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Brenton Tarrant in Call of Duty: Black Ops III

submitted by Sector7 to funny 1.9 yearsJan 8, 2023 16:01:59 ago (+6/-0)     (watchpeopledie.tv)


Sorry (not sorry) if this post glorifies violence in a culturally relevant, yet amusing manner.

11 comments block

[ - ] signy 1 point 1.9 yearsJan 8, 2023 16:47:10 ago (+1/-0)

I wonder what happened to this psyop character "Brenton"?

[ - ] Sector7 [op] 1 point 1.9 yearsJan 8, 2023 17:08:01 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] signy 1 point 1.9 yearsJan 8, 2023 17:13:31 ago (+1/-0)

Thanks. The last time I saw a picture of him he looked like a different person and very malnourished.

[ - ] Fascinus 1 point 1.9 yearsJan 8, 2023 16:14:16 ago (+1/-0)

[ - ] Sector7 [op] 1 point 1.9 yearsJan 8, 2023 16:19:40 ago (+1/-0)

If you make a catbox account, are all your links saved?

[ - ] Fascinus 1 point 1.9 yearsJan 8, 2023 16:23:48 ago (+1/-0)

That's a good question. Never tried making an account there.

Would be interested in hearing from anyone who has.

[ - ] MartinTimothy -1 points 1.9 yearsJan 8, 2023 16:28:44 ago (+0/-1)*

The Alleged March 15, 2019 Christchurch NZ Mosque Masssacre was total bs.

Massaker in Neuseeland, False Flag.
New Zealand Shooting Hoax Exposed.
Christchurch New Zealand Shooting Hoax.
New Zealand Mosque Attacks - False Flag.
New Zealand Shooting & History of False Flags.
False Flag New Zealand Mosque Shooting Exposed. Ok.
The New Zealand Shooting Smells Like a False Flag.
New Zealand False Flag Attack, Don't Give Up Your Guns. Ok.
Nutritional Revalution - New Zealand Shooting is a False Flag.
Alleged New Zealand Mass Shooting Has Mossad Fingerprints All Over. Ok.
Video: Christchurch Mosque Shooting Hoax, Crypto Jew Spotted "Sellin' it".
Fakeologist.com - Good Christchurch, New Zealand Joins the Terror Hoax Fray. Ok.
Fake New Zealand Mosque Shooting Illuminati Hoax Psyop False Flag Attack Exposed.
Christchurch New Zealand Terrorist Attack, Tim Pool Reports False Flag Patsy Review With LDA. Ok.
Crisis Actors Exposed - New Zealand Mosque Shooting, Freemasonry, Illuminati, Hoax, Psyop, False Flag.
Thoughts on the Alleged New Zealand Shooting .. Gladio European False Flag Terrorism Sponsored by NATO.
False Flag New Zealand Mosque Shooting & Palestine Bombing Rothschild Khazar Mob WWIII, MIR, 15 March.
All4Alarp.com - The New Zealand Shooting Hoax Analyzed, the False Flag event that is fooling all the sheep in the world wake up people.
QAnon Aotearoa - The Truth About the PsyOp Alleged Mosque Shooting in Christchurch New Zealand, a False Flag Op by the CIA & Mossad.

NZ False Flag Right Out of the Deep State Playbook - The DS rabbit hole is deeper than anyone could imagine, challenge the narrative break the chains of mind control.

The Shooting Hoax Down Under Commentary, Plus Brazil Hoax Analysis - This video has been blocked for breaching site community guidelines and is currently unavailable.

Psyop Shooting Hoax in New Zealand "Live Streamed" - This video has been blocked for breaching site community guidelines and is currently unavailable.

Breaking: New Zealand False Flag by Zionist Israel With Complete New Zealand Police & Freemason Complicity - Update 1: Multiple Additional False Flag Confirmatory Articles.

