doesn't make these people super smart or capable. Most of them are decidedly average, and are born into, or assimilated into positions of power. They themselves are not massively competent or capable, they pay others to do that on their behalf.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist -1 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 10:00:34 ago (+0/-1)

I'm talking about the jews at the top, the most powerful people in the world, they have nobody to impress, they have no one to suck up to in this world. Maybe they are devil worshippers or something and have some otherworldly master to appease, who knows? But even if they do, they got to be the top dog, and have managed to remain so since the age of the industrial revolution at the very latest.

The kind of operations you describe are difficult to run, and if what else they had done could be credited for their success that just shows that you should be doing the same in order to emulate that success and possibly rise to challenge them.

If the world is run by inbred satanic pedophile jews, then what does that say about inbred satanic pedophile jews? It says that they have the qualities and practices that allow them to rule the world and remain in the precarious position as world rulers.

You are pointing at the most rich and most powerful and claiming they are weak and stupid.

That's like being the kid who gets a D in class and telling someone that the kids who walked away with A's were the ones who did most poorly in the subject.

It's delusional and self damaging.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 11:48:58 ago (+1/-0)

I'm talking about the jews at the top, the most powerful people in the world, they have nobody to impress, they have no one to suck up to in this world.

Pure nepotism, the ones at the pinnacle didn't earn their place, they were born into it.

You are pointing at the most rich and most powerful and claiming they are weak and stupid.

They are decidedly average.

It's delusional and self damaging.

Put your money where your mouth is.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 1 point 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 12:02:41 ago (+1/-0)

Remember when these best and brightest fucked up the stock market and had to bail themselves out? It wasn't the first time these geniuses fucked up so catastrophically that they had to print money to keep their corporations afloat. Maybe you have a short memory, or are willfully ignorant, either is entirely possible.

Can these people drive car faster than I can around a race track? Fight better than me in the ring? Manage a business, produce higher quality advancements in aeronautical engineering? Have better hand skills when it comes to machinery? If they're so much better than me at everything why aren't they running their corporations, why do they need to hire others to do their dirty work? It's so hard to do nothing 9 months out of the year, and drink baby blood.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 12:10:00 ago (+0/-0)

Remember when these super geniuses thought that going woke would be a fantastic financial idea? That's why they implemented ESG right? Cause they're so erudite and perspicacious that they saw going woke as a sure-fire way to bring in the cash. Remember when they just assumed that people would fork over cash for new graphics cards regardless of the price? I guess that's why they back tracked and lowered the price on the 4080s. Sheer genius if you ask me /S.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist -1 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 12:27:43 ago (+0/-1)

They didn't see the woke shit as profitable, they saw it as another means of programming the masses.

ESG was the way they got the companies to put that propaganda on despite there being no profit in it.

And if we are going to be honest here, at the time companies were going woke, they had already assumed total control over the market, they could afford to piss off their customers because there were no alternatives for most of their customers to turn to, and where there were, the jews quickly dominated that too.

Lastly, why would the people who can assume possession of all the money in any western country care for making a profit? It's power they deal in.

Your point is stupid.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 12:35:55 ago (+0/-0)

They didn't see the woke shit as profitable, they saw it as another means of programming the masses.

And it failed, so not exactly a ringing endorsement there is it? Woke virus has been rejected, they didn't gain any power from it, you're no Rhoad's Scholar.

In fact you're more like this.


Fed boy.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 12:50:30 ago (+0/-0)

The WEF cock suckers you worship:
"I know how we can become more powerful and increase our influence, we'll destroy our corporations that have the most reach and influence"

LMAO, if I'm dumb your WEF buddies are chewed gum.

[ - ] AntiPostmodernist -1 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 14:43:37 ago (+0/-1)

Their corporations are doing fine.

Like I said, there's no other option BUT to buy from those corporations, they have a monopoly on every market, they can do whatever the fuck they want without fear of losing market shares.

Also, money is not an object for these people anymore, power is, they can afford to toss away trillions of dollars, even if the companies go under nothing will happen to the rich/powerful or their plans for the world.

Their endgoal is one of global communism, where all the world are enslaved, and all production and distribution are centralized in the hands of these assholes, so they had a plan to do away with these companies to begin with.

You are obviously not thinking this through.

[ - ] usedoilanalysis 0 points 1.5 yearsDec 18, 2022 14:51:47 ago (+0/-0)

Like I said, there's no other option BUT to buy from those corporations


Like I said, if you destroy the interest people have in the companies that carry out your social engineering, then you don't have social engineering. But keep your tranny atheist beliefs. We can argue all you want but retail tells a different tale, and if they didn't care about money they wouldn't be back tracking now would they?

Typical faggot tranny thinks its thoughts are reality, lol.