Alleged Christchurch shooter Brendon Tarrant is the son of two British parents of Jewish origin - As long as Jared Kushner & John Bolton are in the White House the US Government is in enemy hands, Zionists did 9/11.

Robert David Steele @ VT: The Alleged New Zealand Mosque Massacre Was a Completely Staged False Flag Event, Managed by Mossad in Complicity With Corrupt NZ Police & National Authorities .. no one died. Ok.

Scott Bennett - "The NZ Affair is a False Flag Zionist Op to Draw Attention From Ongoing Massacres in Gaza & Yemen, for the benefit of Israeli intelligence and the US military industrial police state.

NorthernTruthSeeker: Christchurch Mosque Shooting False Flag - What an amazing coincidence that drills were taking place in Christchurch while the [alleged] shootings were underway.

Ole Dammegard on the Christchurch "Event" - He says the same group that travels the world like a rock and roll band carries out FF attacks of this nature, that he can predict where they will strike. Ok.

New Zealand Mosque Shooting is Drill Staged False Flag by the Government - The story the media is giving the public regarding an anti immigration manifesto is absurd.

MillenniumReport - Did Gladio do New Zealand as a False Flag to Demonize Trump & Shut Down the Right, why was John Podesta in NZ days before .. this was to demonize nationalism & further censor the internet. Ok.

New Zealand Mosque Shooting Hoax - So the alleged shooter openly writes he wants a white ethno state and hates conservatives, then claims black conservative Candace Owens is his inspiration.

Stormfront: New Zealand "Mass Shooting" Yet Another Hoax - Sometimes extremist Moslems are blamed in these Mossad operations, in this case White Nationalists are taking the heat. Ok.

Mosque Shooting in New Zealand a False Flag - Features such as comments, sharing & suggested videos have been disabled for this video because of content that may be inappropriate or offensive.

Australian Senator Frasier Anning Clambers Aboard the [Alleged] NZ Mosque Shooting Bandwagon - This wretched creature has no problem that TerrorGrüppe Kurzberg the "Celebrating Jews of 911" have had safe haven in his home town of Brisbane since the day of the outrage, sure he is a [capital] traitor.

The "Manifesto pdf" released by alleged NZ Mosque Massacre perp Brenton Tarrant, which as the links above assert was total bs in any case, while many of the links including the manifesto itself are down .. we are dealing with massive Zionist sponsored censorship here.

Brenton Tarrant r'soles.

[ - ] Sector7 [op] 1 point 1.9 yearsJan 8, 2023 16:59:01 ago (+1/-0)

I don't know about the rest of it, but the shooting itself was as real as you can get on video. We went through that frame by frame when it first came out, after all those people were calling fake. The "missing shell casings" and all the rest of the 'fake proofs' were basically perception fails.


If it's still on Kiwifarms, that's probably the highest quality video available.

Most of your links are dead or blocked. The first 'ok' link is just some kid who sounds off his meds a bit.

If it was some kind of 'false flag' event, is the problem that they're just mocking us for being unable to do the needful ourselves? Because they're 'misdirecting' us away from the jews? Is it 'unfair' that they started before us? What's the problem?

[ - ] AngryWhiteKeyboardWarrior 2 points 1.9 yearsJan 8, 2023 17:17:16 ago (+2/-0)

He does the same copypasta every time someone brings this up. Might as well be a bot.

[ - ] bonghits4jeebus 1 point 1.9 yearsJan 8, 2023 18:03:12 ago (+1/-0)

Yeah I had no doubt after seeing that video. It's also a primary source. This was recorded from livestream. I mean I guess someone could figure out a way to playback a video, but you know the simplest explanation is probably correct

We don't get this kind of evidence for most shootings for obvious reasons. In Las Vegas, even the crappy recordings we got proved that there was more going on than the government let on. They don't want recordings of these things.

[ - ] ItsOk2bArian 0 points 1.9 yearsJan 8, 2023 19:13:38 ago (+0/-0)

But I want to believe, don't burst the bubble man